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  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New tests:
     * Tests for SPIR-V 1.4
     * Enable explicit_lod tests
     * Add pipeline derivatives to compute subgroup tests
     * Various GraphicsFuzz tests
     * Tests for integer cooperative matrix
     * Test blitting with 1D and 3D depth/stencil images
     * Add VK_NV_ray_tracing infrastructure and test
     * Add copy tests for wide and tall images
     * Add tests for VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_extended_types
     * Test minimum alignment for texel buffers.
     * VK_EXT_line_rasterization tests
     * Test SPIRV comparison operations with 64-bit types
     * Add tests checking max varyings per shader stage
     * Add OpFRem to SPIR-V precision tests
     * Test for loop with condition always false
     * Test cbuffer packing with scalar block layout
     * Test enum with settings for separate controls
     * Add touch tests for volatile atomics
     * Test input attachments in random descriptor sets test group
     * Test buffer and image properties with external host memory
     * Add VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_ballot gl_SubGroup*MaskARB tests
     * Testing for sampleShadingEnable
     * Increase mediump precision testing
     * Add depthBounds tests for VK_EXT_depth_range_unrestricted
     * convert{su}tof and convertfto{su} tests with float16 need Float16 capability
     * Test vkCmdClearAttachments with unused depth/stencil attachments
     * Test 64-bit results with transform feedback queries
     * Test 32-bit stat queries with vkGetQueryPoolResults
     * Add QueryIndexed tests when streamId is zero
     * Test DMA buffers as external image memory
     * Test 32-bit timestamp query results
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_ballot
     * Test vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults with transform feedback queries
     * Skip test with no display plane is available
     * Fix subnormal floats in extended image usage tests
     * Fix relaxed precision and no perspective dEQP tests
     * Fixed flags used to select queue in dEQP-VK.synchronization.op.multi_queue
     * Fix semaphore creation in smoke tests
     * Split descriptor set indexing render pass workload
     * Add feature requirements to existing amber files
     * Add variable pointers requirement for vktSpvAsmPtrAccessChainTests
     * Fix buffer alignment in dynamic offset tests
     * Fix broadcastFirst tests
     * remove opconstantnull physical storage pointer tests
     * Fix basicMultiFenceWaitAllFalseCase test
     * Fix 64bit type promotions in subgroup tests
     * Generate 'false' sometimes for random bool data
     * Tidy up extension headers in ballot_broadcast tests
     * Remove unnecessary extension from float16 constant tests
     * Remove 16 storage from float16 logicals tests
     * Remove 16-bit storage requirement from float16 func tests
     * Remove 16-bit storage requirement from half arithmetic tests
     * Remove unnecessary 16-bit storage requirement
     * Accept saturated values for the 32bit buffer
     * Fix API usage errors in geometry tests
     * Texel view compatible: Image: proper check for image format supports
     * 1d_image: enforce height 1 in decompress stage as well
     * 1d_image: basic: compute: texel_view_compatible: set size.y to 1
     * external fence tests: account for sync fd -1 in multiple export case
     * Fix depth store flag in seperate_channels tests
     * Float controls: graphics: fix 16bit storage validation
     * Need Float16 capability for float16 tests
     * Fix Float16 validation for 16bt storage tests
     * Float controls: break out extra functions as separate from constants
     * Account for precision loss in unorm depth pipeline
     * Float controls: compute: fix for strict 16bit storage validation
     * Add missing invalidates in depth/stencil resolve tests
     * Remove superfluous shuffle code
     * Rename subgroup.partitioned tests
     * Use templates instead of copying code
     * Fix 16bit/8bit storage validation for workgroup memory tests
     * Need Float16 in some derivative tests
     * Check if the statistics query results are linear
     * Don't generate then squash subnormal numbers
     * Fix validation VK_KHR_16bit_storage in opphi test
     * Add input attachment restrictions to  makeCreateImageInfo()
     * Fix random generation for isinf/isnan tests
     * Remove float16 derivatives tests
     * Make texture aniso basic self tests less sensitive
     * Relaxes line rasterization tolerances
     * Generate a non-zero exit code on test failure
     * Use the correct imageType for image support checks.
     * Fix wrong wait stage mask
     * Fix in shadercacheLoad
     * Remove uses of strstr in vktSpvAsmFloatControlsTests.cpp
     * Limit the apiVersion of the instance within the CTS framework
     * Test all quad broadcasts in one test
     * Use a single test source for quad tests
     * Allow multiprocess execution for conformance submissions
     * Always require glslang and spirv-tools to be present
     * made independent from VK versions
     * Run SPIR-V assembly type tests in compute shaders
     * Improve verification in sampled image tests
     * Enable validation layers for custom devices and instances
     * Combine ARB and Core subgroupBroadcast code
     * Share instance/device across test case instances in dEQP-VK.synchronization.*
     * Use the default device in dEQP-VK.api.buffer.* tests
     * Cut down on repetition in the subgroup tests
     * Remove duplication from YCbCrUtils
     * Further tidy up the subgroup vote sources
     * Backport non-extension subgroup changes from next-dev
  • opengl-es-cts-
    OpenGL ES CTS
    New tests:
     * gles2: Add tests for EXT_clip_control
     * CTS for EXT_texture_shadow_lod
     * Add support for GL_KHR_shader_subgroup
     * Add tests for EGL 1.5
     * Add const matrix multiply test
     * Add test for vec.swizzle *= matrix
     * Add some tests for redeclarations of builtins
     * Add GL test for invalid layouts function param
     * Add GL test for preprocessor stringification
     * Add wide color tests for RGB888 surfaces.
     * Prefer sized formats in internalformat tests
     * Remove tests that check non-zero values for reservedMustBeZero after GL 4.2
     * Allow lower precision reference to support mediump
     * Correct usage of the DEQP_SUPPORT_X11 macro with the cts-runner
     * Disable the 565 config requirement for X11
     * Use unsized internal format in KHR-GLES2.texture_3d.[copy_sub_image|framebuffer_texture].rgba8
     * Use GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE_OES when testing textures 3D
     * Replace imageAtomicAdd with imageAtomicExchange in vertex shader
     * Fix invalid parameter for GLES 2.0
     * Don't allocate a GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY with full render target width/height
     * Fix command line parameters processing of TestLog
     * Use maximum conformant sample count configuration
     * Fix for windows heights that are not a multiple of 4
     * Differentiate shader storage blocks needed for VS and FS
     * Remove unessential non-ascii symbols from source
     * Fix compile errors for GL subgroups
     * gl4cComputeShaderTests: correct conversion
     * Remove "using namespace glu" from header
     * framework: propagate ResourceError exception from postIterate
     * GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: mind double types
     * GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: use separable programs
     * GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: no structs as VS inputs
     * GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: remove dead code
     * GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: fix interstage interfaces
     * GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: fix interstage interfaces
     * GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: use centroid and sample
     * GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: mind double types
     * GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: mind double types
     * GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: use component 0 for mat
     * GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: mind double types
     * GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: mind aliasing bit width
     * GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: fix arrays in {G,TC,TE}S
     * GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: no static use of inputs
     * GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: add missing out varyings
     * GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: correct usage of "flat"
     * GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: no def in untested stage
     * Fix context creation in robust_buffer_access_behavior test
     * Create context with CONTEXT_ROBUST for robust buffer access tests
     * EGL 1.5 CreatePlatform*
     * Fix deleting texture in DSA test
     * Fix GL errors expected for glClearNamedBufferData and glClearNamedBufferSubData
     * glSpirvTests: fix transform feedback query
     * Fix ARB_gl_spirv multiple shader object test
     * Update SPIR-V compiler wrapper for OpenGL
     * Terminate EGL display after use
     * Use precompiled headers on MSVC
     * Reduce padding in shared memory tests
     * Use non-arrayed varying name for TCS blocks
     * Fix build warnings in SPIR-V tests
     * Scale texture sizes to fit within available memory
     * Fix malformed assets, use DE_FATAL
     * Fix invalid combinations for texture/copy on ES2 driver
     * Free framebuffer objects after use.
     * Do not expect TCS shader with XFB variables to fail linkging in GL
     * bufSize of glGetInternalformativ does not follow spec
     * Add cases for structs as inout and out parameters.
     * Fix invalid combinations for texture/copy on ES2 driver
     * Fix resource leaks in arrays_of_arrays
     * Don't used a fragment output in the shader storage buffer object test
     * Ensure that SPIR-V Headers are always present
     * TextureBarrier required for texture_view.coherency
     * Update GL/ES mustpasses
     * Interface mismatch in KHR-GL45.enhanced_layouts.xfb_block_stride
     * Format mismatch between bound texture and image layout specifier
     * Properly handle edge case in GL FP64 tests
     * Max compiler threads only specifies a suggestion
     * Remove undefined EGL test cases
     * Test does not clean up all references
     * Exclude texture_view.view_classes
     * Fix various GCC 8 Warnings
     * Sparse Texture tests not following spec
     * Skip BC/DXT formats in Texture3D tests
     * Wrong shaders in glcParallelShaderCompileTests.cpp
     * Fixed some visual studio warnings
     * Fixes wrong MIN_MAP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT limit
     * This change fixes an issue in BindBufferOffsetEXT
     * Retarget cts-runner to the master mustpass
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New tests
     * Add tests for VK_KHR_shader_clock
     * Add signal ordering tests
     * Add tests for VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore
     * Extended: texel_view_compatible: image: fix image coord
     * Account for precision loss in unorm depth pipeline
     * Add check if usage is supported for image format
     * Check write vertex support in descriptor indexing
     * 1d_image: enforce height 1 in decompress stage as well
     * 1d_image: basic: compute: texel_view_compatible: set size.y to 1
     * Texel view compatible: Image: proper check for image format supports
     * Fix depth store flag in seperate_channels tests
     * Initialize output buffer in fragment_shader_interlock tests
     * Increase the sleep measurement tolerance to 100ms
     * Require standardSampleLocations for imageless fb resolve tests
     * vktAmberTestCase: Bump recipe timeout to 10 minutes.
     * Use 4 samples for imageless framebuffer resolve tests
     * Correct handling of independentResolveNone
     * Check whether the underlying format is supported in format_reinterpret tests
     * Speed up hierarchy traversal, part 2
     * Share instance/device across test case instances in dEQP-VK.synchronization.*
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New tests:
     * VK_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock tests
     * New tests for VK_EXT_shader_demote_to_helper_invocation
     * Test coverage for VK_EXT_index_type_uint8
     * VK_KHR_pipeline_executable_properties tests
     * Avoid timeouts in dEQP-VK.api.device_init.create_instance_device_intentional_alloc_fail
     * Fixes binding_model tests check for shaderInt64
     * Fix uniformBufferStandardLayout enforcement to match spec
     * Use enumerateDeviceExtensionProperties in mandatory features
     * Fixes sync test shader instance counts
     * Adds geometry shader check for test
     * Reduce long execution time in spirv_asm float16
     * Fix pixels_resolution computation in GLSL shader
     * external fence tests: account for sync fd -1 in multiple export case
     * Adds cubic filter to allowed ycbcr format features
     * Check supported features and properties for transform feedback tests
     * Fixes stencil load/store flags in renderpass tests
     * Have just one definition of AmberTestCase
     * Fix AmberTestCase feature mapping for geometryShader
     * Split compute workload into multiple submissions
     * 1d_image: basic: compute: texel_view_compatible: set size.y to 1
     * Fix incorrect layout transition in render pass
     * Add pipeline barriers flushing buffer data to host
     * Provide a highp variable to MAKE_HIGH_BALLOT_RESULT
     * Update device_group test to ignore VK_SUBOPTIMAL_KHR
     * Add result buffer invalidates to depth stencil resolve tests
     * Add missing checks for sampleShading feature
     * Add barrier to access chain workgroup tests
     * Fix wrong image usage flags in external memory info tests
     * Make random number usage platform independent
     * Fixes 64bit random values for 32bit CTS build
     * Pipeline barriers flushing buffer data to host
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
     * Split compute workload into multiple submissions
     * Add pipeline barriers flushing buffer data to host
     * Provide a highp variable to MAKE_HIGH_BALLOT_RESULT
     * Update device_group test to ignore VK_SUBOPTIMAL_KHR
     * Add result buffer invalidates to depth stencil resolve tests
     * Add missing checks for sampleShading feature
     * Fix wrong image usage flags in external memory info tests
     * Make random number usage platform independent
     * Fixes 64bit random values for 32bit CTS build
     * Pipeline barriers flushing buffer data to host
     * Add compatible memory type check for given handle
     * Remove conformance version test from Android
     * Fix Android WSI incremental present image tests
     * Exclude dEQP-VK.ssbo.layout.random.scalar.75
     * Add support for building with Visual Studio 2019
     * Split shared_presentable_image tests into more dimensions to avoid timeout
     * Fix Android WSI shared presentable image test OOM
     * Fix Android WSI shared presentable image tests
     * Fix vertex binding stride in rasterization.primitive_size.points
     * Fix Clang 8 and GCC 9 warnings
     * Fix wrong image usage flags in api feature info tests
     * Fix sample read tests to use sample rate shading
     * Fix image_extent test to handle OOM errors
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
     * Add result buffer invalidates to depth stencil resolve tests
     * Add missing checks for sampleShading feature
     * Make random number usage platform independent
     * Fixes 64bit random values for 32bit CTS build
     * Pipeline barriers flushing buffer data to host
     * Remove conformance version test from Android
     * Fix Android WSI incremental present image tests
     * Exclude dEQP-VK.ssbo.layout.random.scalar.75
     * Split shared_presentable_image tests into more dimensions to avoid timeout
     * Fix Android WSI shared presentable image test OOM
     * Fix Android WSI shared presentable image tests
     * Fix Clang 8 and GCC 9 warnings
     * Fix sample read tests to use sample rate shading
     * Fix image_extent test to handle OOM errors
     * Check for toplevel sparse binding support bit in sparse pipeline tests
     * Add a checker for vkQueuePresent returning VK_SUBOPTIMAL_KHR
     * Fix more sampleShading issues in dEQP-VK.pipeline.multisample_shader_builtin.*
     * Fix for SSBO offset alignment
     * Split incremental_present tests into more dimensions to avoid timeout
     * Fixes protected memory swapchain image format oom
     * Require variablePointersStorageBuffer feature in pointer_parameter tests
     * Fixes precise occlusion query tests
     * Waiver for device-scope core memory model tests.
     * Add GeometryPointSize feature check
     * Add feature checks to shader builtin tests
     * Check for imageCubeArray feature in image tests
     * Check for required features in memory model tests
     * Fix image sizes for formats that need a multiple of 2.
     * Check for largePoints feature and add 1px test variant
     * Remove incorrect unroll_dont_unroll test
     * Don't set sampleShadingEnable in dEQP-VK.pipeline.framebuffer_attachment.*
     * Fix stack underflow in incremental present test
     * Fix regression in subgroups tests after merging 393912cd
     * Fixes linear support check for pipeline tests
     * Check for depthBiasClamp feature before using it
     * Check for imageCubeArray support before using VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_CUBE_ARRAY
     * Reduce expected precision of RGB10A2 filtering
     * Fix memory initialisation in subgroups tests
     * Fixes pipeline tests to check for maxSamplerLodBias
     * Add float 16 calculation into FMA tests
     * Create YCbCr with PREDEFINED layout
     * Check for geometry shader support when testing adjacency topologies
     * Add hasDisplay check after createWsiDisplay throws
     * Fix uninitialized variable reported by gcc 8.3
     * Fix element size for R16G16B16A16_UNORM.
     * Fixed buffer memory type for protected test
     * Check for geometry shader support when testing adjacency topologies
     * Missing format checks for vertex attribute and color attachments in input_ouput tests
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New tests:
     * Test image load/store with packed formats
     * Add tests for OpPtrAccessChain on Workgroup storage
     * Enable OpFMod testing for 16-bit
     * Check every available device and host time domains
     * Add more image dimensions to image clearing tests
     * Add test for concurrent draw and compute
     * Add VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_vote extension tests
     * Test vkCmdClearAttachments with unused attachments
     * Add tests without color buffer and with vertex only pipe
     * Add VK_EXT_depth_range_unrestricted tests
     * Add smoke test with unknown extension structure
     * Add VK_EXT_host_query_reset tests for transform feedback stream queries
     * Extend image store/load tests
     * Add test for mandatory device features ( chapter 35.1 )
     * Add more tests for YCbCr samplers
     * Add tests for EXT_separate_stencil_usage
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_external_memory_dma_buf
     * Add alpha to coverage test with unused attachment
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps
     * Add SPIR-V unused variable tests
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_pipeline_creation_feedback extension
     * Add multiview tests iterating with VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor
     * Check vkCmdFillBuffer with sizes not multiple of 4
     * Test separate channels as input and output
     * Add tests for EXT_discard_rectangles
     * Add tests for UPDATE_AFTER_BIND bindings
     * VK_EXT_memory_budget and VK_EXT_memory_priority
     * Add Transform Feedback tests triangle-strip-with-adjacency
     * Add Transform Feedback tests for builtin variables
     * Add Transform Feedback tests
     * Add VK_EXT_pci_bus_info tests
     * Add tests for provoking vertex
     * Test multiple interpolations in a shader stage
     * Use nonsymmetric dimensions for attachment clear tests
     * Add tests for VK_KHR_imageless_framebuffer
     * Split shared_presentable_image tests into more dimensions to avoid timeout
     * Speed up hierarchy traversal, part 1
     * Reformat and share the subgroup vote shader source
     * Merge common util functions, part 2
     * Only test precision in compute stages
     * Early support check for tests (part 1)
     * Support validation layers in push descriptor tests
     * Autogenerate check(Device|Instance)Extensions
     * Unify getShaderStageName helper
     * Generate all DeviceFeatures related code
     * Require Python 3
     * Raise CMake required version to 3.0
     * Move to a single Vulkan mustpass
     * Allow C99, C++11
     * Auto-generate DeviceFeatures class
     * Add support for building with Visual Studio 2019
     * SPIR-V assembly tests require Invocations in Geometry shaders
     * Allows initialisation of float16 values for comparison tests by casting.
     * Fix more 16bit denorms in precision tests
     * Cast invocation ID correctly in allequal tests
     * Fix Android WSI shared presentable image test OOM
     * Fix Android WSI shared presentable image tests
     * Fix feature requirements of sample mask tests
     * Fix derivate dynamic tests to check shader stage support
     * Fix rounding when casting to integer
     * Fix template usage in precision tests
     * Fix memory commitment tests for devices with no lazily allocated memory
     * Fix vertex binding stride in rasterization.primitive_size.points
     * Fix Clang 8 and GCC 9 warnings
     * Remove unneeded casts from EXT subgroup vote tests
     * Remove unary plus operator tests
     * Fix build for concurrent draw tests
     * Remove duplicate floating-point precision testing
     * Check consistency of GetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties
     * Fix denorm code for fp16-as-32 tests
     * Add flags to check whether tests are supported
     * Fix depth stencil multisample image usage validation error
     * Fix protected memory swapchain tests
     * Fix typo in precision tests
     * Fix wrong image usage flags in api feature info tests
     * Remove unessential non-ascii symbols from source
     * Remove duplicate code from vktRenderPassTests.cpp
     * Fix synchronization issues in descriptor_indexing tests
     * Fixes DeviceFeatures long execution time
     * Fix sample read tests to use sample rate shading
     * Pull in TOT Vulkan headers
     * Fix validation errors in YCbCr array layer tests
     * Fix validation errors in buffer_device_address tests
     * Make depth less predictable in renderpass tests
     * Remove subpass clear colors initialization
     * Simplify precisions in GLSL precision tests
     * Fix random number generation in GLSL precision tests
     * Fix image_extent test to handle OOM errors
     * Improve VK_KHR_swapchain coverage
     * Compile only necessary shaders in texture tests
     * Fix build for GCC/Clang
     * Fix vkGetPhysicalDevicePresentRectanglesKHR() call
     * Require independentBlend in write mask tests
     * Use square dimensions for CUBE_COMPATIBLE 2D images
     * Add barriers to read query data after copy
     * Use separate filtering precision for each channel
     * Remove frexp tests from the list of test issues
     * Check sampleRateShading on sample shading tests
     * Add feature checks to shader builtin tests
     * Add GeometryPointSize feature check
     * Make validation function more robust
     * Check for largePoints feature and add 1px test variant
     * Check queries unavailable with reset and copy
     * Fix spelling of "preserve" in float controls tests
     * Don't pass YcbcrConversion objects when not used
     * Vary vertex buffer stride in pipeline barrier tests
     * Change spir-v optimizer recipes
     * Fix API usage errors in subgroups.* tests
     * Add *_MAX_ENUM to enum definitions
     * Fix shader common function tests
     * Fix run command for Windows
     * Update generate scripts for python3
     * Make random number usage platform independent
     * Factor out copies of makeBufferCreateInfo
     * Simplify support checking and fix typos in messages
     * Merge common util functions, part 1
     * vulkancts/README: Recommend -msse2 -mfpmath=sse for 32-bit x86 builds
     * Reduce expected precision of RGB10A2 filtering
     * Add feature checks to spirv assembly tests
     * Add float 16 calculation into FMA tests
     * Create YCbCr with PREDEFINED layout
     * Add hasDisplay check after createWsiDisplay throws
     * Missing format checks for vertex attribute and color attachments in input_ouput tests
     * Fix malformed assets, use DE_FATAL
     * Add helper function for creating Amber test cases
     * Fix buffer RAW hazards in MultiQueue synchronization tests
     * vktAmberTestCase::parse second argument is a string
     * Fix damage binary length field in shadercacheSave
     * Remove conformance version test from Android
     * Fix Android WSI incremental present image tests
     * Exclude dEQP-VK.ssbo.layout.random.scalar.75
     * Add compatible memory type check for given handle
     * Fix image layouts in descriptor indexing tests
     * Fix command line parameters processing of TestLog
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
     * Handle 1.0 vs 1.1 differences for VK_KHR_device_group
     * Check for toplevel sparse binding support bit in sparse pipeline tests
     * Add a checker for vkQueuePresent returning VK_SUBOPTIMAL_KHR
     * Fix more sampleShading issues in dEQP-VK.pipeline.multisample_shader_builtin.*
     * Fix for SSBO offset alignment
     * Split incremental_present tests into more dimensions to avoid timeout
     * Fixes protected memory swapchain image format oom
     * Split compute workload into multiple submissions
     * Require variablePointersStorageBuffer feature in pointer_parameter tests
     * Fixes precise occlusion query tests
     * Waiver for device-scope core memory model tests.
     * Add GeometryPointSize feature check
     * Add feature checks to shader builtin tests
     * Check for imageCubeArray feature in image tests
     * Check for required features in memory model tests
     * Fix image sizes for formats that need a multiple of 2.
     * Check for largePoints feature and add 1px test variant
     * Remove incorrect unroll_dont_unroll test
     * Don't set sampleShadingEnable in dEQP-VK.pipeline.framebuffer_attachment.*
     * Fix stack underflow in incremental present test
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New tests:
     * Tests for VK_KHR_uniform_buffer_standard_layout
     * Fixes linear support check for pipeline tests
     * Check for depthBiasClamp feature before using it
     * Check for imageCubeArray support before using VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_CUBE_ARRAY
     * Reduce expected precision of RGB10A2 filtering
     * Fix memory initialisation in subgroups tests
     * Fixes pipeline tests to check for maxSamplerLodBias
     * Add float 16 calculation into FMA tests
     * Create YCbCr with PREDEFINED layout
     * Check for geometry shader support when testing adjacency topologies
     * Add hasDisplay check after createWsiDisplay throws
     * Add feature checks to spirv assembly tests
     * Fix uninitialized variable reported by gcc 8.3
     * Fix element size for R16G16B16A16_UNORM.
     * Fixed buffer memory type for protected test
     * Check for geometry shader support when testing adjacency topologies
     * Missing format checks for vertex attribute and color attachments in input_ouput tests
     * Require Python 3
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New tests:
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_host_query_reset
     * Add scalar uint with signed int compares as Amber cases
     * Add scissor tests
     * Additional coverage for color resolve
     * Add tests for OpFUnord with NaN
     * Add alpha to coverage test with no color attachment
     * Add tests for VK_NV_cooperative_matrix
     * Add test for concurrent compute
     * Add SPIR-V ids abuse tests
     * Add testing for VK_EXT_ycbcr_image_arrays
     * Add tests for pointSize with clamping
     * Add UTF8 abuse tests for extension and layer names
     * VK_EXT_buffer_device_address tests
     * Add tests for descriptor copy
     * Add layered rendering test for secondary cmd buffer
     * Add tests checking if no depth is written when depth test is disabled
     * Add testing for VK_EXT_depth_clip_enable
     * Add more merge cache tests
     * Memory model tests for transitive av/vis ops
     * Add tests for clearing cube attachments with non zero base array layer
     * Add tests of VK_EXT_conditional_rendering for secondary command buffer
     * Add missing PointSize to some geometry tests
     * Added variants of PointCoord test with uniforms
     * Extend api.version_check.entry_points test
     * Test swizzles of 2D texture lookup coordinates
     * Add tests for vkAcquireNextImage2KHR
     * Added test for backwards subpass self dependency
     * Avoid check vulkan core features in compute tests
     * Fix image layouts in SPIR-V image sampler tests
     * Fixed dEQP-VK.binding_model.descriptor_copy.* issues.
     * Optimize format flag fetch function
     * Limit transient images tests
     * Reduce memory usage in point size clamping tests
     * Disable pipeline_create_only when running Amber tests
     * Check shaderFloat16 support in 16bit_storage.*64*
     * Fix uninitialized variable reported by gcc 8.3
     * Fix build by adding DE_UNREF
     * Invalidate memory before checking results
     * Fix validation errors in ycbcr.query.* tests
     * Don't give samplers in YCbCr descriptor updates
     * Simplify the combination passed to vkCreateImage
     * Amber: Initialize the delegate to NULL
     * Update Amber so it detects Vulkan on Android
     * Send external api base extensions when not core
     * Drop handwritten toString code
     * Fix validation errors in dEQP-VK.tessellation.*
     * Use valid deviceMask in vkAcquireNextImage2KHR
     * Fix device mask in swapchain tests
     * Disable SPIR-V ids optimization
     * Add control for subpixel bits to reference rasterizer
     * Define point sizes in dEQP-VK.query_pool.* tests
     * Fix zero height clear rectangle
     * Fix spelling of error message
     * Fix stack underflow in incremental present test
     * Check if CTS has platform display for wsi-type
     * Change render size of shaderexecutor to 128
     * Fix calls to vkBindImageMemory2
     * Fix validation errors in subgroups tests
     * Reenable coverage of opaque type indexing
     * Remove incorrect vertexPipelineStoresAndAtomics dependencies
     * Correct support conditions for float16s
     * Remove one method of specifying features in vktSpvAsm
     * pipeline timestamps test: fix too-large VkBufferCopy
     * Set correct range for OpVectorTimesScalar tests
     * Allow a tolerance for results of sqrt
     * Fix incorrect use of copyImageToBuffer in TextureRenderer::renderQuad()
     * Fix image aspects in multiview tests
     * Fix memory requirements for draw_clear tests
     * Fix damage binary length field in shadercacheSave
     * Raise VS supported version to 2015
     * Update default Android API level to 28
     * Add Amber as a test engine
     * Move VkRunner tests to Amber
     * Make renderdoc_app.h optional at build time
     * Improve shader cache hashing
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
     * Add handle compatibility check in win32 keyed mutex tests
     * Do not expect bit-exact results on float
     * cmake: Add support for PNG_ARM_NEON_OPT NDK-r19
     * Be more careful about Block decorations on structs
     * Fix the limitation in allocation test
     * Fix buffer RAW hazards in synchronization tests
     * Handle BUFFER_DYNAMIC and UPDATE_AFTER_BIND interaction
     * Fix buffer RAW hazards in MultiQueue synchronization tests
     * Don't disown Win32 handle after import
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New tests:
     * Add tests for VK_KHR_surface_protected_capabilities
     * Exclude few rasterization tests
     * Fix SpvWorkgroupMemoryTests float32 result check
     * Fixes YCbCr create flag requirements for image format properties tests
     * Fix RAW and WAW hazards in pipeline barrier tests.
     * Fix buffer RAW hazards in synchronization tests
     * Fix image type for uniform texel buffers
     * Check if CTS has platform display for wsi-type
     * Fix swapchain mutable tests buffer allocations
     * Check shaderInt64 feature support in memory tests
     * Fragment input components limit includes position
     * Fix mismatch between VS outputs and GS inputs
     * Fragment input components limit includes position
     * Revert "Fix subpixel precision for line geometry generation"
     * Fix memory allocation size in subgroups tests
     * Fix spirv validation issue in pointer_parameter
     * NaN handling in float16 tests
     * Add ASTC LDR error colour quality warning
     * Fix the device_group test failure by allowing same number of tries to create object as device test.
     * Reduce devices created in device_group tests
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New tests:
     * Tests for VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve
     * Tests for VK_EXT_conditional_rendering
     * Tests for VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor
     * Tests for different data types for workgroup memory
     * Tests to intentionally mismatch opImageType
     * Tests using VkRunner, precompiling the scripts
     * Add subpass external dependency to pushDescriptor tests
     * Add tests for varying naming
     * Added tests for OpCompositeInsert
     * Enable remaining OpFUnord tests
     * Add test veryifying if proper 'count' is written in wsi getters
     * Add barrier at start of each CB to order wrt previous CBs
     * Enable previously excluded acos test
     * Add tests for derivatives in dynamic but quad-uniform control flow
     * Add tests for booleans produced from different bit-sizes
     * Add tests for late fragment test dependencies
     * Extend push desriptors test to 128 compute dispatches
     * Extend transcoding tests to 1D/3D images
     * Test 2D texture swizzles with VkComponentMappings
     * Test depth/stencil resolve attachments
     * Added tests for out-of-order attribute locations
     * test layered resolves with a single region convering all layers.
     * Test storing protected data in workgroup memory
     * Added tests for non-linear attribute locations
     * Add corner case values for float32 to int16 conversion tests.
     * Add tests for subpass dependencies
     * Test clip/cull distance reading in fragment shader
     * New tests for descriptor dynamic offset
     * Add dependency checking to*.extensions
     * Added several abuses of OpName and OpMemberName
     * dEQP-VK: Add tests for blitting to/from linear images
     * Test OpPtrAccessChain with base alignment of < 16
     * Test render pass attachments not referenced by subpasses
     * Test cube image blits with VK_IMAGE_CREATE_CUBE_COMPATIBLE flag.
     * Simultaneous depth+stencil components blit test
     * Ensure there's no KHX extensions
     * Added test set for unnormalized coord samplers
     * Add secondary command buffers to pipeline barrier tests
     * Create Compute test for OpCompositeExtract
     * New test for copying 16bit input to two outputs.
     * Test push descriptors
     * Fixes multiview query tests
     * Fix dependency on unspecified rounding mode
     * Correct support conditions for float16s
     * Clear Core Validation Errors for Protected Memory
     * Fix dup tests to not free in-use semaphores/fences
     * Fix 0b prefix in conditional rendering tests
     * Fix image aspects in multiview tests
     * Fix memory requirements for draw_clear tests
     * Fix further aspect masks in renderpass2 tests
     * Simplify YCbCr result verification
     * Fix initial YCbCr image layout
     * Fix validation of occlusion query tests
     * Fix more memory flush/invalidation cases
     * Validation fixes for device_init tests
     * Be more careful about Block decorations on structs
     * Remove duplicate tests under dEQP-VK.renderpass*
     * Fix API usage errors in fragment operation tests
     * Fixed incorrect load/store ops for depth in multiview test
     * Reduce devices created in device_group tests
     * Remove duplicate identical make*MemoryBarrier
     * Allow SRGB conversion for store tests to generate reference image.
     * Fix subgroup shuffle tests to do testing
     * Remove duplication from subgroup shuffle tests
     * Set the correct "unused" attachment initialLayout
     * Validation: Use correct aspects in renderpass2
     * Fix leak in shaderCacheLoad()
     * Correct image mutable tests on null driver
     * Remove duplicate float16Int8Features
     * Remove StorageUniform16 from SPIR-V conversion tests
     * Fix anonymous namespace in UBO matrix padding test
     * Properly align and pad vec16x2 values in UBO array
     * Require VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8 in float16 opconstant tests
     * Fixes for Protected Memory
     * Further validation fixes for renderpass tests
     * Fix invalid color values in image.mutable tests
     * Use the correct type for image creation flags
     * Fixes AHB image tests feature check
     * Added framework function for image to buffer copy
     * Correct invalidate->flush after writing to host-mapped memory
     * Specify PointSize when drawing point lists
     * Utilize copyBufferToImage framework function where possible
     * Fixed unused attachment tests to properly use renderpass2
     * SubgroupBallot: Don't test 0 <= id
     * Rationalise the 'check*' functions in subgroups
     * Remove one copy of the clustered test sources
     * Further validation fixes for renderpass tests
     * Use GENERAL image layout for images used as STORAGE image
     * Properly align and pad vec16x2 values in UBO array
     * Fix for unnormalized coordinate test using mipmaps
     * Fix API usage errors in dEQP-VK.geometry.basic.*
     * Fix swapchain creation in dEQP-VK.wsi.*.swapchain.*
     * Require VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8 in float16 opconstant tests
     * Import dedicated allocs w/ importDedicatedMemory
     * Properly analyze edge0>=edge1 cases in smoothstep
     * Remove NaN from OpFOrd* and OpFUnord* tests
     * Validation fixes for device group tests
     * Fix validation in dynamic offset tests
     * Mark storage buffer as readonly
     * Fix validation in renderpass tests
     * Fix precision mismatches in GLSL tests
     * Place OpVariable at the beginning of the block
     * Fix barrier range in UpdateBuffer tests
     * Fix validation in memory tests
     * Fix memory flush alignments in binding model tests
     * Fix validation in command buffer tests
     * Fix validation in memory binding tests
     * Fix queue validation in synchronization tests
     * Fix non-valid barriers in dEQP-VK.tessellation.*
     * Check sparse support in memory requirements tests
     * Don't pass tess and geom flags when not needed
     * Fix testing of various device limits
     * Fix api.smoke.* tests for validation
     * Fix unused function warnings in the CTS code
     * Add missing invalidates in renderpass tests
     * Fix synchronisation in ycbcr tests
     * Use a valid final layout in renderpass tests
     * Fix valid usage for SampleLocations extension
     * Fix some pipeline and memory barriers
     * Fix DeviceFeatures infinite loop in pNext chain
     * Fix array stride in uniform buffer for VK_KHR_16bit_storage
     * Drop superfluous Clip/CullDistance capabilities
     * Remove invalid execution mode in smoke test
     * Fix array stride in uniform buffer for VK_KHR_16bit_storage
     * Fix asserts in image.mutable tests
     * Remove over-zealous sanity check for memory types
     * dEQP-VK: Stop requiring the destination format to support linear sampling for blit tests
     * Fix copy/paste errors in opundef assembly tests
     * Fixes geometry shader invocation dependency
     * Fix malformed assets, use DE_FATAL
     * Add Flat decorations to integer fragment shader inputs
     * Fix result checking in multisample resolve tests
     * Fix asserts and check for base image format support in image.mutable tests
     * Fix NaN handling in funord tests
     * Fix validation failure in float_controls
     * Fixes ycbcr image properties requirement
     * Fix image type in Uniform texel buffer tests
     * Protected Memory Fixes - Barrier Layouts & Flags
     * Update VK_KHR_vulkan_memory_model to spec version 3
     * Fixes depth load_op in multiview tests
     * Truncate random coordinates in late fragment tests
     * Touch watchdog more often for precision tests.
     * Added PointSize in shader used for drawing points
     * Add AHB to Android allowed extensions list
     * Fix logging of 8-bit integer values
     * Fix incorrect use of copyImageToBuffer in TextureRenderer::renderQuad()
     * Allow coarse derivatives to be calced by fine func
     * Added missing writes to gl_Position in vertex shaders
     * Depth attachment not stored in late_fragment_tests
     * Compile shaders for 1.0-compatible tests as SPIRV 1.0, not max supported
     * Handle gcc 7 warnings
     * Build prebuilts for HLSL shaders
     * Remove one method of specifying features in vktSpvAsm
     * Cause vkrunner tests to fail if scripts not found
     * Allow a tolerance for results of sqrt
     * Add framework function createInstanceWithExtensions
     * Add support for RenderDoc in Vulkan tests
     * Added script for generation
     * Use precompiled headers on MSVC
     * Remove test lib dependencies on deqp-vk-package.
     * Add a flushAlloc helper to fix valid usage
     * Add SPIR-V optimization options to vk-build-programs
     * Improve wsi.incremental_present.* for low memory
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New tests:
     * Add convert tests for 8-bit integers
     * Add float <--> int conversion tests
     * Add operation tests for 8-bit integers
     * Add fp16 <-> fp64 conversion tests
     * Tests for VK_KHR_shader_float_controls
     * FP16 precision tests VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8
     * SPIR-V tests for VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_scalar_block_layout
     * Add tests for OpSpecConstantOp INotEqual
     * Refactor: Compatible compute and graphics VerifyIO
     * Properly align and pad vec16x2 values in UBO array
     * Properly analyze edge0>=edge1 cases in smoothstep
     * Remove NaN from OpFOrd* and OpFUnord* tests
     * Fix array stride in uniform buffer for VK_KHR_16bit_storage
     * Don't include source files in other source files
     * Fix missing self dependency in renderpass tests
     * Add watchdog touches to dEQP-VK.api.descriptor_pool#repeated_reset_long
     * Fix swapchain creation in dEQP-VK.wsi.*.swapchain.*
     * Fix case when unsuported create flag was used for AHB
     * Correct vertex input tests on null driver
     * Correct image properties tests on Null driver
     * Fix non-constant Id in subgroupBroadcast
     * Remove texel_view uncompressed float formats
     * Fix: alloc_callback_fail.render_pass test
     * Fix: adds checking the maxPerStageResources limit
     * Fix pointer storage class for spirv_assembly tessellation tests.
     * Fix incorrect decoration on PushConstant
     * Remove unsupported image load store tests
     * Fix image feature checks for swapchain_mutable.*
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New tests:
     * Add tests for VK_KHR_swapchain_mutable_format
     * Update glslang to past the Turing extensions.
     * Update glslang to fix memory model spirv validation
     * fetch_sources: can remove a tag before fetching
     * Add to known conformance versions
     * Place OpVariable at the beginning of the block
     * Fix 16-bit storage IO f32-to-f16 conversion tests
     * Remove invalid execution mode in smoke test
     * Fix uninitialised variable warning for some compilers
     * Fix incomplete VkImageSubresourceRange
     * Fix spelling on NotSupported error message
     * Make VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_vote tests work with sparse dispatch
     * Fix unaligned host accesses in UBO and SSBO tests
     * Add flush to binding descriptor set random tests
     * Fix the device_group test failure by allowing same number of tries to create object as device test.
     * Import dedicated allocs w/ importDedicatedMemory
     * Fix asserts and check for base image format support in image.mutable tests
     * Fix asserts in image.mutable tests
     * Correct copy_and_blit on Null driver
     * Don't exhaust 32-bit host visible address space
  • opengl-cts-
    OpenGL CTS
     * CoverageGL21 does not reset GL_READ_BUFFER for FBO test
     * Use non-arrayed varying name for TCS blocks
     * Add screenLayout to AndroidManifest configChanges
     * Scale texture sizes to fit within available memory
     * Free framebuffer objects after use.
     * Do not expect TCS shader with XFB variables to fail linkging in GL
     * bufSize of glGetInternalformativ does not follow spec
     * Fix resource leaks in arrays_of_arrays
     * Don't used a fragment output in the shader storage buffer object test
     * TextureBarrier required for texture_view.coherency
     * Interface mismatch in KHR-GL45.enhanced_layouts.xfb_block_stride
     * Format mismatch between bound texture and image layout specifier
     * Max compiler threads only specifies a suggestion
     * Exclude texture_view.view_classes
     * Sparse Texture tests not following spec
     * Wrong shaders in glcParallelShaderCompileTests.cpp
     * Fixes wrong MIN_MAP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT limit
     * This change fixes an issue in BindBufferOffsetEXT
     * Added glViewport(0,0,2,2) call to TestRenderToStencil() and TestBlitStencil() functions
     * Scale cubemap size to fit memory limits
     * Remove references to not existing directory from CMakeLists
     * Fix the precision of shader structure test
     * Fixes copy_tex_image_conversions_forbidden
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New tests:
     * Tests for VK_KHR_driver_properties
     * Tests for VK_KHR_shader_atomic_int64
     * Tests for VK_KHR_vulkan_memory_model
     * Tests for VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block
     * Tests for GL_EXT_shader_16bit_storage
     * Tests for GL_EXT_shader_8bit_storage
     * Tests for random descriptor set tests
     * Shader validation: respect Vulkan version, relaxed layout requirement
     * Enable Android-O AHB support in Android-P build
     * VK_KHR_incremental_present: Fix usage flags.
     * Fix runtime array with workgroup storage class
     * Fixes AHB image tests feature check
     * Fix timeout in test
     * Reduces percentage of heap used in memory tests
     * Fix pipeline barrier issues in protected memory tests
     * Fixes WSI protected swapchain allocation tests
     * 2Darray compatible flag not allowed for 2D images
     * Consider rounding mode differences in mipmap tests
     * Test cube image blits with VK_IMAGE_CREATE_CUBE_COMPATIBLE flag.
     * Fix RobustnessVertexAccessInstance bounds check
  • opengl-es-cts-
    OpenGL ES CTS
     * Use sRGB encoded reference values for 8-bit Display P3 tests
     * Add screenLayout to AndroidManifest configChanges
     * Report NotSupported for GLES1 tests on non-ES1 run
     * Allow reading GL_BYTE surfaces to GL_RGBA output.
     * Fix the memory stomp running *core.internalformat.texture2d.depth_stencil*
     * Add specific RGB10A2 data for BlendHSLHue and BlendHSLSaturation
     * Fix: rendering complete times not monotonic
     * Check the bits of channel when calling glCopyTexImage2D
     * Modify the negative test related to glShaderBinary
     * Wrong statues effects KHR-GLES32.core.internalformat.* tests
     * Throw NotSupported if MAX_FRAGMENT_IMAGE_UNIFORMS = 0
     * Allow glFramebufferTexture2D with level!=0 in ES2 tests with ES3
     * Update transform feedback tests
     * Call eglSwapBuffers() to ensure wayland surface is attached
     * Fix dEQP-GLES3.functional.fbo.multiview.*
     * Loosen threshold in Texture3D tests
     * Some glCopyTexSubImage3D related tests conflict with GLES3.2 spec
     * Fix swap_buffers_with_damage.resize* hang on X11
     * Correct getProcAddress() handling in robustness tests
     * Remove shaders.negative.unused_uniform_precision_matching
     * Shaders Derivate Tests: fix threshold
     * Exclude tests causing OOM
     * Allow glReadPixels() differences due precision errors
     * Robust_buffer_access_behavior.texel_fetch relies on undefined behavior
     * Increase threshold GLES3 blend tests
     * Do not fail if no config is available
     * Get an EGLConfig supporting pbuffers
     * Remove undefined EGL test cases
     * wayland: search for GLESv1 toggle DEQP_SUPPORT_GLES1 on if found
     * generatemipmap_zero_level_array_compressed may reuse stale object
     * Skip BC/DXT formats in Texture3D tests
     * GL_SRG8_ALPHA8 also supported in OpenGL ES 3.0+
     * GLES 2/3: Fix masked color clear tests.
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
     * Fix pipeline barrier issues in protected memory tests
     * 2Darray compatible flag not allowed for 2D images
     * Add screenLayout to AndroidManifest configChanges
     * Add ASTC LDR error colour quality warning
     * Fixes WSI protected swapchain allocation tests
     * Consider rounding mode differences in mipmap tests
     * Test cube image blits with VK_IMAGE_CREATE_CUBE_COMPATIBLE flag.
     * Fix RobustnessVertexAccessInstance bounds check
     * Fixes tessellation triangle check
     * Reduces percentage of heap used in memory tests
     * Fix subpixel precision for line geometry generation
     * Fixes memory allocation tests
     * Incorrect enum values for VK_KHR_create_renderpass2
     * Improve wsi.incremental_present.* for low memory
     * Fix issues in ProtectedMemCopyBufferToImage
     * Fix copy/paste errors in opundef assembly tests
     * Fixes geometry shader invocation dependency
     * Remove unconditional depth_clamping for 1.1.1
     * Fix build when SPIRV-Tools is not present
     * Invalidate memory in draw tests
     * Request queue with sparse support only when needed
     * Don't fail DisplayPlaneProperties2 with no display
     * Fix 8bit uniform buffers arrays strides
     * Fix memory allocation tests
     * Allow two images worth of alignment slop in protected heap
     * Protected memory image access tests not flushing staging buffer
     * gl_PrimitiveIDIn tests have sketchy loop bounds.
     * Drop linear filter requirement from YCbCr tests
     * Compile shaders for 1.0-compatible tests as SPIRV 1.0, not max supported
     * Memory binding tests not invaidating host memory before results check.
     * Require extension for the deviceFeatures2 test
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New tests:
     * New tests for pointers as function parameters
     * Add tests for vkCmdClearColorImage on linear images
     * Cross-stage interface tests
     * Added test for unused framebuffer attachment
     * Added tests for incompatible render pass
     * Test discontiguous descriptor binding values
     * Add extra multiview tests
     * Add more component qualifier array tests for fragment outputs
     * Add OpVariable initialization tests
     * Added test for destroying pipeline object early
     * Added image blit tests with multi-part image lock
     * Add API info tests for YCbCr formats
     * Add tests for max fragment input component limit
     * Add AHardwareBuffer external memory test for format/usage flags.
     * Add tests for packed vertex formats
     * Added tests for rasterizer discard
     * Add tests for compute pipeline derivatives
     * Test cross invocation communication
     * Test omitting blend state with unused attachments
     * Add test for VK_EXT_shader_stencil_export
     * New tests for VK_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned
     * Add SPIR-V tests for 16, 32 and 64-bit integers
     * Test copying data from/to tightly sized buffers
     * Add tests for render targets with write masks
     * Add test for dynamically indexing output variable components
     * Add AHardwareBuffer support to external memory tests
     * Add 16bit storage access chain tests
     * Add tests for 16-bit OpSwitch
     * Add SPIR-V tests for return values of atomic functions
     * Test using gl_Layer in Vertex and Tessellation shaders
     * Test OpTypeImage with different depth property values
     * Test copying data between compressed and uncompressed images
     * Add 16bit to 16bit StorageInputOutput16 tests
     * Fix image validation errors in SPIR-V tests
     * Add operation tests for 16-bit integers
     * Test using gl_ViewportIndex in tessellation shader
     * Add tests for freeing descriptor sets followed by pool reset
     * Add tests for checking YCbCr format enums in Vulkan 1.1
     * Test viewport with zero height
     * Alignment tests of 16bit types in structs
     * Add missing SConvert, FConvert and UConvert tests
     * Create Compute tests for OpName
     * Create Graphics tests for OpName
     * Test updating set with an empty binding
     * Test discontiguous descriptor sets
     * Test creating device when out of host memory
     * Add operation tests for 64-bit integers
     * Extend some of the 16bit storage tests
     * Add sparse image support for pipeline multisample tests.
     * Extend multiview tests
     * Add test for specific depth stencil state
     * Test texture gather with separate sparse binding queue
     * Add tests for sparse compressed textures.
     * Subgroup tests: Using framebuffer in tess geometry tests
     * Add timestamp tests that use two command buffers
     * Test using a pipeline whose render pass has been destroyed
     * Add descriptor set layout lifetime tests
     * Depth/stencil multiview tests
     * Test for return values of vkGet  *ProcAddr
     * Test QueueSubmit with null SubmitInfo and fence
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_post_depth_coverage
     * Add tests for OpSwitch operator
     * Test using gl_ViewportIndex in a vertex shader
     * Test waiting for fences without waitAll
     * Test push constant ranges with overlapping shader stages
     * Fix test with invalid viewport size
     * Test pipeline layout lifetime
     * Add pipeline cache corner cases
     * Add test for VkSetHdrMetadata
     * Tests for layered resolve attachments
     * Test creating empty descriptor set layouts
     * Extend coverage in subgroups: vote, builtinMaskVar
     * Add tests for vkGetDeviceQueue2
     * Robust buffer access through variable pointers
     * Added pipeline creation test matching a crashing layer test
     * Extend combined image sampler tests
     * Add tests for texture *ClampARB and sparseTexture *ClampARB.
     * Added shader cache to speed up runtime
     * Improve wsi.incremental_present.* for low memory
     * Ensure that SPIR-V Headers are always present
     * Use NDK's CMake toolchain for NDK r15+
     * Drop support for NDK r11
     * Add option to embed validation layers in Android package
     * Log SPIR-V dissasembly when validation fails
     * Compile shaders for 1.0-compatible tests as SPIRV 1.0, not max supported
     * Enable shader cache by default
     * MacOS WSI test support
     * Integrated SPIRV-Tools-opt to conformance test
     * AHardwareBuffer make the system API dynamic
     * Add more context for SPIR-V build log outputs.
     * Use utility function for VkViewport and VkRect2D creation
     * Use common utility function for render pass creation
     * Use common utility function for graphics pipeline creation
     * Use common utility function for render pass begin and end
     * Use common utility function for command buffer begin and end
     * Use common utility function for queue submit and wait
     * Added optimization avoiding shader disassembly
     * Remove unconditional depth_clamping
     * Vulkan AHB - fix incorrect structure definition
     * Fix copy/paste errors in opundef assembly tests
     * Remove broken/redundant barrier for multiview depth/stencil readback
     * Fixes geometry shader invocation dependency
     * Removed cache info from logged shaderstrings
     * Incorrect pipeline barrier in multiview.multisample.*
     * Fix build when SPIRV-Tools is not present
     * Invalidate memory in draw tests
     * Request queue with sparse support only when needed
     * Don't fail DisplayPlaneProperties2 with no display
     * Fix 8bit uniform buffers arrays strides
     * Fix memory allocation tests
     * Allow two images worth of alignment slop in protected heap
     * Protected memory image access tests not flushing staging buffer
     * Remove an unneded type qualifier
     * gl_PrimitiveIDIn tests have sketchy loop bounds.
     * Drop linear filter requirement from YCbCr tests
     * Fix 8bit storage spir-v tests
     * Allowed device extensions list is missing entry
     * Don't assume sampling is allowed on linear-tiled YCbCr
     * Fix invalid block layouts
     * Use local binding for renderImage layout change
     * Memory binding tests not invaidating host memory before results check.
     * Made glsl loop tests a bit more robust
     * Fix validation errors in synchronization tests
     * Fix multiview mutlisample tests
     * Fix barriers in dEQP-VK.api.fill_and_update_buffer.*
     * Add missing self-dependency in color->input self-dep tests
     * Account for noncoherent atom size in renderpass memory flush
     * Remove spurious TS/GS stage bits from renderpass test barriers
     * Fix image blit mirrored comparisons
     * Remove one copy of the ballot test source
     * Fix barrier and invalidation of the fill_buffer readback
     * Require geometry shader in multisample resolve
     * Added more early-out hardware support checks
     * Fix check for 16-bit extension for 16-bit conversion functions.
     * Fix improper use of vkCmdWaitEvents
     * dEQP-VK.renderpass.sparserendertarget: bind metadata
     * Emit defined positions from tessellation shader in subgroups tests.
     * Use default device for sparse binding tests.
     * Allow fp16 denorm inputs to be flushed to zero.
     * Fix validation errors in draw tests
     * Fix protected memory buffer tests to do proper operation
     * Fix UConvert validation error in mul_sdiv tests
     * Multiview: do not use inline renderpass with secondary command buffers
     * Fix pipeline barrier for clearing multiview attachment
     * Clear all Views of Framebuffer Attachment to reference background color
     * Fix validation errors in image tests
     * Randomize image layout in renderpass attachment allocation test
     * Check ballot requirement in subgroup basic tests
     * Fix logging issues when shader cache is enabled
     * Skip shader compile on unsupported ycbcr tests
     * Require extension for the deviceFeatures2 test
     * Require protectedMemory feature for non-zero queue create flags
     * Fix resource buffers used for the Op?Convert graphics tests
     * Use the subgroups 'supportedCheck' helpers
     * Fix stack overflow on vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties
     * Request proper features in spirv_asembly tests
     * Fix use of sparse binding queue on default context
     * UnpackHalf2x16: consistent subnormal 16bit values
     * Fix validation errors in pipeline tests
     * Fix invalid command pool create flag in image tests
     * Fix invalid memory scope in SPIR-V tests
     * Allow pop-free behavior in line clipping tests
     * Validation errors fix in copying 3d images
     * Don't run sparse texture tests if format isn't sparse supported
     * Fix validation errors in image clearing tests
     * Fix: Remove workaround nonCoherentAtomSize
     * Account for differences in nan with fp16 comparison
     * Fix wrong layout used in vkCmdImageResolve
     * Use framebuffer with a compatible render pass
     * Fix invalid  memory semantics in barrier tests
     * Use default device for spir-v assembly tests
     * Fixed color bias and scale for BC4-5 tests
     * Removed incompatible render pass test
     * Remove max expected query result in pipeline statistics tests
     * Fix subpixel precision for line geometry generation
     * Fix issues in ProtectedMemCopyBufferToImage
     * Handle denorm flush to negative zero in unpackhalf2x16 tests.
     * Fixes tessellation triangle check
     * Reduces percentage of heap used in memory tests