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  • vulkansc-cts-
    Vulkan SC CTS
    New Tests:
     * Test dynamic rendering with multiview tests
     * SpirV 1.6: Test Nontemporal image operand
     * Add command line parameter to override Vulkan library path
     * Add a GraphicsFuzz coverage test
     * VKSC issues in api modules
     * Verify Depth/Stencil Write conditions
     * Check format features for both formats in LoadStoreTests
     * Add tests for vkGet...SurfacePresentModes2EXT
     * Fix support check in transform feedback tests
     * Ensure that compute shaders have a subgroup size that is uniform in command scope
     * Added vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults() tests with count==1 and stride=0
     * Add tests for rasterization order attachment access
     * Add testing for VK_EXT_subpass_merge_feedback
     * Add R8_UNORM to the external AHB memory tests
     * Add random tests for dynamic rendering
     * isExtensionSupported renaming
     * Fix feature checks in rasterization order attachment tests
     * Add tests using maximum index value with primitive restart disabled
     * Ray query helper invocations
     * Test EarlyFragmentTests effect on color output and sample counting
     * Add test for depth comparison with texel replacement
     * Modify dual source blend tests to use discard
     * Test shader group handle alignment
     * Test sRGB storage image writes
     * Remove duplicate checkPipelineLibraryRequirements call
     * Portability: fix border_swizzle tests
     * Add inter-process communcation to shader cache
     * Run pipeline tests for pipeline library
     * Resolve multisample image tests with renderArea < attachment size
     * Check conditional rendering with non-zero memory offset
     * Add support for Vulkan 1.3
     * Add coverage for MSAA copies with BindImageMemory(offset != 0)
     * Add dynamic rendering to attachment rate tests
     * Check dynamic viewports with depth clip control
     * Rewrite portability check for Amber tests
     * Add 8-bit blend_operation_advanced tests
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_image_compression_control_swapchain
     * Add coverage for IsHelperInvocationEXT
     * vulkan: Templatize the DRM format modifier tests
     * Run FSR tests for pipeline library
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_multisampled_render_to_single_sampled
     * Rename mustpass master branch to main
     * Run FSR tests with secondary command buffers
     * Dynamic rendering with NULL shading rate image
     * Support commandPoolResetCommandBuffer==VK_FALSE for VulkanSC
     * Missing coverage for vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults
     * Extend multidraw test with dynamic rendering and geom & tess
     * Verify that timeline semaphores cannot import/export SYNC_FD
     * Add depth and stencil multisample copy tests
     * Improve coverage of MSAA copies
     * Separate device feature tests
     * Test SRGB formats with UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFERs
     * Pick correct memoryTypeIndex for AHB
     * OpPtrEqual OpPtrNotEqual for non-variable pointers
     * VK_EXT_pageable_device_local_memory test coverage
     * Rename VK_KHR_graphics_pipeline_library to EXT
     * Add ClearAttachments test to KHR_dynamic_rendering
     * Test Vulkan 1.3 required features/properties
     * Add tests for VK_NV_mesh_shader
     * Handle cases added with merge from master
     * Test dynamic rendering with renderpass tests
     * Remove unneeded check for graphicsPipelineLibraryFastLinking
     * Extend interpolateAt* tests
     * Add tests for mul extended using different bit sizes
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_image_view_min_lod extension
     * Add fragment operations occlusion query tests
     * Expand the list of format for image store tests
     * Fix robustness2 shaders
     * Test coverage for VK_KHR_fragment_shader_barycentric
     * Enable FSR basic tests for Vulkan SC
     * Test dynamic patch control points without tessellation
     * maintenance1: New VkQueryPool queries tests
     * Test dynamic rendering with FSR tests
     * Test resetting queries after copying results
     * Extend conditional rendering tests to use buffer with device local memory
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_image_compression_control
     * Remove some RT SkipTriangles tests
     * vulkan: KHR_format_feature_flags2 modifier coverage
     * Add color output check to early fragment sample count tests
     * VK_KHR_ray_tracing_maintenance1 test plan
     * Separate create with unsupported feature tests
     * Test dynamic rendering with draw tests
     * Run DR draw tests with secondary command buffers
     * Modify pipeline library tests to always specify the layout
     * Test no-op image layout transitions in VK_KHR_synchronization2
     * Add coverage of indirect dispatches on the compute queue
     * Test dynamic descriptors with different stage visibility
     * Add new test cases for VK_EXT_load_store_op_none
     * Add more power of two checks
     * Don't filter out some VK_NV extensions used in tests
     * maintenance1: Pass VkTraceRaysIndirectCommand2KHR in various ways.
     * Execute FDM tests with dynamic rendering
     * Bug fix for current variableSampleLocations tests + new tests
     * Test primitive ID is not affected by culling
     * Add imageStore tests that write constant values
     * skip non-compresed 3D views of compressed images
     * Checked .inl files back into the repo
     * Various methods passing of PhysicalStorageBuffer tests
     * Merge vk-gl-cts/dev/VK_EXT_image_view_min_lod into vk-gl-cts/vulkan-cts-1.3.1
     * Execute FDM tests with legacy renderpass
     * Test more depth/stencil formats in load_store_op_none tests
     * Basic tests for VK_KHR_graphics_pipeline_library
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_primitives_generated_query
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_image_2d_view_of_3d
     * Add a check that drmFormatModifierTilingFeatures has at least one bit set
     * Add suite of div by zero tests
     * Add a batch of GraphicsFuzz coverage tests
     * InterpolateAt{Offset, Sample} with linear interpolation tests
     * Test poolSizeCount can be zero
     * Add coverage for depth bias with polygon topologies and fill modes
     * Use common code for robustness2 tests
     * Test VK_KHR_global_priority
     * Test imageSize() on 2D image views from 3D images
     * Add new tests for VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering
     * Global Priority Queue Families Tests
     * Add vkGetDeviceQueue2 tests for Protected memory feature
     * Further VK_NV_mesh_shader test variants and fixes
     * Add back InvalidApiVersion test for Vulkan SC
     * Add VK_EXT_graphics_pipeline_library to extensions_data.txt
     * Additional tests for UPDATE_AFTER_BIND
     * Run dynamic_state tests for pipeline library
     * Fix and enable dynamic rendering multivew coverage
     * Test single-path switch statements
     * Updates to VK_EXT_multisampled_render_to_single_sampled
     * Actually test compatible depth/stencil attachment formats
     * maintenance1: Copying within pipeline with new stages and accesses.
     * Add coverage for sampling compressed cubemaps that has been written
     * Enable VK_KHR_pipeline_library in default device
     * writeSupportedExtensions for VKSC
     * Test additional robustBufferAccess requirements for vertex attribute
     * Enable packed formats for border swizzle tests
     * Support VK_KHR_portability_enumeration
     * Add additional tests for VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering
     * Test XFB queries without shader writes
     * Tests for VK_EXT_shader_module_identifier
     * Add dynamic state to instancing tests
     * Add tests to verify compressed texture downloads to non-zero mip levels
     * Rename dynamic_rendering tests
     * Missing VK_KHR_object_refresh
     * TRANSIENT_ATTACHMENT_BIT store/load op test
     * Create custom device when testing VK_NV_shading_rate_image
     * Merge master to graphics_pipeline_library branch
     * Added tests to check vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties with VK_IMAGE_CREATE_EXTENDED_USAGE_BIT
     * Test VK_KHR_roadmap_2022
     * Rework platform memory limits
     * Added extra test case for load/store op none
     * Add tests for surfaceless queries
     * Fix dot product with saturation tests
     * Fix for attachment count in EXT_color_write_enable tests.
     * Perf query tests for VK_EXT_multisampled_render_to_single_sampled
     * Add tests for zero initialize workgroup memory
     * Test pSetLayouts in graphics_pipeline_library
     * Mix dynamic line stipple and dynamic primitive topology
     * modifiers: Use dedicated memory consistently
     * Add power of two checks for physical device limits
     * Fix regression from CL-9387 to handle empty cache properly
     * Test message passing using permuted indices
     * Add robustness2 limits validation test
     * Add tests for buffer size requirements
     * Improve AHB image_formats subtest log output
     * Extend FSR multiview tests
     * Test VkSubresourceLayout::offset is relative to the start of an image
     * Fixed YCbCr conversion tests in Vulkan SC
     * Add coverage for transition between compute and indirect draw
     * Add miscellaneous tests for pipeline library
     * Test constant and dynamically uniform subgroup shuffle deltas
     * Modified ray tracing inactive triangle definition
     * More EXT_color_write_enable tests.
     * dEQP-VK.pipeline.graphics_library
     * Add mandatory features check for VK_EXT_subpass_merge_feedback
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_depth_clip_control
     * Remove duplicate Buffer and Image classes
     * Split pipeline.txt mustpass into multiple files
     * Remove time measurement on deferred host build tests
     * Increase tolerance in multiple interpolation tests
     * graphics_pipeline_library missing on extension list
     * Update known conformance version for
     * Fix one more missed extension promotion
     * Prevent RT tests from going over VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan11Properties::maxMemoryAllocationSize
     * Check pipeline construction type for fsr tests
     * Check for graphics pipeline library support in FSR tests
     * Fix multiview dynamic rendering tests to enable dynamicRendering feature
     * Update kc-cts version
     * Fix issues in load_store_op_none tests
     * Update mandatory features for Vulkan1.3
     * Accurate reason for fragment shading rate test not supported
     * Fix validation errors in buffer memory requirement tests
     * Fix compute-only custom device creation for Vulkan SC
     * Fixed non zero mip compressed texture tests failure
     * TimeLine semaphores tests should check for the feature
     * Remove api.tooling_info.validate_instance_layers
     * Remove unused variables from occlusion query tests
     * Fix second barrier access mask for transfers
     * Fix amber vs cts device feature requirements
     * Reduce framebuffer size of spv-stable-pillars-O-op-select-to-op-phi
     * Fix Zlib depedency
     * Parse test case result version when converting to XML
     * Fix incorrect staging buffer size calculation
     * Improve comparison of VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties
     * load_store_op_none - tests should disable stencil test
     * Fix RGBA10x6 feature check
     * DeqpTestRunner: fix deqpLogFilename
     * Remove unused tests from mustpass
     * GCC 11 build fixes for opengl-es-cts-3.2.7 branch
     * Avoid using unsupported rasterization order feature struct
     * Fix expected validation for image compression control tests.
     * Fix uniform subgroup size test
     * Fix bug in calcFloatDiff
     * Add missing calls to vkResetCommandBuffer
     * Add format check to SharedPresentableImageTest
     * Fix state binding in multiview tests
     * Use proper image tiling in synchronization test support checks
     * Fix warnings reported by clang 13
     * Fixes Conditional Rendering local memory tests
     * Do not require full subgroups when requiring a work group size
     * Avoid querying non-supported hardware features
     * Portability: handle robustBufferAccess
     * Thread safe releaseQueue
     * Add missing barrier when rendering to the same view mask.
     * Fix checkSupport in compressed texture sampling tests
     * Pass force to fetch_sources
     * Remove unneeded commented block of code
     * Skip the "two_draw" variants of zero_stride_with_offset tests
     * Fix aliasing issue for globalPriorityQuery feature
     * Fix stencil rendering in draw_with_dynamic_rendering.multi_draw tests
     * Limits buffer size to vulkan limit
     * Fix spec info in pipeline max varyings tests
     * Fix for different values of subTexelPrecisionBits.
     * Limit number of storage buffers in divide by zero compute test
     * Use queues and entrypoints from custom device
     * Fix stencil layout transitions in samplemask tests
     * Fix Linux build due to VK_EXT_metal_objects types
     * Fix vkwsi Display control tests
     * Add missing barrier to dynamic rendering tests
     * Avoid invalid reportIntersectionEXT hit kinds in subroup tests
     * Wait for deferred operations before obtaining RT pipeline handle
     * PGQ bug fixes
     * Fix allocation of system memory.
     * Fix checkSupport for pipeline bind point tests
     * Fix image feature checking in YCbCr view tests
     * Fix warnings with clang and GCC
     * Do not query unsupported structures
     * Use associated physical device from custom instance
     * Remove Cached as it is not needed on compute zero_initialize_workgroup_memory tests
     * Fix aliasing issues for physical device features
     * Set pipeline layout for fragment_shading_rate tests
     * Use the correct stencilInitialLayout for unused resolve targets with separate stencil
     * Allow NaN result when result exceeds limit
     * Fix for potentially uninitialized variables
     * Disable two warnings for old Amber versions
     * Fix VkClearRect sizes for vkCmdClearAttachment()
     * Reduce framebuffer size of dEQP-VK.graphicsfuzz.spv-stable-pillars-volatile-nontemporal-store
     * Modify Store Op setting
     * Enable anisotropic tests for mipmap images
     * Fix missing support check in rtp test
     * Fix regresion in FSR tests
     * Declare atomic_payload array coherent
     * Fix sType Tooling Info tests
     * Update dynamic rendering tests to separate formats
     * Image extended usage should include VK_IMAGE_CREATE_MUTABLE_FORMAT_BIT
     * Fix ray tracing closedFan2 tests
     * Reduce complexity of some random cases
     * Remove dynamic rendering multiview tests
     * Fix layout transitions in dynamic_rendering tests
     * Fix Vulkan 1.3 required features
     * Add threshold to rasterization order depth checks
     * Restore the default pipeline layout creation flag
     * Wait for idle queue after submitting an empty job
     * Fix validation errors in renderpass tests
     * Add missing barrier in ray tracing tests
     * Fix accidentally removed extension
     * Add support for 'alternative' image view min lod calculation
     * Fix extension data for EXT_texel_buffer_alignment
     * Reenable memory_model tests for VulkanSC
     * Always include the required closest hit shader when tracing rays
     * Avoid dependency on geometry shaders for VK_ARM_rasterization_order_attachment_access
     * Add image format in 2d_view_of_3d compute tests
     * Don't adjust vertext buffer pointer in AS for indirect AS build.
     * Fix for issues in dynamic rendering tests
     * Add missing feature check to MS copy tests
     * Fix int64 robustness bugs
     * Skip negative vkCreateBuffer(size_max_uint64) test for maint4
     * Additional warning fix for Clang 13
     * Add missing 'FREE_DESCRIPTOR_SET' flag to a descriptor set pool
     * Remove invalid texture filtering test cases
     * Fix unused result in OpPtrEqual OpPtrNotEqual tests
     * Valid usage fixes for VulkanSC
     * Improve checkSupport in memoryRequirements tests
     * Disable depth clamp for graphics pipeline creation tests.
     * Make dynamic rendering tests match non-dynamic
     * Fix amber-verify mismatch in builtin precision tests
     * Rename various things for more inclusive language
     * Verify rectangular lines using the strict rule
     * Fix framebuffer size for some GraphicsFuzz tests
     * Fix lossy layout transitions in modifier tests
     * Fix barrier for initializing resolve attachment image to use proper level
     * Avoid logging to stdout in buffer mem requirements tests
     * Avoid triangle fans in reinterpolation consistency tests
     * Use the correct resolve mode for dynamic rendering
     * Partial revert of CL 8054: Fix invalid layout transitions in some dynamic rendering tests
     * Fix extended_dynamic_state2 tests
     * Wrong format in load_store_op_none test.
     * Fix fragment_shader_interlock vs fragment_shading_rate tests
     * Fix OOB memory copy in dEQP-VK.image.sample_cubemap.* tests
     * Remove redundant load/store op none tests
     * Fix image feature checking in YCbCr filtering tests
     * Fix unsupported_features test.
     * Fix build error on gcc 4.8
     * Fixes sparse flags
     * Fix extension promotions
     * Change direction of IgnoreIntersection/TerminateRay tests
     * Fix strided device address regions in RT misc tests
     * Fix invalid usage in descriptor_indexing.input_attachment tests
     * Fix GLES CTS mustpass files moved after GPL merge
     * Fix GCC 11 misleading indentation warning
     * Use signed sampled type for signed integer formats
     * Reduce advertised sys mem on 32 bit Android
     * Fix extension checks in DRM format modifier tests
     * Fix 32-bit compilation warning
     * Fix arguments for image test reference generation
     * Fix incorrect layout transition in modifier tests
     * Disable BC7 mode 8 pattern generation
     * Limit dimensionality of arrays-of-arrays in random SSBO tests
     * Use correct barriers in dEQP-VK.api.copy_and_blit.core.*no_cab
     * Add missing checks for update after bind support
     * Set proper size in VkBufferCopy
     * Add missing feature check
     * Zero initialize XFB counter buffer
     * Fix for dEQP-VK.api.buffer_memory_requirements.* tests
     * Remove invalid semaphore import/export tests
     * Fix valid usage violation in vkFreeDescriptorSets
     * Fix bad merge affecting create_device_unsupported_features test
     * Fix post-clear barrier in depth/stencil descriptor tests
     * Include the proper formats in pViewFormats list
     * Synchronize input attachment reads in IO chains
     * Check extension support before using its image extended usage bit
     * Check for visibility in external_memory_host test
     * Relax precision for matrix precision tests
     * Replace bitwise or with logical
     * Fix freeing custom device in dynamic state tests
     * Fix mandatory features checks for vk1.3
     * Re-enable Clang warning for Amber
     * Fix vktFragmentShadingRateBasic tests
     * Remove Roadmap 2022 requirement
     * Fix vkAttachmentRateTests
     * Fix invocation count verification
     * Fix redundant writes to compressed texture
     * Suppress GCC 11 conversion warning
     * Fix compilation on Android
     * fix dEQP-VK.subgroups.size_control.compute.required_subgroup_size_*_require_full_subgroups_spirv16
     * Synchronize clears and reads in transient attachment tests
     * Forbid implicit cast from Move<T> to bool
     * Add required support check for IsHelperInvocationEXT test
     * Fix Android build
     * Use getDevice() instead of m_logicalDevice.get() so it works in both paths
     * Reduce framebuffer size on some graphicsfuzz tests
     * Fix subgroup size control failure logging
     * Fix Buffer Memory Requirements tests compilation errors
     * Shrink the framebuffer in more graphicsfuzz tests
     * Fix validation errors in compute tests
     * Re-enable fence, event, barrier, and binary semaphore tests when timeline semaphores aren't supported
     * Fix maxImageView(MipLevels/ArrayLayers) bug in SC
     * Fix initial color attachment layout in conditional rendering tests
     * Fix use a device with protected memory enabled
     * Refix extension data for EXT_texel_buffer_alignment
     * Check depth stencil format support in FSR tests
     * Backport CMake library change from master
     * Remove vkDestroyBuffer
     * Ray tracing: avoid skipping triangles and AABBs at the same time
     * Fix rounding issues with texture generation shader
     * Fix DS Layout in LoadStoreOpNone when using dynamic_rendering
     * Portability: avoid triangle fans
     * Fix deqp-vksc build break from CL-9046
     * Mark gl_Position as invariant in invariance tests
     * Pause XFB during pipeline switch
     * Fix REQUIRE_FULL_SUBGROUPS_BIT tests with SPIR-V 1.6
     * Add missing barrier to fix multi-core issue
     * Fix entry points check for VK_KHR_draw_indirect_count
     * Fix requirements tests for multiplane images
     * Increase tolerance in mat3 determinant compute test
     * Relax protected heap allocation tests - continuation
     * Only pass VkImageViewMinLodCreateInfoEXT when minLod is != 0.0f
     * Create command pool with command buffer reset in RT tests
     * Fix load_store_op_none dynamic rendering validation error
     * Do not chain dynamic render pass inheritance info in dEQP-VK.renderpass
     * Fix getting capture address in RT capture replay tests
     * Add queue ownership release in modifier tests
     * Throw NotSupportedError for SPIR-V 1.6 in VulkanSC
     * Fix wrong conversion from shared pointer to int.
     * GCC 11 build fixes
     * Fix duplicated file in CMakeLists
     * Fix modifier tests - Add Invalidate memory before host read.
     * Fix waived tests being able to crash suite
     * Delay initializing fragment_shading_rate tests
     * Fix acceleration structure vertex and index flushes
     * Increase error threshold for blitting non-nearest compressed formats
     * Fix link time optimization tests
     * Fix invalid layout transitions in some dynamic rendering tests
     * Fix Set/WaitEvent2KHR dependency flags setup
     * Fix image transition in dynamic rendering tests
     * Fix warning introduced by 1.3 changes
     * Allow rounding error when reading back Z buffer
     * Early fragment depth test rounding issue bug fix
     * Fix dEQP-VK.image.sample_texture.* tests write out-of-bounds bug
     * Fixes pipeline library merge
     * Keep track which SBT records are needed and initialize all needed ones
     * Fix device and memory allocation mix-up
     * Fix barrier in layer_copy_before_resolving tests
     * Increase tolerance in fp64 mat3determinant compute
     * Fix memory leaks when creating test hierarchy
     * Shrink the framebuffer in 2 graphicsfuzz tests
     * Fix leak on SimpleAllocator
     * Fix for Vulkan 1.3 implementations that don't expose VK_EXT_ycbcr_2plane_444_formats
     * Remove superfluous 'resolution' from graphicsfuzz test
     * Avoid invalid reportIntersectionEXT hit kinds in mem guarantee tests
     * Always use workaround for blitting to/from BC6H
     * Fix the gl_TessLevelInner values in depth_bias_patch_list_tri_point.amber
     * Allow sample counting after multisample coverage
     * Fix synchronization in compressed texture sampling tests
     * Fix extended_dynamic_state tests
     * Fix dynamic rendering multisampling test layout transition operation
     * Fix mismatched ray payload in descriptor set random tests
     * Fix imprecise occlusion query inheritance tests
     * Fix dEQP-VK.subgroups.size_control.compute.required_subgroup_size_*_require_full_subgroups
     * Assert that isnan and isinf cases cover intended classes
     * Fix control flow in SPIR-V test cases
     * Fix extension check in transform feedback tests
     * Fix validation errors for DR multiview tests
     * Generate inl files at build time
     * Notice of withdrawal of Vulkan CTS 1.2.7.x
     * Add support for building with Visual Studio 2022
     * Allow as a valid conformance version
     * Add missing formats to mapTextureFormat
     * Update vulkan-docs to main
     * Fix NULL/False to std::string conversion errors
     * Add Samsung Driver ID
     * Fix inl files
     * Update known conformance version for SC
     * Allow Vulkan CTS
     * Re-enable GCC warning for Amber
     * Update fetch_sources to vulkan 1.3
     * Zero initialize array in internal tests
     * Notice of withdrawal of Vulkan CTS 1.2.5.x
     * Rename some waived tests for dynamic rendering
     * Update files, replacing old link
     * Remove repeated struct in writeDeviceFeatures2
     * Add conformance version
     * Update Android test lists for Broadcom waiver
     * Disable IPC primitives on android
     * Use standard type definitions on all platforms
     * Add VK_KHR_global_priority to extensions_data.txt
     * Remove duplicate makeComputePipeline definitions
     * Update Android CTS files for 2022
     * Extract findLSB() and findMSB() to a separate helper file.
     * Update known conformance version for
     * Add Vulkan-Docs to fetch sources
     * Update vulkan-docs version
     * Add recipe for amber-verify run mode
     * Reduce and amortize memory allocations in RT utilities
     * Simplify isDeviceFunctionalitySupported
     * Update Vulkan headers
     * Add portability_subset to extensions_data.txt
     * Update docs to use python3 executable where required
     * Fix integer overflow in Random::getInt()
     * Add more video exclusions to
     * Update glslang, SPIR-V Tools, headers to 1.6
     * Vulkan 1.3 SPIR-V 1.6 framework
     * Add notice of withdrawal for 1.2.6.x
     * Update glslang
     * Allow Vulkan CTS
     * Update known conformance version for
     * Fix SHA-1 calculation in delibs
     * explicitly provides ssh urls to GitRepo declarations
     * Rework extensions_data and mandatory_features
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New Tests:
     * Fix for attachment count in EXT_color_write_enable tests.
     * VKSC issues in api modules
     * Always include the required closest hit shader when tracing rays
     * Fix missing support check in rtp test
     * Fix GCC 11 misleading indentation warning
     * Limits buffer size to vulkan limit
     * Allow sample counting after multisample coverage
     * Add missing calls to vkResetCommandBuffer
     * Add missing 'FREE_DESCRIPTOR_SET' flag to a descriptor set pool
     * Fix control flow in SPIR-V test cases
     * Fix C++ tuple constexpr initial list on old compiler
     * Avoid using empty descriptor set layouts with libraries
     * Revert "Fix undefined behaviour by allowing NaNs"
     * Fix imprecise occlusion query inheritance tests
     * Fix incorrect staging buffer size calculation
     * Fix expected validation for image compression control tests.
     * Fix for different values of subTexelPrecisionBits.
     * Remove tests for VK_EXT_color_write_enable extension
     * Fix vkwsi Display control tests
     * Fix image feature checking in YCbCr view tests
     * Fix partial heap usage in protected_memory android swapchain tests
     * Fix checkSupport for pipeline bind point tests
     * Valid usage fixes for VulkanSC
     * graphics_pipeline_library missing on extension list
     * Fix unused result in OpPtrEqual OpPtrNotEqual tests
     * Fix barrier VK_AMD_buffer_marker tests
     * Add missing required extension in pageable allocation tests
     * Fix Api version check with loaders
     * Fix synchronization in compressed texture sampling tests
     * Fix the gl_TessLevelInner values in depth_bias_patch_list_tri_point.amber
     * Modify Store Op setting
     * Re-enable fence, event, barrier, and binary semaphore tests when timeline semaphores aren't supported
     * Remove tests for acceleration structure size query
     * Handle latest Wayland version
     * Check depth stencil format support in FSR tests
     * Fix invalid usage in descriptor_indexing.input_attachment tests
     * Add image format in 2d_view_of_3d compute tests
     * Early fragment depth test rounding issue bug fix
     * Reenable memory_model tests for VulkanSC
     * Fix aliasing issues for physical device features
     * Fix dEQP-VK.api.buffer_memory_requirements tests
     * Change direction of IgnoreIntersection/TerminateRay tests
     * Fix undefined behaviour by allowing NaNs
     * Fix Linux build due to VK_EXT_metal_objects types
     * Set proper size in VkBufferCopy
     * Fix regresion in FSR tests
     * Backport CMake library change from master
     * Fix image feature checking in YCbCr filtering tests
     * Update known conformance version for
     * Fix script arguments in vulkancts CMakeLists
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New Tests:
     * Modified ray tracing inactive triangle definition
     * Add vkGetDeviceQueue2 tests for Protected memory feature
     * Separate create with unsupported feature tests
     * Split pipeline.txt mustpass into multiple files
     * More EXT_color_write_enable tests.
     * Fix subprocess count handling and releaseId logging
     * Check format features for both formats in LoadStoreTests
     * maintenance1: Pass VkTraceRaysIndirectCommand2KHR in various ways.
     * Final modifications and corrections for Vulkan SC
     * Check conditional rendering with non-zero memory offset
     * maintenance1: New VkQueryPool queries tests
     * Adaptation of most dEQP-VKSC.* tests to Vulkan SC
     * Initial implementation of Vulkan SC CTS
     * writeSupportedExtensions for VKSC
     * Test single-path switch statements
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_image_2d_view_of_3d
     * Run FSR tests with secondary command buffers
     * Expand the list of format for image store tests
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_image_compression_control
     * Test poolSizeCount can be zero
     * Add R8_UNORM to the external AHB memory tests
     * Ray query helper invocations
     * Add coverage for IsHelperInvocationEXT
     * InterpolateAt{Offset, Sample} with linear interpolation tests
     * Remove duplicated VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanSC10Features structure
     * Add tests for vkGet...SurfacePresentModes2EXT
     * Add inter-process communcation to shader cache
     * skip non-compresed 3D views of compressed images
     * Implement reference offline pipeline compiler
     * Dynamic rendering with NULL shading rate image
     * Improve coverage of MSAA copies
     * Add coverage for MSAA copies with BindImageMemory(offset != 0)
     * Bug fix for current variableSampleLocations tests + new tests
     * Add command line parameter deqp-subprocess-cfg-file
     * Add command line parameter to override Vulkan library path
     * Support VK_KHR_portability_enumeration
     * Add robustness2 limits validation test
     * Fix support check in transform feedback tests
     * Test coverage for VK_KHR_fragment_shader_barycentric
     * VK_KHR_ray_tracing_maintenance1 test plan
     * Add test for depth comparison with texel replacement
     * Add a batch of GraphicsFuzz coverage tests
     * Adaptation of dEQP-VKSC.api.* tests to Vulkan SC
     * Update CTS to VulkanSC header version 1.0.8
     * Test VkSubresourceLayout::offset is relative to the start of an image
     * Add tests verifying Vulkan SC API
     * Test imageSize() on 2D image views from 3D images
     * Add limit verification for two fields in Vulkan SC
     * maintenance1: Copying within pipeline with new stages and accesses.
     * Missing VK_KHR_object_refresh
     * Fix regression from CL-9387 to handle empty cache properly
     * Separate device feature tests
     * Fix robustness2 shaders
     * Fixed YCbCr conversion tests in Vulkan SC
     * Improve comparison of VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties
     * Include the proper formats in pViewFormats list
     * Remove unneeded commented block of code
     * Fix state binding in multiview tests
     * Only request timeline semaphore extension if it's not in core
     * Fix modifier tests - Add Invalidate memory before host read.
     * Various modifications and fixes required by Vulkan SC CTS.
     * Fixes sparse flags
     * Forbid implicit cast from Move<T> to bool
     * Fix extension checks in DRM format modifier tests
     * Thread safe releaseQueue
     * Fix int64 robustness bugs
     * Fix amber-verify mismatch in builtin precision tests
     * Declare atomic_payload array coherent
     * Fix extension check in transform feedback tests
     * Image extended usage should include VK_IMAGE_CREATE_MUTABLE_FORMAT_BIT
     * Synchronize clears and reads in transient attachment tests
     * Fix entry points check for VK_KHR_draw_indirect_count
     * Add missing barrier in ray tracing tests
     * Add required support check for IsHelperInvocationEXT test
     * Fix Android build
     * Shrink the framebuffer in 2 graphicsfuzz tests
     * Fix second barrier access mask for transfers
     * Fix valid usage violation in vkFreeDescriptorSets
     * Verify rectangular lines using the strict rule
     * Add threshold to rasterization order depth checks
     * Fix barrier in layer_copy_before_resolving tests
     * Fix deqp-vksc build break from CL-9046
     * Check pipeline construction type for fsr tests
     * Fix device and memory allocation mix-up
     * Fix spec info in pipeline max varyings tests
     * Fix framebuffer size for some GraphicsFuzz tests
     * Fix redundant writes to compressed texture
     * Remove invalid texture filtering test cases
     * Fix aliasing issue for globalPriorityQuery feature
     * Fix multithreaded object counting in internally_synchronized_objects.*
     * Set pipeline layout for fragment_shading_rate tests
     * fix dEQP-VK.subgroups.size_control.compute.required_subgroup_size_*_require_full_subgroups_spirv16
     * Fix leak on SimpleAllocator
     * Update known conformance version for
     * Support DEQP_VULKAN_LIBRARY_PATH for Linux based platforms
     * explicitly provides ssh urls to GitRepo declarations
     * Add notice of withdrawal for 1.2.6.x
     * Add possibility to run tests in separate process (Vulkan SC only)
     * Add server to offload main test process (VulkanSC only)
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New Tests:
     * Test message passing using permuted indices
     * Add a GraphicsFuzz coverage test
     * Run dynamic_state tests for pipeline library
     * Improve AHB image_formats subtest log output
     * Test primitive ID is not affected by culling
     * Extend FSR multiview tests
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_image_view_min_lod extension
     * Extend conditional rendering tests to use buffer with device local memory
     * Test dynamic descriptors with different stage visibility
     * Add 8-bit blend_operation_advanced tests
     * Added vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults() tests with count==1 and stride=0
     * Run FSR tests for pipeline library
     * Basic tests for VK_KHR_graphics_pipeline_library
     * Add tests for zero initialize workgroup memory
     * vulkan: KHR_format_feature_flags2 modifier coverage
     * dEQP-VK.pipeline.graphics_library
     * Add miscellaneous tests for pipeline library
     * Add imageStore tests that write constant values
     * Check dynamic viewports with depth clip control
     * Move draw buffers indexed tests from ES3.1 to ES3 group
     * Support VK_KHR_portability_enumeration
     * Rewrite portability check for Amber tests
     * vulkan: Templatize the DRM format modifier tests
     * Fix feature checks in rasterization order attachment tests
     * Add coverage for transition between compute and indirect draw
     * Rework platform memory limits
     * Enable EGL AHB tests
     * Added tests to check vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties with VK_IMAGE_CREATE_EXTENDED_USAGE_BIT
     * Add a batch of GraphicsFuzz coverage tests
     * Test EarlyFragmentTests effect on color output and sample counting
     * Enable VK_KHR_pipeline_library in default device
     * Test pSetLayouts in graphics_pipeline_library
     * Actually test compatible depth/stencil attachment formats
     * modifiers: Use dedicated memory consistently
     * Rename VK_KHR_graphics_pipeline_library to EXT
     * Rename mustpass master branch to main
     * Verify Depth/Stencil Write conditions
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_primitives_generated_query
     * Add VK_EXT_graphics_pipeline_library to extensions_data.txt
     * Improve coverage of MSAA copies
     * Add a check that drmFormatModifierTilingFeatures has at least one bit set
     * Add more power of two checks
     * Add tests for surfaceless queries
     * Add depth and stencil multisample copy tests
     * Test more depth/stencil formats in load_store_op_none tests
     * Add tests to verify compressed texture downloads to non-zero mip levels
     * Merge master to graphics_pipeline_library branch
     * Add coverage for depth bias with polygon topologies and fill modes
     * Don't filter out some VK_NV extensions used in tests
     * Test SRGB formats with UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFERs
     * Test constant and dynamically uniform subgroup shuffle deltas
     * Add dynamic state to instancing tests
     * Add color output check to early fragment sample count tests
     * Use common code for robustness2 tests
     * Create custom device when testing VK_NV_shading_rate_image
     * Handle cases added with merge from master
     * Resolve multisample image tests with renderArea < attachment size
     * Run pipeline tests for pipeline library
     * OpPtrEqual OpPtrNotEqual for non-variable pointers
     * Add check for ES compatibility extensions with Desktop OpenGL
     * Fix OpenGL implicit conversions tests
     * Fix extension promotions
     * Fix arguments for image test reference generation
     * Fix MSVC C++17 build
     * Add queue ownership release in modifier tests
     * Check for visibility in external_memory_host test
     * Avoid using unsupported rasterization order feature struct
     * Limit number of storage buffers in divide by zero compute test
     * Wait for idle queue after submitting an empty job
     * Fix GLES CTS mustpass files moved after GPL merge
     * Avoid division by zero in calculateThreshold
     * fix GL46 vector construction sizing
     * Fix build issues with older NDKs
     * Fix dEQP-VK.subgroups.size_control.compute.required_subgroup_size_*_require_full_subgroups
     * Fix memory leaks when creating test hierarchy
     * Improve and fix quad randomization in vertex array test
     * Fixed non zero mip compressed texture tests failure
     * Make texel conversion ignore unused channels
     * Avoid logging to stdout in buffer mem requirements tests
     * Parse test case result version when converting to XML
     * Use associated physical device from custom instance
     * Do not query unsupported structures
     * Fix GCC 11 misleading indentation warning
     * PGQ bug fixes
     * Use the correct attachment parameter when not the default FBO
     * Fix signed integer overflow in shader precision tests
     * Fix fragment_shader_interlock vs fragment_shading_rate tests
     * Remove a wrong qualityWarning for fbo completeness test
     * Fix DeqpTestRunnerTest
     * Fix dEQP-VK.image.sample_texture.* tests write out-of-bounds bug
     * Use getDevice() instead of m_logicalDevice.get() so it works in both paths
     * Fix link time optimization tests
     * Regenerate main/gl45-master.txt
     * Increase tolerance in fp64 mat3determinant compute
     * Fix subgroup size control failure logging
     * Assert that isnan and isinf cases cover intended classes
     * Improve max image samples check in KHR-GL46.multi_bind test
     * Use queues and entrypoints from custom device
     * Reduce framebuffer size on some graphicsfuzz tests
     * Fix freeing custom device in dynamic state tests
     * Fix lossy layout transitions in modifier tests
     * Fix waived tests being able to crash suite
     * Restore the default pipeline layout creation flag
     * Fix accidentally removed extension
     * fix invalid buffer bind size in KHR-GL46.sparse_buffer_tests.BufferStorageTest
     * Fixes Conditional Rendering local memory tests
     * Fix warnings with clang and GCC
     * Wait for deferred operations before obtaining RT pipeline handle
     * Reduce advertised sys mem on 32 bit Android
     * Use proper image tiling in synchronization test support checks
     * Fix incorrect layout transition in modifier tests
     * gl4cMapBufferAlignmentTests: ensure that the GL_ARB_buffer_storage extension is present
     * Fix acceleration structure vertex and index flushes
     * Fix signed integer overflow in shader operator tests
     * Remove unused variables from occlusion query tests
     * Remove EnableBlendCase from ES 3.1
     * Fix ARB_sparse_texture commit tests texture allocation
     * Fix compilation issues with ShaderLibraryCase assert
     * Check extension support before using its image extended usage bit
     * Fixes pipeline library merge
     * Keep track which SBT records are needed and initialize all needed ones
     * Fix extension data for EXT_texel_buffer_alignment
     * Fix negative shift in bitfieldExtract tests
     * Fix one more missed extension promotion
     * Update known conformance version for
     * Query default FBO Depth, Stencil only when format requires
     * Fix Zlib depedency
     * Limit dimensionality of arrays-of-arrays in random SSBO tests
     * Increase tolerance in mat3 determinant compute test
     * Modify pipeline library tests to always specify the layout
     * Check for graphics pipeline library support in FSR tests
     * Fix bad merge affecting create_device_unsupported_features test
     * Fix rounding issues with texture generation shader
     * Fix 32-bit compilation warning
     * GCC 11 build fixes for opengl-es-cts-3.2.7 branch
     * Synchronize input attachment reads in IO chains
     * Fix division by zero errors
     * Update KC-CTS for MR40
     * Simplify isDeviceFunctionalitySupported
     * Update Android CTS files for 2022
     * Add more video exclusions to
     * Update files, replacing old link
     * Rework extensions_data and mandatory_features
     * Update docs to use python3 executable where required
     * Add support for building with Visual Studio 2022
     * Switch the branch to the main mustpass
     * Notice of withdrawal of Vulkan CTS 1.2.5.x
     * Remove duplicate makeComputePipeline definitions
     * Update known conformance version for
     * Reduce and amortize memory allocations in RT utilities
     * Update KC CTS
     * framework: unify TestPackage behaviour between ES 3.1 and 3.2
     * Update vulkan-docs version
     * Use standard type definitions on all platforms
     * Add missing formats to mapTextureFormat
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New Tests:
     * VK_EXT_pageable_device_local_memory test coverage
     * Merge vk-gl-cts/dev/VK_EXT_image_view_min_lod into vk-gl-cts/vulkan-cts-1.3.1
     * Delay initializing fragment_shading_rate tests
     * Accurate reason for fragment shading rate test not supported
     * Use correct barriers in dEQP-VK.api.copy_and_blit.core.*no_cab
     * Fix unsupported_features test.
     * Mark gl_Position as invariant in invariance tests
     * TimeLine semaphores tests should check for the feature
     * Do not require full subgroups when requiring a work group size
     * Fix validation errors in compute tests
     * Fix REQUIRE_FULL_SUBGROUPS_BIT tests with SPIR-V 1.6
     * Remove Roadmap 2022 requirement
     * Always use workaround for blitting to/from BC6H
     * Increase error threshold for blitting non-nearest compressed formats
     * Fix build error on gcc 4.8
     * Use the correct resolve mode for dynamic rendering
     * Add support for 'alternative' image view min lod calculation
     * Fix load_store_op_none dynamic rendering validation error
     * Replace bitwise or with logical
     * Avoid triangle fans in reinterpolation consistency tests
     * Fix uniform subgroup size test
     * Fix compilation on Android
     * Fix dynamic rendering multisampling test layout transition operation
     * Fix multiview dynamic rendering tests to enable dynamicRendering feature
     * Use the correct stencilInitialLayout for unused resolve targets with separate stencil
     * Avoid invalid reportIntersectionEXT hit kinds in subroup tests
     * Fix checkSupport in compressed texture sampling tests
     * Don't adjust vertext buffer pointer in AS for indirect AS build.
     * Remove Cached as it is not needed on compute zero_initialize_workgroup_memory tests
     * Only pass VkImageViewMinLodCreateInfoEXT when minLod is != 0.0f
     * Update mandatory features for Vulkan1.3
     * Avoid invalid reportIntersectionEXT hit kinds in mem guarantee tests
     * Fix rounding issues with texture generation shader
     * Increase tolerance in multiple interpolation tests
     * Disable BC7 mode 8 pattern generation
     * Ray tracing: avoid skipping triangles and AABBs at the same time
     * Fix OOB memory copy in dEQP-VK.image.sample_cubemap.* tests
     * Fix Set/WaitEvent2KHR dependency flags setup
     * Re-enable GCC warning for Amber
     * Update glslang
  • vulkansc-cts-
    Vulkan SC CTS
  • opengl-es-cts-
    OpenGL ES CTS
    New Tests:
     * Remove GLES-only tests from the GL 4.5 package
     * Add a new GLES2TextureSharingTest
     * Support GL 4.5 in the sRGB skip decode tests
     * Test framebuffer completeness when layered rendering
     * Add yuv420 format to EGL AHB tests
     * EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture test using ReadPixels
     * Add GL_RGB9_E5 as renderable ext format in fbo tests
     * Add tests for mixing matrix packing in nested structs
     * Support GL 4.5 in the Integer state query tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the Texture Specification Tests
     * Tests for OpenGL ES 3.1 and 3.2 compressed formats
     * Raise glsl version to 410 core for shaders with GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters
     * Support GL 4.5 in the textureGather tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the Boolean State Query tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the copy image tests
     * Allow GL_RGB9_E5 as a valid fbo format
     * Support GL 4.5 in the Texture Filtering Tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the Query vertex attribute binding state tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the Program State Query tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the Arrays of Arrays Tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the blend_equation_advanced tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the default vertex array object test
     * Support GL 4.5 in the Opaque Type Indexing Tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the Built-in Constant Tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the Synchronization tests
     * Add timer query handle reuse test for opengl es
     * Support GL 4.5 in the Linkage Tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the Common function tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the uniform location tests
     * Add tests for multidimensional atomic counter array
     * Support GL 4.5 in the Stencil texturing tests
     * Support FP16 CPU Rendering
     * Allow EGL tests to use ES3 with EGL_KHR_create_context
     * Support GL 4.5 in the multisample texture tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the tessellation and geometry shader interaction tests
     * Added tests for OES_EGL_image_external
     * Support GL 4.5 in the indexed draw buffers tests
     * Extend CopyImage tests to test astc_sliced_3d
     * Support GL 4.5 in the geometry shading tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the Cube map array texture tests
     * Suppotr GL 4.5 in the sRGB write control tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the base vertex extension drawing tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the gl_HelperInvocation tests
     * Mirror existing ANGLE waiver for Samsung devices
     * Support GL 4.5 in the multisample interpolation states tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in various multisample tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the Texture size tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the EXT_texture_border_clamp tests
     * Add GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_RG8 support
     * Support GL 4.5 in the GetTexLevelParameter tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the Layout binding tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the Program interface query tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the Separate shader tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the Shader state query tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the Texture buffer syncronization tests
     * Tests for GLES3 framebuffer completeness
     * Add tests for all ES 3.0 internal formats
     * EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture test
     * Add TexSubImage2D format compatibility tests
     * Add some simple shader tests for compatibility context
     * Support GL 4.5 in the Shader Image Load & Store Tests
     * Added layered AHB EGL tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the atomic operation with image tests
     * Add test for PBO bounds
     * Add GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects requirement
     * Support  GL 4.5 in the draw_indirect tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the Internal format queries tests
     * Support GL 4.5 in the tessellation tests
     * Add AOSP tests to the GL4.5 mustpass
     * Fix uninitialized local variables in generated shader.
     * x11_egl: only append library path if it's not empty
     * Fix sRGB cases in framebuffer_fetch tests for OpenGL 4.5
     * Add missing extension requirement
     * Improve and fix quad randomization in vertex array test
     * Fix array iteration range
     * Fix missing barrier in compute test
     * Fix glcPackedPixelsTests to properly account for skip images
     * Check for integer texture support in negative teximage tests
     * Fix loop over cube map faces in GL4
     * Fix GLES3 Clang UBSan errors
     * Fix precision issue in ShaderMatrixTest
     * Fix EGL AHB util build issue
     * Fix negative shift in bitfieldExtract tests
     * Fix cull_distance.coverage on pre-GL4 drivers
     * Fix fma precision tests for Open GL 4.5
     * Static code analysis fix for bounding box test
     * Remove invalid reserved keywords tests
     * Fix out-of-bounds stack read
     * Fix memory barriers between store and load operations
     * Remove renderingComplete test
     * Fix more spurious failures in KHR-GL*.transform_feedback.api_errors_test
     * Remove direct state access usage from RenderbufferCase
     * Make texel conversion ignore unused channels
     * Fix vector access in EGL partial update tests
     * Pad out glClearBufferuiv value
     * Fix error logs in ssbo/image load store tests
     * Enable the dEQP-GL45 package on Android
     * Fix precision issue in NearestEdgeTests shaders
     * Remove few EGL robustness tests
     * Change GLSL->SPIR-V mapping of notEqual to OpFUnordNotEqual not OpFOrdNotEqual
     * Check support for EGL 1.5 or higher when using GLES3
     * Fix signed integer overflow
     * Increase tolearance for dithering tests
     * Fix signed integer overflow in shader precision tests
     * Fix division by zero errors
     * Fix shader operator tests' precision expectation
     * Fix for the common function tests with GL 4.5
     * Fix to GL 4.5 geometry shading provoking vertex tests
     * Fix to GL 4.5 geometry shading point size tests
     * Fix undefined behavior in FloatToHalf
     * Avoid shifting by more than bit width
     * Fix for the bounding box tests with GL 4.5
     * Fix tessellation cases using precise qualifier for OpenGL 4.5
     * Remove shaders.arrays from the Khronos mustpass
     * Fix source data size in SSBO array length tests
     * Fix Windows build
     * Fix signed integer overflow in vertex array tests
     * Avoid division by zero in calculateThreshold
     * Fix MSVC C++17 build
     * Fix bug in compressed PixelStorageModes tests
     * Fix for the various multisample tests with GL 4.5
     * Retry lesser FBO sample counts if UNSUPPORTED
     * Disable-SeamlessCubeMap-In-Reference-ES2Context
     * Throttling CTS producing frame speed
     * Fix signed integer overflow in shader operator tests
     * Avoid OOB params access in call log wrapper
     * Fix the default GL_IMAGE_BINDING_FORMAT for desktop OpenGL
     * Static code analysis fixes for GL cts
     * Relax get_frame_timestamps
     * Fix to multisample texture test shaders with GL 4.5
     * Fix spurious failures on KHR-GL30.transform_feedback.api_errors_test
     * Accept NaN as valid in atan2 precision tests
     * Lower vector constructor test shader version
     * Add memoryBarrier before buffer map verify
     * Print ints for pixel values instead of chars in error message
     * Fix build issues with older NDKs
     * Avoid division by zero in cube map coordinates
     * Add a glMemoryBarrier between buffer write and read
     * GCC 11 build fixes for opengl-es-cts
     * Fix missing barrier in texture buffer test
     * Make tcu::Exception noexcept copy-constructible
     * Raise glsl version to 420 for compute shaders
     * Move two GL groups to single config
     * Update Vulkan/GL Readme
     * Fix GL compatbility mustpass file names
     * framework: unify TestPackage behaviour between ES 3.1 and 3.2
     * Allow the use of the standard types
     * Update OpenGL mustpass
     * Remove unreachable breaks
     * reset minSampleShading only with OpenGL Core 4.0+
     * Add an option to terminate after first failure, update READMEs
     * Remove shaders.switch from the Khronos mustpasses
     * Remove in-repo verify_submission scripts
     * QPA image viewer updates
     * Replace libUI with native Android AHB API
     * Fix surfaceless platform for Android
     * Fix Windows MSVC build regression from GitHub!261
     * Adjust texture data and threshold
     * Fix error in
     * Remove unused test cases from gen-keywords script
     * Add waived tests support for cts tools
     * Revise the render_list string of angle vulkan waiver
     * Ensure only Unix paths are added to deqp.apk
     * Allow wildcards in waiver vendor strings
     * Create chunked mustpass
     * Extract findLSB() and findMSB() to a separate helper file.
     * Implement getProcAddress for surfaceless platform
     * Update Android API and permissions for OpenGL
     * Fix Clang -Wcomma warnings
     * Add Android test lists for OpenGL ES
     * Always include sys/system_properties.h for Android
     * Add CMake detection logic for libdrm include files
     * Work around bogus GCC 9 warnings
     * Remove extra semicolons
     * Fix exit code for cts-runner
     * Remove empty subtest
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New Tests:
     * Attachment rate tests
     * Extend multisample tests to support FSR
     * Test contradictory parameters on swapchain creation
     * TRANSIENT_ATTACHMENT_BIT store/load op test
     * Execute FDM tests with dynamic rendering
     * Test non-Sample Shading FragCoord.xy
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_primitive_topology_list_restart
     * Pick correct memoryTypeIndex for AHB
     * Test blitting from ASTC formats
     * Modify dual source blend tests to use discard
     * Missing coverage for vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults
     * Checked .inl files back into the repo
     * VK_EXT_rgba10x6_formats
     * Add tests for rasterization order attachment access
     * Add suite of div by zero tests
     * Test VK_KHR_global_priority
     * Add buffer feature check for depth/stencil formats
     * Split multiple interpolation tests using the sample decoration
     * Portability: fix border_swizzle tests
     * Test VK_KHR_roadmap_2022
     * Add coverage for sampling compressed cubemaps that has been written
     * Add coverage for sampling a compressed texture that has been written
     * Add tests for buffer size requirements
     * Test anisotropic filtering of single-level images
     * Test no-op image layout transitions in VK_KHR_synchronization2
     * Improve coverage of MSAA copies with different layouts
     * Add compute test with zero dispatch size
     * Depth/Stencil descriptor tests
     * Add custom border color swizzle tests
     * Further VK_NV_mesh_shader test variants and fixes
     * Add power of two checks for physical device limits
     * Fix dot product with saturation tests
     * Extend interpolateAt* tests
     * Add fragment operations occlusion query tests
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_depth_clip_control
     * Stencil resolve tests without samplerate shading
     * Add a batch of GraphicsFuzz coverage tests
     * Verify that timeline semaphores cannot import/export SYNC_FD
     * Execute FDM tests with legacy renderpass
     * Cover vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements*() routines tests
     * Re-enable protected memory tests
     * Test multiview with different depth ranges
     * Improve coverage of MSAA copies
     * Revert "Exclude cov-function-with-nested-loops-called-from-nested-loops"
     * Various methods passing of PhysicalStorageBuffer tests
     * Fix and enable dynamic rendering multivew coverage
     * Add dynamic rendering to attachment rate tests
     * Enable packed formats for border swizzle tests
     * Add tests for VK_NV_mesh_shader
     * Test vkCreateDevice with unsupported features
     * Add basic signaled fence tests
     * Ensure that compute shaders have a subgroup size that is uniform in command scope
     * Add missing feature check to MS copy tests
     * Create command pool with command buffer reset in RT tests
     * Fix image requirements according to its usage
     * Add format check to SharedPresentableImageTest
     * Initialise dot product required feature struct
     * Use signed sampled type for signed integer formats
     * Fix getting capture address in RT capture replay tests
     * Fix warnings reported by clang 13
     * Remove vkDestroyBuffer
     * Fix wrong conversion from shared pointer to int.
     * Re-enable Clang warning for Amber
     * Disable depth clamp for graphics pipeline creation tests.
     * Fix for dEQP-VK.api.buffer_memory_requirements.* tests
     * Fix memory requirements tests for sparse images
     * Fix for potentially uninitialized variables
     * Zero initialize XFB counter buffer
     * Fix for issues in dynamic rendering tests
     * Fix vktFragmentShadingRateBasic tests
     * Remove dynamic rendering multiview tests
     * Add missing barrier to fix multi-core issue
     * Fix stencil layout transitions in samplemask tests
     * Fix vkAttachmentRateTests
     * Fix strided device address regions in RT misc tests
     * Fix mandatory features checks for vk1.3
     * Remove redundant load/store op none tests
     * Portability: avoid triangle fans
     * Fix validation errors in renderpass tests
     * Remove invalid semaphore import/export tests
     * Skip the "two_draw" variants of zero_stride_with_offset tests
     * Disable two warnings for old Amber versions
     * Fix workgroup memory tests for int16s
     * Fix barrier for initializing resolve attachment image to use proper level
     * Fix allocation of system memory.
     * Rename various things for more inclusive language
     * Fix requirements tests for multiplane images
     * Don't silently drop features that were requested
     * Fix mismatched ray payload in descriptor set random tests
     * Update kc-cts version
     * Reduce complexity of some random cases
     * Fix image view type for multiview multi draw tests
     * Fix sType Tooling Info tests
     * Avoid querying non-supported hardware features
     * Remove api.tooling_info.validate_instance_layers
     * Pass force to fetch_sources
     * Fix post-clear barrier in depth/stencil descriptor tests
     * Fix depth_different_ranges tests
     * Remove time measurement on deferred host build tests
     * Add missing feature check
     * Fix bug in calcFloatDiff
     * Reduce framebuffer size of dEQP-VK.graphicsfuzz.spv-stable-pillars-volatile-nontemporal-store
     * Fix RGBA10x6 feature check
     * GCC 11 build fixes
     * Allow rounding error when reading back Z buffer
     * Fix extended_dynamic_state tests
     * Initialise new member of ImageTestParams struct
     * Relax protected heap allocation tests - continuation
     * Fix Buffer Memory Requirements tests compilation errors
     * Fix multisample_with_fragment_shading_rate tests
     * Fix issues in load_store_op_none tests
     * Enable anisotropic tests for mipmap images
     * Additional warning fix for Clang 13
     * Fix amber vs cts device feature requirements
     * Suppress GCC 11 conversion warning
     * Relax precision for matrix precision tests
     * Reduce framebuffer size of spv-stable-pillars-O-op-select-to-op-phi
     * Improve checkSupport in memoryRequirements tests
     * Fix validation errors in buffer memory requirement tests
     * Change cache type to NO_CACHE in duplicate_batch_pipelines_no_cache test
     * Update vkDeviceFeatureTest.inl
     * DeqpTestRunner: fix deqpLogFilename
     * Fix ray tracing closedFan2 tests
     * Add missing barrier when rendering to the same view mask.
     * Add missing checking of integer dot product features
     * Fix use a device with protected memory enabled
     * Add conformance version
     * Update fetch_sources to vulkan 1.3
     * Notice of withdrawal of Vulkan CTS 1.2.4.x
     * Update Vulkan headers
     * Zero initialize array in internal tests
     * Update vulkan-docs version
     * Add Samsung Driver ID
     * Add portability_subset to extensions_data.txt
     * Rename some waived tests for dynamic rendering
     * Update checking of VulkanFeatures structs
     * Fix integer overflow in Random::getInt()
     * Generate inl files at build time
     * Remove repeated struct in writeDeviceFeatures2
     * Extract findLSB() and findMSB() to a separate helper file.
     * Allow Vulkan CTS
     * Add Vulkan-Docs to fetch sources
     * Fix inl files
     * Fix NULL/False to std::string conversion errors
     * Add VK_KHR_global_priority to extensions_data.txt
     * Add tcu::Nothing to improve tcu::Maybe usability
     * Update Android test lists for Broadcom waiver
     * Update vulkan-docs to main
  • opengl-cts-
    OpenGL CTS
    New Tests:
     * Add GL_RGB9_E5 as renderable ext format in fbo tests
     * Add a new GLES2TextureSharingTest
     * Support FP16 CPU Rendering
     * Tests for OpenGL ES 3.1 and 3.2 compressed formats
     * Allow EGL tests to use ES3 with EGL_KHR_create_context
     * Added layered AHB EGL tests
     * Rework platform memory limits
     * Add yuv420 format to EGL AHB tests
     * Mirror existing ANGLE waiver for Samsung devices
     * Fix glcPackedPixelsTests to properly account for skip images
     * Query default FBO Depth, Stencil only when format requires
     * Remove invalid reserved keywords tests
     * Fix source data size in SSBO array length tests
     * Fix signed integer overflow
     * Fix tessellation cases using precise qualifier for OpenGL 4.5
     * Check support for EGL 1.5 or higher when using GLES3
     * Fix signed integer overflow in vertex array tests
     * Avoid OOB params access in call log wrapper
     * Fix shader operator tests' precision expectation
     * Fix OpenGL implicit conversions tests
     * GCC 11 build fixes for opengl-es-cts
     * Fix for the various multisample tests with GL 4.5
     * Throttling CTS producing frame speed
     * Fix sRGB cases in framebuffer_fetch tests for OpenGL 4.5
     * Increase tolearance for dithering tests
     * Fix compilation issues with ShaderLibraryCase assert
     * Improve max image samples check in KHR-GL46.multi_bind test
     * Use the correct attachment parameter when not the default FBO
     * Fix bug in compressed PixelStorageModes tests
     * Accept NaN as valid in atan2 precision tests
     * Relax get_frame_timestamps
     * Fix vector access in EGL partial update tests
     * Fix uninitialized local variables in generated shader.
     * Add memoryBarrier before buffer map verify
     * Pad out glClearBufferuiv value
     * Fix for the bounding box tests with GL 4.5
     * Fix loop over cube map faces in GL4
     * Fix fma precision tests for Open GL 4.5
     * Regenerate main/gl45-master.txt
     * Add check for ES compatibility extensions with Desktop OpenGL
     * Add missing extension requirement
     * Fix for the common function tests with GL 4.5
     * Fix GLES3 Clang UBSan errors
     * Fix to multisample texture test shaders with GL 4.5
     * Avoid shifting by more than bit width
     * Fix error logs in ssbo/image load store tests
     * Remove direct state access usage from RenderbufferCase
     * Enable the dEQP-GL45 package on Android
     * Check for integer texture support in negative teximage tests
     * Fix out-of-bounds stack read
     * Remove shaders.arrays from the Khronos mustpass
     * Remove few EGL robustness tests
     * Fix array iteration range
     * x11_egl: only append library path if it's not empty
     * Remove unreachable breaks
     * Remove unused test cases from gen-keywords script
     * Update Android API and permissions for OpenGL
     * Extract findLSB() and findMSB() to a separate helper file.
     * Work around bogus GCC 9 warnings
     * Allow the use of the standard types
     * Remove extra semicolons
     * Fix error in
     * Implement getProcAddress for surfaceless platform
     * Switch the branch to the main mustpass
     * Fix Clang -Wcomma warnings
     * Update KC-CTS for MR40
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New Tests:
     * SpirV 1.6: Test Nontemporal image operand
     * Extend multidraw test with dynamic rendering and geom & tess
     * Test Vulkan 1.3 required features/properties
     * Add support for Vulkan 1.3
     * Fix extended_dynamic_state2 tests
     * Fix Vulkan 1.3 required features
     * Skip negative vkCreateBuffer(size_max_uint64) test for maint4
     * Fix warning introduced by 1.3 changes
     * Fix for Vulkan 1.3 implementations that don't expose VK_EXT_ycbcr_2plane_444_formats
     * Allow as a valid conformance version
     * Update glslang, SPIR-V Tools, headers to 1.6
     * Vulkan 1.3 SPIR-V 1.6 framework
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New Tests:
     * Test fragment shading rate limits and rates
     * Test dynamic topology with tessellation shaders
     * Test anisotropic filtering of single-level images
     * Re-enable protected memory tests
     * Conservative rasterization with SampleMask
     * Test zero-size unused specialization constants
     * Rename dynamic_rendering tests
     * Test blitting from compressed formats
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_primitive_topology_list_restart
     * Test more dynamic vertex input variants
     * Add more tests for YCbCr plane compatibility
     * maintenance4: Add pipeline layout tests
     * Add ClearAttachments test to KHR_dynamic_rendering
     * Add tests for vector matching
     * Improve coverage of MSAA copies with different layouts
     * Check required extension core versions
     * Add Image Store tests to BGRA images
     * Add coverage for sampling a cubemap that has been rendered to
     * Add missing items to android cts mustpass list
     * maintenance4: Add LocalSizeId tests
     * Test dynamic rendering with FSR tests
     * Test line stipple factor is ignored if not used
     * Added tests to check ignored Vk*PipelineCreateInfo members
     * maintenance4: Add requirements matching tests
     * Test multiViewport with different depth ranges
     * Test dynamic vertex stride of 0.
     * Add sample mask test for FSR
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_load_store_op_none
     * Test multiview with VK_EXT_multi_draw
     * Add more test related to early fragment tests
     * Add tests for VK_NV_mesh_shader
     * VK_EXT_rgba10x6_formats
     * Change RobustnessExt tests to use format_features2
     * Add coverage for sampling a compressed texture that has been written
     * Add image query tests for VK_KHR_maintenance4
     * Add test of vkCmdCopyImage with both layers and mipmaps
     * Added extra test case for load/store op none
     * Test vkCreateDevice with unsupported features
     * Additional dynamic depth bias tests
     * Ensure that destroying old swapchain has no effect
     * maintenance4: Add push-constant test
     * Add tests for relaxed vector matching
     * Extend multisample tests to support FSR
     * Depth/Stencil descriptor tests
     * Add additional tests for VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering
     * Tests for VK_KHR_format_feature_flags2 extension
     * maintenance4: Add maxBufferSize limit tests
     * Stencil resolve tests without samplerate shading
     * Test blitting from ASTC formats
     * Add test for finding unknown memory property flag sets
     * Update bottom AS's addresses during top AS deserialization
     * Add custom border color swizzle tests
     * Extend image tests to support formats with no formats
     * Add decoration mismatch tests
     * Test dynamic rendering with multiview tests
     * Add new tests for VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering
     * Add a batch of GraphicsFuzz coverage tests
     * Test non-Sample Shading FragCoord.xy
     * Enable Vulkan matrix determinant and inverse precision tests
     * Improve tests checking sign extension with images
     * Test OpImageQueryLod when fwidth(UV) == 0
     * Test multiview with different depth ranges
     * Test dynamic rendering with draw tests
     * Extend decoration mismatch tests
     * Test dynamic rendering with renderpass tests
     * Test VK_EXT_multi_draw with geometry and tessellation shaders
     * Remove fallback and unify testing for image clearing tests
     * Fix image requirements according to its usage
     * Add missing barrier to dynamic rendering tests
     * Wrong format in load_store_op_none test.
     * Remove dynamic rendering multiview tests
     * Fix invocation count verification
     * Prevent RT tests from going over VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan11Properties::maxMemoryAllocationSize
     * Fix DS Layout in LoadStoreOpNone when using dynamic_rendering
     * Do not chain dynamic render pass inheritance info in dEQP-VK.renderpass
     * Read stencil aspect from image in DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL  layout
     * Improve buffer to buffer copy tests
     * Fix a GraphicsFuzz coverage test
     * Fix most dEQP-VK.sparse_resources.shader_intrinsics.* validation errors
     * Update dynamic rendering tests to separate formats
     * Do not overflow when copy data
     * Fix build on CLang failing due to -Wunused-private-field
     * Fix image transition in dynamic rendering tests
     * Partial revert of CL 8054: Fix invalid layout transitions in some dynamic rendering tests
     * Fix multisample_with_fragment_shading_rate tests
     * Fix invalid layout transitions in some dynamic rendering tests
     * Issue in serial storage address computation
     * Fix incorrect shader output format
     * Increase tolerance for matrix precision tests
     * Pause XFB during pipeline switch
     * Ensure the vertex shader matches the vertex input definition
     * Slightly increase tolerance for fp64 determinant test
     * Allow NaN result when result exceeds limit
     * Fix stencil rendering in draw_with_dynamic_rendering.multi_draw tests
     * Initialise dot product required feature struct
     * Fix warning in gcc-8
     * Update vkDeviceFeatureTest.inl
     * Add missing checking of integer dot product features
     * Fix early fragment tests validation errors
     * Portability: handle robustBufferAccess
     * Fix VkClearRect sizes for vkCmdClearAttachment()
     * Fix image view type for multiview multi draw tests
     * Don't silently drop features that were requested
     * Fix layout transitions in dynamic_rendering tests
     * dEQP-VK.renderpass*.load_store_op_none.* tests depth-stencil format support check
     * Remove unused tests from mustpass
     * Fix depth_different_ranges tests
     * Check support in synchronization operation tests
     * Change cache type to NO_CACHE in duplicate_batch_pipelines_no_cache test
     * Make dynamic rendering tests match non-dynamic
     * dEQP-VK.subgroups.*ray_tracing* missing extension check
     * Fix workgroup memory tests for int16s
     * Fix memory requirements tests for sparse images
     * Fix stencil data unpacking in dEQP-VK.fragment_operations test
     * Initialise new member of ImageTestParams struct
     * Fix fragment shading rate validation layer warning
     * Update Vulkan headers
     * Updated framework for VK_KHR_maintenance4
     * Work around bogus GCC 9 warnings
     * Notice of withdrawal of Vulkan CTS 1.2.4.x
     * Optimize image clearing tests
     * Fix Clang -Wcomma warnings
     * Use [u]int16_t in the framework
     * Remove extra semicolons
     * Use uintptr_t in the framework
     * Remove extended image format capabilities from more tests
     * Remove replacement of bool32
     * Deprecation notice for Vulkan CTS 1.2.3.x
     * Fix Android system memory requirements
     * Allow Vulkan CTS
     * Portability: fix osx target
     * Replace DWORD with uint32_t
     * Use [u]int64_t in the framework
     * Use [u]int32_t in the framework
     * Fix qpReleaseInfo generation with non-ASCII paths
     * Reorder vulkan enum elements
     * SwiftShader script improvements
     * Simplify image extend operand tests for extended formats
     * Define a framework function for getting SPIR-V format tokens
     * Wire up support for maintenance4 validation
     * Update checking of VulkanFeatures structs
     * Use [u]int8_t in the framework
     * Require to enable implicit layers
     * Framework for VK_KHR_maintenance4
     * Remove unreachable breaks
     * Add run mode that verifies amber requirements
  • vulkan-cts-
    d4b5bca6 · Allow Vulkan CTS ·
    Vulkan CTS
    New tests:
    * Add tests for VK_KHR_shader_integer_dot_product
    * Fix missing self-subpass dependency
    * Verify line-stipple both with and without carry-over
    * Remove invalid SPIR-V decorations
    * Check fragment shader stores in robustness tests
    * Fix missing barrier in FSR pixel consistency tests
    * Move anisotropic filtering support check to a function
    * Add missing vertexPipelineStoresAndAtomics checks in ray query tests
    * Fix descriptor indexing test dependency
    * Add check for shaderImageGatherExtended
    * Fix dEQP-VK.image.extended_usage_bit.texture_* validation errors
    * Fix rectangular line tests
    * Fix protected memory ssbo pipeline barrier use
    * Check cube array support in robustness tests
    * Fix dEQP-VK.image.mutable.srgb validation errors
    * Fix incorrect computation of pointer size
    * Fix partial_image_npot_diff_format_clear fail
    * Don't alias image views in separate_channels subpass dependency tests
    * Fix crashes on depth stencil resolve tests with separate layouts
    * Limit storage buffer sizes in reconvergence tests
    * Fix dEQP-VK.glsl.opaque_type_indexing.ssbo*_compute validation error
    * Check fragment shader stores in frag shader side effect tests
    * Fix validation errors with unnormalized coordinates samplers
    * Check depth bias clamp feature when needed
    * Use the correct view type in no_position tests
    * Do not enable anisotropic filter in exact sampling tests
    * Add barrier between the atomic-compare-exchanges
    * Fix AHB external memory test mip levels
    * Fix wrong VkAccessFlag when copying color image to buffer
    * Reduce resolution of some graphicsfuzz tests
    * Fix workgroup_memory_explicit_layout tests SPIR-V validation errors
    * Accept NaN as valid pass value in shader precision atan2 tests
    * Correct Vulkan multiview 'tesellation' test names
    * Fix error in
  • vulkan-cts-
    34639fb3 · Allow Vulkan CTS ·
    Vulkan CTS
    New tests:
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_shader_atomic_float2
     * Tests for VK_KHR_present_id and VK_KHR_present_wait
     * The existence of a DRM device is not mandatory
     * Increase error threshold for some geometry shader tests
     * Fix variable pointer tests for geometry stages on tilers
     * Fix DRM modifier list tests
     * Relax protected heap allocation tests
     * Fix transform_feedback.simple.multiquery* tests
     * Fix depth/stencil subpass dependencies in renderpass allocation tests
     * Fix early destruction of VkPipelineLayout
     * Fix validation errors in AHB tests
     * Clean ExternalMemoryUtil
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New tests:
     * Add sample decorator to interpolation tests
     * Add VK_EXT_device_drm_properties tests
     * Add VK_EXT_multi_draw tests
     * Improve existing cull distance tests
     * Add tests checking Input and Resolve attachments can be the same attachment in a subpass
     * Add a batch of GraphicsFuzz coverage tests
     * Add timestamp query test variants with availability bit
     * Subgroup and workgroup reconvergence tests.
     * Tests for VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_uniform_control_flow
     * Shared memory layout tests
     * Add VK_FORMAT_B10G11R11_UFLOAT_PACK32 vertex input tests
     * Test null fragment shading rate attachment pointers
     * Add depth execution mode tests
     * Test instance matrix update after command recording
     * Test null miss shader group handles work
     * Test tracing rays from inside AABBs
     * Add a test for VK_EXT_global_priority_query
     * Add depth-stencil tests that do vkCmdCopyImage() with both image aspects
     * Test for fragment shading rate in
     * Add tests for vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults and pipeline statistics
     * Add writing to invalid multisample indices tests
     * Add multiple statistics query tests
     * Add tests to exercise 'readonly' SSBOs
     * Tests for VK_EXT_color_write_enable
     * Tests for VK_EXT_vertex_input_dynamic_state
     * Add VK_NV_inherited_viewport_scissor tests
     * Add XFB tests for VK_EXT_provoking_vertex
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_provoking_vertex
     * Add missing vertex pipeline stores check with ray queries
     * Add vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults() tests with dstOffset != 0
     * VK_VALVE_mutable_descriptor_type tests
     * Add new multi-planar format tests
     * New SSBO corner case test
     * Add more spir-v tests with empty structs
     * Cover array input to interpolateAtCentroid
     * Tests for image OpImageWrite on mismatched signedness and type
     * Test non-uniform args in ray tracing operations
     * Add new tests for (u)int->float conversion
     * Test buffer copies with varying offsets and sizes
     * Vulkan CTS coverage for VK_EXT_ycbcr_2plane_444_formats
     * Add primitive topologies for XFB query tests
     * Add OpImageQuerySamples with Storage Image test
     * Add early fragment tests
     * Add tests for multisample resolve to level != 0
     * Add coverage for 1D, 1D array and Cube array shadow images
     * Add subgroup testing for ray tracing pipelines
     * Test interaction between Workgroup explicit layout and zero initialization
     * Added tests for most-negative snorm values in images
     * Handle vkGetDeviceAccelerationStructureCompabilityKHR function.
     * Fix compilation issue in float_controls
     * Update extension dependencies
     * Fix 64-bit atomics mandatory feature checks
     * Fix tessellation SPIR-V tests use of Restrict
     * Fix buffer copy extents in blit tests
     * Allocate memory for reference buffer
     * Fix YCbCr linear filtering support check
     * Don't run _concurrent sync tests on 1 queue devices
     * Fix stage flags for INPUT_ATTACHMENT descriptors
     * Remove spurious feature dependencies in 1.2 tests
     * Fix feature dependency in vulkan1.2 test
     * Fix image aspect handling in fragdepth tests
     * Fix output components limit in fragment input tests
     * Check shader image atomic mandatory features
     * Properly enable Sample Shading in Fragment Shading Rate tests
     * Fix not working
     * SPIR-V 1.4 test fixes
     * Skip unsupported allocations in invariance test
     * Do not exceed heap size when allocating memory
     * Optimize the AS build tests to not use host uncached memory
     * Add missing cull flags when counting intersections of rays with triangle-based cubes
     * Check resource limits properly
     * Capture early errors on instance creation
     * Fix wait semaphore count value
     * Fix internal error for fragment stage in RT tests
     * Fix validation errors in ASTC decode mode tests
     * Invalid VkPipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT chained
     * Fix vertex count calculation in XFB query tests
     * Set the recursion depth for chit and miss cases
     * Check return code for vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID
     * Check supportedAlpha is never zero
     * Do not clamp ambiguous snorms values on vkCmdCopy*() functions
     * Use arrays of pointers with non-identity matrices
     * Portability: handle vertex input stride
     * Portability: use triangle strips in amber tests
     * Portability: handle mutableComparisonSamplers
     * Require geometry shaders for adjacency topologies
     * Static code analysis fixes
     * Fix use of binary semaphore in signaled state
     * Fix condition for checking support of XFB streams other than 0
     * Make sure minImportedHostPointerAlignment in a power of 2
     * Rename all OperationId enum values
     * Fix validation error 'InputNotProduced' in Amber tests
     * Decrease 3D image size in image atomic op tests
     * Fix interfaceTypeMismatch validation errors in Amber tests
     * Augment binding tests to test acceleration structure descriptors
     * Choose linear tiling when dmabuf is used in synchronization tests.
     * Update a batch of graphicsfuzz tests to include SPIR-V TARGET_ENV
     * Fix 'implicit-fallthrough' build error on GCC 9.3.0
     * Fix RT misc tests (querying shaderfloat64)
     * Add missing rasterizationStream in pipeline creation
     * Drop unnecessary barrier
     * Portability: fix ycbcr query tests
     * Remove duplicate dataSafe function from deSTLUtil
     * Check for drawIndirectFirstInstance should only affect indirect draw calls
     * Fulfill OpControlBarrier requirement
     * Fix compilation issue in float_controls
     * Fix use of binary semaphore in signaled state
     * Fix semaphore leak in image atomic operations test
     * Revert initial layout for depth/stencil attachment in makeRenderPass
     * Check support for triangle fan primitive topology on rasterization tests
     * Accept per-sample shading in multiple interpolation tests
     * Single color buffer in multiple interpolation tests
     * Set point size in subgroup size control tests
     * Fix Protected context constructor initialization list order
     * Call computeFixedPointError only for fixed point case
     * Avoid overflowing arrays in GLSL atomic tests
     * Add an option to terminate after first failure, update READMEs
     * Add keys deqp-log-decompiled-spirv and deqp-log-empty-loginfo
  • opengl-cts-
    OpenGL CTS
    First release of OpenGL CTS
  • vulkan-cts-
    cd436dbd · Allow Vulkan CTS ·
    Vulkan CTS
     * Fix several issues in swapchain tests
     * Allow false positive hits from build-in AABBs intersector
     * Fixes ycbcr copy tests using NaNs
     * Revert "Remove too long tests"
     * Fix inconsistent ray payloads in RT barrier tests
     * Fixes image sparse tests
     * Fix crash issue when AHB extension is not supported
     * Fixes sparse image padding tests
     * Fixes for robust buffer with variable pointer tests
     * Fixes fragment density map tests
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New tests:
     * Add new tests for VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state2
     * Vulkan CTS coverage for VK_EXT_ycbcr_2plane_444_formats
     * Tests for VK_EXT_color_write_enable
     * Tests for VK_EXT_vertex_input_dynamic_state
     * Add VK_NV_inherited_viewport_scissor tests
     * Remove too long tests
     * Add missing memory barrier between device transfer write and host read
     * Move the hit counting from any hit to closest hit shader stage
     * Use actual pipeline recursion depth when computing stack size
     * Reduce the number of RayQueryExt objects allocated in shader
     * Android: test list change dEQP-VK.glsl.builtin.*
     * Drop unnecessary barrier
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New tests:
     * Enable shadow filtering tests for non-filterable formats
     * Add BGR and BGRA formats to image view tests
     * Add tests for standard multisample positions
     * Push constant overwrite tests
     * Test large command buffers with many draw commands
     * Test barycentric coordinates in ray tracing hits
     * Ray query hitT direction length tests
     * Verify submit with wait on timeline semaphore with 0 value
     * Test timeline semaphore with two threads
     * Including testing zw components with fragcoord_msaa tests
     * Ray tracing hitT direction length tests
     * Pipeline bind point tests
     * Add tests for sparseImageFloat32Atomics
     * Add concurrent transform feedback streams query tests
     * Add tests for implicit unmap on free
     * Test variable pointers on dynamic descriptors
     * Tests for image OpImageWrite on mismatched vector sizes
     * Mix dynamic state with compute and transfer
     * Test not writing to the Position built-in
     * Add coverage for depth bias
     * Test FragCoord with per-sample input variable
     * Add new samplerless descriptor tests
     * Add tests for multisample texture size
     * VK_KHR_fragment_shading_rate pixel consistency
     * Test descriptor set layout binding ordering
     * Add descriptor update stress test
     * Coverage tests for undefined values
     * Test attributes beyond static vertex stride
     * Additional conditional rendering tests
     * Expand tests for image queries of null descriptors
     * Add FrexpStruct comparison tests
     * Test negative depthBiasClamp values
     * Add minimum nonUniform tests to descriptor indexing texts
     * Add striped 3D blitting tests
     * Add tests for logical operations
     * Test invalid Lods in the textureSize tests
     * Tests for multiple clears within render pass
     * Enable nullDescriptor for AS ray query tests
     * Test dynamic indexing of AS
     * Test dynamic indexing of ray queries
     * Test procedural geometry with complex BB sets
     * Basic tests for VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization
     * Add test for image copy special case
     * Add drawing tests for Android hardware buffer based color buffer
     * Test data spilling and unspilling around RT shader calls
     * Add new tests that verify IgnoreIntersection/TerminateRay corner cases.
     * Test maxPipelineRayRecursionDepth can be zero
     * Enable YCbCr filtering tests for non-separable chroma
     * Vulkan Portability support
     * Test terminateInvocation with frag shader side effects
     * Enable random writes for storage texel buffers
     * Test reading primitive id from frag shader after tessellation
     * Add VK_EXT_headless_surface surface tests
     * Allow more conservative coverage for degenerate triangles
     * Change format used in pipeline cache control tests
     * Include sys/system_properties.h in teglAndroidUtil.cpp
     * Add missing mandatory features
     * Ensure WSI colorspace has no effect on image contents
     * Fix recursion depth requirement in complexcontrolflow
     * Remove multiview requirement in extended dyn state tests
     * Check image extent support in watertightness tests
     * Read deserealization size from stream
     * Fix flush/invalidate in mismatched_write_op tests
     * Fix sync validation for mismatched_write_op tests
     * Check if image sample count supported by VkSampleCountFlags
     * Always accumulate errors in desc set random tests
     * Fix build indirect structure tests
     * Fix reordering vertices in geometry shader in ray_query AS test
     * Fix source blit image size
     * Fix wrong semaphore type being queried
     * Fix fragment shading rate validation errors
     * Fix missing check for supported device features
     * Allow OOM for maxImageExtent swapchain cases
     * Decrease required subgroup size
     * Add needed extension and feature checks in mismatched_write_op test
     * Fix decoration_group tests
     * Adds local multi device present mode support check
     * Remove dubious const-casting in mismatched_write_ops tests
     * Fix compute binding storage buffer alignment
     * Silence validation layers warning on missing sType
     * Fix image format in memory model tests
     * Ensure there is a committed ray intersection before calling rayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceIdEXT(..., true)
     * Fix memory scope in OpControlBarrier tests
     * Fix validation in mismatched format tests
     * Check sparse image format support before creation
     * Add VariablePointerFeatures requirement for amber test requiring it
     * Avoid querying YCbCr combined sampler count in RGBA
     * Check unsupported formats with sparse AMD bias/lod
     * Fix a Graphicsfuzz coverage test not to depend on an undefined value
     * Fix checks for conditional rendering support
     * Check for VK_KHR_portability_subset extension before checking it's features
     * Fix sync problems in conditional_rendering.draw_clear tests
     * Don't access arrays out-of-bounds in robustness2 tests
     * Clarify depth/stencil resolve write access sync
     * Fix Renderpass storeOp synchronization hazards
     * Fix back-to-back transfer command synchronization hazards
     * Simplify code for subgroup builtin mask tests
     * Fix end of Renderpass synchronization hazards
     * Fix additional RenderPass loadOp/stencilLoadOp sync hazards.
     * Fix RenderPass stencilLoadOp synchronization hazards.
     * Fix RenderPass loadOp synchronization hazards.
     * Select SPIR-V for the robustness' compute shaders
     * Fix buffer offsets in push descriptor tests
     * Destroy deferred ops before destroying devices
     * Shorten the ray so that it can't hit other cells
     * Only use AABBs for the shader record tests
     * Simplify geometry to reduce AABB precision issues
     * Fix test using protected features without creating a device with them enabled
     * Use linear tiling with external_memory_host tests
     * Remove the tests with too large device AS build workload
     * Fix robust buffer access result checking for partially out of bound cases
     * Fix required features checks in shaderRecordExplicitScalarOffset_6 test case
     * Allow false positive hits from build-in AABBs intersector
     * Fix insufficient BLAS indirect buffer size
     * Fix test does not return failure status
     * Fixes transform feedback query tests
     * Fixes Fragment Shading Rate layered tests
     * Enable validation for all custom devices
     * Add a waiver for depth bias on some Broadcom GPUs
     * Add a list of unused shaders into log
     * Change gradient generator for pipeline image tests
     * Add command line option for filtering by runner
     * Update AccessInstance::verifyResult() to support 64-bit types
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New tests:
     * Tests for VK_KHR_synchronization2
     * Tests for VK_KHR_workgroup_memory_explicit_layout
     * Tests for VK_KHR_zero_initialize_workgroup_memory
     * Tests for VK_EXT_4444_formats
     * Do not use image index and semaphore when vkAcquireNextImageKHR fails
     * Allow failure of creating swapchain with application controlled full-screen exclusive mode
     * Workaround for entrypoints tests requiring vendor entrypoints while checking KHR extension
     * Fix extended dynamic state to not access out of bounds memory
     * Fix out of memory error on 32bit driver builds
     * Fix for primitiveOffset calculation
     * Properly handle VK_OPERATION_NOT_DEFERRED_KHR
     * Fix memory scope in OpControlBarrier tests
     * Allow geometry shader to reorder vertices in dEQP-VK.ray_query.acceleration_structures test
     * Fix size calculation for compressed 3D textures
     * Set correct access flags for buffer copy synchronization.
     * Fix inconsistent primitive count issue
  • opengl-es-cts-
    OpenGL ES CTS
    New tests:
     * Tests for GLES3 number parsing
     * Add tests for GLES3 vector construction from other types
     * Added test for reusing query handle
     * Add tests for usage of pixel storage modes
     * pipeline statistics test: Fix compute shader setup in !GL4.3 case.
     * First steps towards running ES3.1 functional tests on GL4.5 drivers
     * Fix image cube array tests support checks
     * Use shader to calculate sample point
     * Reset texture data to 0 after each 16 iterations to avoid overflow
     * ANGLE waiver for GLES XFB array element capture
     * Modify/add GLES XFB tests without element capture
     * Lower precision required for texture-lookups
     * Add formats support in nearest_edge tests
     * gles2: Add temporary constant-data shader indexing tests.
     * Fix pixel pack/unpack in nearest edge tests
     * fix 1d depth component 16 sizing in layout locations tests.
     * Fix more expected errors for some DSA functions
     * glspirv: don't cause aborted test runs.
     * Fix pipeline statistics test
     * use correct delete function for arrays
     * Fix PixelStorageModesTests
     * Fix broken layout binding tests
     * Force Popen to text mode
     * Fix epsilon calculation for RGB10_A2 pixel format
     * Disable dithering in nearest edge test cases
     * Return a valid format when GL_RGB8 is not treated as GL_RGBA8
     * Switch the branch to the master mustpass
     * Unicode and Python3 fixes for verification scripts
     * Check for astc_sliced_3d extension in negative API tests