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Vulkan CTS


 * Handle 1.0 vs 1.1 differences for VK_KHR_device_group
 * Check for toplevel sparse binding support bit in sparse pipeline tests
 * Add a checker for vkQueuePresent returning VK_SUBOPTIMAL_KHR
 * Fix more sampleShading issues in dEQP-VK.pipeline.multisample_shader_builtin.*
 * Fix for SSBO offset alignment
 * Split incremental_present tests into more dimensions to avoid timeout
 * Fixes protected memory swapchain image format oom
 * Split compute workload into multiple submissions
 * Require variablePointersStorageBuffer feature in pointer_parameter tests
 * Fixes precise occlusion query tests
 * Waiver for device-scope core memory model tests.
 * Add GeometryPointSize feature check
 * Add feature checks to shader builtin tests
 * Check for imageCubeArray feature in image tests
 * Check for required features in memory model tests
 * Fix image sizes for formats that need a multiple of 2.
 * Check for largePoints feature and add 1px test variant
 * Remove incorrect unroll_dont_unroll test
 * Don't set sampleShadingEnable in dEQP-VK.pipeline.framebuffer_attachment.*
 * Fix stack underflow in incremental present test