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  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New tests:
     * Tests for VK_KHR_8bit_storage
     * Tests for VK_KHR_create_renderpass2
     * Check required peer memory features in sparse resources device group tests
     * Require geometry shader in multisample resolve
     * Fix protected memory buffer tests to do proper operation
     * Fixes ycbcr copy tests to ignore padding
     * Don't rely on unspecified argument evaluation order in atomic swap tests
     * Request required 16bit storage features in UConvert/SConvert tests
     * Added PointSize in shader used for drawing points
     * Fix VkPipelineLayout use after free
  • opengl-es-cts-
    OpenGL ES CTS
    New tests:
     * Tests for precision matching rules
     * Tests for EXT_shader_group_vote
     * Tests for readonly and writeonly buffer variables
     * Tests for npot_tex2d_render
     * Tests for multiple contexts
     * Tests for struct names hiding other struct names
     * Tests for mixing UB/SSB with and without instance names
     * Tests for negative gl_WorkGroupSize cases
     * Tests for internal formats conversions
     * Tests for packed depth and stencil
     * Tests for OES_texture_3D
     * Tests for packed pixels
     * Tests for CopyImageSubData with integer textures
     * Increased negative GLSL coverage
     * Increased coverage for robustness
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New tests:
     * Add tests for VK_KHR_draw_indirect_count
     * Limit protected swapchain images based on memory
     * Don't use invalid sType as canary value for arrays
     * Clear image layer 0 in memory commitment test
     * Vulkan: Fix WIN32 NativeHandle importMemory leaks
     * Do not fail plane tests when there is no display
     * Do not fail display tests when there is no display
     * Do not test CLEAR loadOp with read-only depth stencil image layouts
     * Remove 4K min size from dedicated image tests
     * Missing pipeline barriers from fragment variants of dEQP-VK.subgroups.*
     * Request GPDP2 extension if required in shared presentable image tests
  • opengl-cts-
    OpenGL CTS
     * Fix glTransformFeedbackBufferRange defintion
     * Move khr_debug tests to NoContext
     * Fixes for sparse texture clamp tests.
     * SparseTextureAlloc check for GL_NV_deep_texture3D
     * Fix ClearOpsBufferStorageTestCase on ppc64le
     * Fix XCreateWindow BadMatch with depth 32 visuals
     * Fix checks for maximum number of samples
     * Loosen color target tolerances for some tests
     * Remove use of unsupported SURFACETYPE_OFFSCREEN_GENERIC
     * Implementations can use more samples than requested
     * Remove read value check against uncommitted pages
     * Add some missing GL_TEXTURE_SPARSE state setting
     * Fix typo in log message for ClearOpsBufferStorage
     * Validate instancing cases properly
  • vulkan-cts-
    239b55ca · Update Vulkan Readme ·
    Vulkan CTS
    First major update since the initial release.
    This release adds 26272 new tests in total.
    New tests:
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax
     * Add test to stress semaphore chains
     * Add two-step variants of surface clear tests
     * Add test for sparse render target
     * Add VK_KHR_16bit_storage granularity stress test
     * Add tests for different shader varying vec width
     * Add tests for binding model with multiple descriptor sets
     * Add wide-color tests
     * Add new tests for OpSConvert and OpFConvert
     * Add geometry layered readback tests
     * Add ASTC format to compressed texture test
     * Add test for differing interpolation decorations.
     * Add new tests for VK_KHR_get_display_properties2
     * Add test for branching out of switch block using continue.
     * Add testing for sparse D/S/DS images.
     * Add depth bounds tests
     * Add test for color attachments with different sizes.
     * Add tests for verifying standard image block shape usage.
     * Add tests for VK_EXT_sample_locations
     * Add tests for aligned mip size in sparse images.
     * Add tests to use OpPhi with various variable types
     * Add test for reading samples from previous subpass.
     * Add tests for inverted depth ranges.
     * Add swapchain tests for the VK_KHR_protected_memory extension
     * Add test to stress deeply nested OpPhi
     * Add tests for component qualifier in shaders
     * Add more tests for multiview
     * Add tests for empty render pass
     * Add tests for reading compute shader builtin vars by component
     * Add tests for local workgroup size
     * Add tests for workgroup size setting combinations
     * Add tests for separate and combined images and samplers in SPIR-V
     * Add compressed BC format support for TCU
     * Subgroups tests upgrade: reduce time of execution
     * Subgroup Tests: Using framebuffer instead of SSBO
     * get_physical_device_properties2: add information print
     * Added missing gl_PointSizes when drawing points
     * Emit defined positions from tessellation shader in subgroups tests
     * Validation errors dEQP-VK.synchronization.op.multi_queue
     * Validation errors in dEQP-VK.api.image_clear*
     * Avoid out-of-range depth values
     * Fix instance-rate vertex attribute verification
     * Add missing barrier to texel_view_compatible tests
     * YCbCr image views need a VkSamplerYcbcrConversionInfo
     * Avoid hitting fp16 NaN values
     * Invalid handle in create_display_plane_surface
     * Add StorageImageExtendedFormats cap check
     * Enforce OOB requirements for binding with multiple attributes
     * Pipeline must be bound before calling vkCmdSetViewport/Scissor etc
     * Remove check for depthBounds support in frag depth tests
     * Invalidate memory in draw tests
     * Avoid assert in dEQP-VK.tessellation.fractional_spacing
     * Fix depth & stencil passOp for pipeline.render_to_image tests
     * Fix unreasonable memory expectations in pipeline.render_to_image
     * Fix imageExtent to use correct destination size
     * Fix stageMask (0x1) usage in various tests
     * Relax precision for atan2 built-in precision tests
     * Fix OpCopyObject from U32 to S32
     * Fix PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT usage in api tests
     * Fix incorrect displayMode for wsi.display test
     * Fix non-unique type declarations in tests
     * Fixed invalid OpPtrAccessChain usage in access chain tests.
     * Fix unreasonable memory expectations in pipeline.render_to_image
     * Fix memory corruption vktApiObjectManagementTests
     * Fix possibility of memory leak in subgroups tests
     * Fix regression in dEQP-VK.pipeline.multisample.sample_mask
     * Modify spirv_assembly tests adding dependency on 16bit_storage extension
     * Do not use depthClampEnable unconditionally.
     * Remove duplicated definitions in spirv_assembly tests
     * Test with depth range greater than 1.0 should require extension
     * Pipeline used in second subpass should set subpass index to 1
     * Verify VkSamplerYcbcrConversionImageFormatPropertiesKHR is properly filled
     * Use fill data that varies within 4 bytes boundaries
     * Check viewport limits against framebuffer limits
     * Fixed rounding issue in spirv_assembly tests
     * Do not fail display tests when there is no display
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    First major Vulkan 1.1 CTS release. Adds ~44k unique test
    cases that cover Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0.
    Improves the framework to handle both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0
    New tests for extensions:
     * Tests for VK_KHR_maintenance3
     * Tests for VK_KHR_device_group and VK_KHR_device_group_creation
     * Tests for VK_KHR_display
    Other new tests:
     * Tests for shader subgroup operations
     * Tests for protected content
     * Tests for multiview
     * Tests for generating mipmaps with vkCmdBlitImage()
     * Tests for getDeviceMemoryCommitment
     * Tests for OpSMod/OpSRem
     * Tests for NEAREST filtered blitting
     * Tests for resolving between images of different sizes
     * Tests for Multisample Shader BuiltIn
     * Tests for occlusion query with fragment discard
     * Test for maxVertexInputAttributes
     * Tests for NMin, NMax and NClamp instructions
     * Tests for vkCmdClearColorImage with VK_REMAINING_ARRAY_LAYERS
     * Tests for OpAtomic* in graphics pipeline
     * Tests for FragDepth shader built-in
     * HLSL compilation support
     * Refactor large test groups
     * Refactor time consuming initializers
    Removed tests:
     * OpUConvert with signed integer destination
  • opengl-cts-
    OpenGL CTS
    First release of the CTS for OpenGL 4.6
  • opengl-es-cts-
    OpenGL ES CTS
    New tests:
     * Tests for EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
     * Tests for EXT_polygon_offset_clamp
     * Tests for KHR_parallel_shader_compile
     * Tests for KHR_no_error
     * Tests for exposed extensions
     * Tests for integer literal corner cases
     * Tests for shader constant expression tests
     * Tests for unsized array of atomic_uint
     * Tests for transform feedback in separable program objects
     * Tests for API limits
     * Tests for cube map array support for ETC2
     * Remove vsnprintf from OpenGL CTS
     * Move robustness tests to custom context package
     * Move context flags tests to custom context package
     * Add new package for tests with no default context
     * Fix uniform location use in robust_buffer_access
     * Fix tessellation tests do not test undefined tessLevel inputs
     * Accept compiler or link error as passing result
     * drawCall error optional if beginXFB failed
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New tests:
     * Add tests for VK_KHR_bind_memory2
     * Add tests for VK_KHR_maintenance2
     * Add tests for VK_KHR_image_format_list
     * Add tests for VK_KHR_sampler_ycbcr_conversion
     * Change required sample counts for storage images
     * Fixup some missing/incorrect flushes and invalidates
     * Make create_buffer test use platform limits
     * dEQP-VK.geometry: use proper layout for sampling the image
     * Fix flakiness in mailbox.display_timing
     * Add more allowed 'dot' alternatives
     * Keep buffer memory alive through BufferView creation
     * Fix combined depth/stencil clear colors.
     * Fixed incorrect calculation of GCD
     * Fix layout transition for WSI tests
     * Respect sampleRateShading availability in interpolate tests
     * Fix regressions in synchronization tests for dedicated allocations
     * Respect maximum workgroup count in SpvAsmInstructionTests
     * Sparse buffer test: allocate memory in one big chunk
  • opengl-es-cts-
    OpenGL ES CTS
     * Remove dEQP-GLES31.*vertex_array.*_invalid_map tests
     * Check for tessellation/geometry extensions being exposed
     * Add RENDERBUFFER_VALID bit to R8, RG8 definition
     * Report Android extension pack tests as not supported
     * Query MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS if NV_draw_buffers is supported
     * Add triangle edge guardband for Tex2D lookup diff
     * Skip OOB SSBO fragment tests for ES3.1 GPUs
     * Ignore A channel in EGL RGB5_A1 clear color tests
     * Fix 'verification' spell in enhanced_layouts
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New tests:
     * Add tests for VK_KHR_relaxed_block_layouts
     * Select correct memory heap index for memory import
     * Fix layout transition in blitting tests
     * Add metadata bindings in sparse tests
     * Fix incorrect scale in pipeline_barrier tests
     * copies_and_blitting: fix ambiguous signed normalized 1.0 value
     * Relax threshold in cube map filtering tests
     * cross_instance sync: run without VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2
     * Refactor synchronization test code to avoid compiler warning
     * Fix gcc 5.4 warnings
     * Add option to skip fetch external sources
     * Reduce the max number of concurrent pipeline cache objects
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New tests:
     * Add tests for VK_KHR_external_fence
     * Add tests for VK_KHR_external_semaphore
     * Add tests for VK_KHR_external_memory
     * Add tests for VK_KHR_win32_keyed_mutex
     * Add tests for VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation
     * Add tests for VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2
     * Add tests for VK_KHR_16bit_storage
     * Add tests for VK_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class
     * Add tests for VK_KHR_variable_pointers
     * Refactor X11 and wayland platforms to run alongside each other
     * Improve GLSL source program support
     * Cherry-pick SPIR-V assembly test improvements
     * Add 32 to 16 bit float conversion w.r.t rounding mode
     * Add create functions for common Vulkan types
     * Add deInt64 alignment functions to delibs
     * Fix and inline the Image::getPixelOffset helper
     * Do not report warning if OOM testing is incomplete
     * Check sampler_mirror_clamp_to_edge extension in tex filter tests
     * Add more alternatives to reflect() precision tests
     * Import fixes from Android Vulkan CTS 1.0.2 branch
     * Fix Vulkan null driver
     * Fixed invalid usage of VkBufferImageCopy struct
     * Fix an incorrect layout transition
     * Check 'drawIndirectFirstInstance' feature to run indirect draw tests
     * Allow pop-free clipping for lines
     * Atomic counter tests rely on stores to SSBOs
     * Add missing flushes for buffer view access tests
     * Slightly increase threshold in dEQP-VK.draw.basic_draw.draw_indirect
     * Add missing flush for opaque_type_indexing tests
     * Touch watchdog before freeing objs in max_concurrent
     * Check for shaderFloat64 before creating shaders
     * Defer device creation until after feature checks
     * Use transfer queue with vkCmdFillBuffer
     * Remove individual 3D slice layout transitions
  • opengl-es-cts-
    OpenGL ES CTS v
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS
    New tests:
     * Add tests for VK_KHR_shared_presentable_image
     * Add tests for VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2
     * makeFramebufferWithoutAttachments creates invalid framebuffer
     * Fix typo in dE-IT.build_info.de_endianness_consistent name
     * Fix - uniform buffer incorrectly dereferenced
     * Use vkGetInstanceProcAddr(NULL) to load platform funcs
     * Imgtec Waiver for texture_gather*cube*depth32f*
     * Add VK_KHR_incremental_present to the list of allowed device extensions
     * Use -std=c++03 with GCC and clang
     * Fix GCC 6.3 warnings in vulkan-cts-1.0.2
     * Improve
     * Relax image verification in anisotropic filtering tests
     * Respect maxColorAttachments in image tests
     * Fix SPIR-V generation in dEQP-VK.spirv_assembly
     * Fix - depth/stencil images mandatory only for VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D
     * Add missing barrier in ssbo layout tests
  • opengl-es-cts-
    OpenGL ES CTS Release v3.2.3.0
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS Release
    New tests:
     * Add tests for VK_KHR_incremental_present
     * Add tests for VK_GOOGLE_display_timing
     * Handle VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace in swapchain tests
     * Imgtec Waiver for SNORM linear filtering
     * Check DynamicIndexing in pipeline.image count tests
     * Add missing barrier in synchronization tests
     * Fix invalid SPIR-V in dEQP-VK.sparse_resources
     * Add missing flushes for basic draws
     * Add missing flushes for indirect draws
     * Fix precision mismatch issues in dEQP-VK.glsl
     * Fix validation errors in dEQP-VK.tessellation
     * Fix precision mismatch in dEQP-VK.binding_model
     * Fix depth stencil aspect flag in render pass input tests
     * Fix image layout in dEQP-VK.image
     * Fix validation errors in dEQP-VK.geometry
     * Fix issues in pipeline.timestamp.transfer_tests
     * Refactor vktShaderExecutor
     * Improve precision handling in texture.explicit_lod
     * Fix a compilation error on GCC 5.4
     * Fix a compilation error on MSVC12
     * Fix bug in reallocation callback validation
     * Fix input attachment layout in renderpass tests
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS Release
    New tests:
     * VK_KHR_push_descriptor
     * VK_KHR_descriptor_update_template
    Bug fixes:
     * Write gl_PointSize value when it is undefined
     **image_format_properties2* VkImageUsageFlags fix
     * Fix memory management, image layout issues in uploadImageSparse()
     * Do not require unsupported sparse images in image_format_properties test
     * Fix
     * Fix XCB window dimensions setter
     * Fix issues in Vulkan PointCoord test
     * Fix uint precision issue in pipeline barrier tests
     * Update SPIR-V tools to ab03b87
  • opengl-es-cts-
    OpenGL ES CTS Release
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS Release
    Second major Vulkan 1.0 CTS update. This release adds over 60 new test
    sets that contain ~27k unique test cases in total.
    Three new KHR extensions are covered by this release:
     * VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2
     * VK_KHR_shader_draw_parameters
     * VK_KHR_maintenance1
    Other new tests include:
     * Sample shading
     * Multisampled images
       * Image load/store
       * Resolve blits
     * Extended image tests
       * Image filtering
       * Image copies
       * Image blits
       * More image combinations (NPOT sizes etc.)
     * Extended vertex attribute setup tests
     * Extended shader built-in variable tests
     * Improved pipeline barrier tests
       * More shader stages and commands
     * Scissoring
     * Sparse resources
     * Improved draw command tests
       * Instanced draws
       * VertexIndex with indexed indirect draws
     * Input attachments
     * Dynamic indexing of push constants
     * User clip planes
     * Geometry shaders
     * Extended multi-queue tests
       * "Unusual" queue types
     * Various API corner-cases
  • vulkan-cts-
    Vulkan CTS Release
    Bug fixes:
     * dEQP-VK.api.image_clearing: Use the correct aspects for depth/stencil attachments
     * copy_and_blit.blit_image: loosen threshold of float/float blits
     * copy_and_blit.blit_image: fix threshold computation
     * Remove tess/geom tests relying on default PointSize
     * Relax precision in OpTextureQueryLod tests
     * Fix OpVariable position in OpInBoundsAccessChain tests.
     * Update glslang (use SampledImage with OpImageQueryLod)
     * Use tex lookup verifier in ImageSamplingInstance
     * COUNT_1_BIT is required min for sampledImageIntegerSampleCounts
     * Bugfix: use SPARSE_BINDING flag in sparse_resources test
     * dEQP-VK.sparse_resources.shader_intrinsics: OpCompositeExtract needs value id
     * dEQP-VK.sparse_resources.shader_intrinsics*gather: fix possible of-by-one errors
     * dEQP-VK.compute: Fix layout of storage image descriptor
     * Bugfix: use normalized coords in glsl sampler tests
     * Remove XML mustpass lists