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The migration is almost done, at least the rest should happen in the background. There are still a few technical difference between the old cluster and the new ones, and they are summarized in this issue. Please pay attention to the TL:DR at the end of the comment.
Pipewire runs great now that we resolved how to get it running in Arch. From a pro-audio perspective, this is amazing for live performance in the current state - it runs better than JACK, until you go to export a recording. Ardour will make like it's going to do a bounce of the recording, but then stops - does not freeze - and never gets past the first frame of the audio.
Thanks again for what you're doing Pipewire devs.
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Yes it's freeweeling for process out of sync with hardware.
I use it also for render my projects with or without Ardour and some other jack clients.
I think it is a very useful feature for pro audio, allowing to not wait the time of the project at the render and use the full CPU ! E.g. export in 15 min (or less) a 1h project is mandatory in pro usage, when time is money... All the other softwares (in all plateform) allow this. Remove this feature will make difficult to use pipewire in pro situations, i think.
Update, tried exporting a project now, unable to export either via realtime or non-realtime exports. The non realtime export hangs at the first frame, the realtime export hangs at the last frame of the project and causes Ardour to freeze completely. This includes exporting individual sections, individual tracks, ect.
@unsaph3 I have been experimenting in Ardour 6.5 and have the same issue. In default export mode (freewheeling) the UI freezes on the first frame, and in rt mode it freezes on the last frame before it can complete the export.
This was using PipeWire from nightly pipewire-0.3.21+nightly-210209.fc33
I'm using Fedora Jam 34 with Ardour 6.6
I am unable to export either normally or in real-time. Export hangs at end of playing the session during export.
I am unable to switch to the alsa backend in ardour 6.6. It only provides me the choice of JACK (pipewire).
Setting the environment variable ARDOUR_ALSA_DEVICE=pipewire and then running ardour 6.6 from a terminal didn't work either.
I'm very interested in adding freewheeling to pipewire as I currently can not export from ardour 6.6 and I really rather not have to install JACK. Thank you for developing pipewire, it seems to in general work better than Jack/Pulseaudio
I already have pipewire-alsa installed, I checked that the env successfully set ARDOUR_ALSA_DEVICE=pipewire.
Once Ardour 6.6 starts (from the same terminal) I went to the "Window->Audio/MIDI setup". The Audio system is set to JACK, there are no other choices in the drop-down (doesn't matter if I first disconnect JACK, or not).
Unless there is another way to do this, it doesn't seem to be working for me. Thanks for your help.
The issue appears to be that neither the dummy or the alsa Ardour backends were installed on my Fedora Jam 34 (upgraded from 33) for Ardour 6.6.
the command:
"dnf install ardour6-backend-dummy"
installs the dummy backend, but it still didn't show up (maybe a developer setting in ardour is required?)
"dnf install ardour6-backend-alsa" installed the alsa backend and this then did provide alsa in the Ardour Audio System drop down.
I tested it and I can now export audio files just fine. Only problem is that it takes over my audio system and I had to quite Ardour to get sound output back (maybe there's another way to do this).
So although I had pipewire-alsa already installed, I also needed ardour6-backend-alsa. I don't know if a fresh install of Fedora Jam 34 would have included the backend or not (i.e. is this just an upgrade issue?)
@wtaymans thanks I can confirm export works for me in Ardour 6.6 with "ardour6-backend-jack" on Fedora 34 using the with pipewire built from the latest master.