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netlink: add RTM_GETLINK support to read MAC address

Dan Williams requested to merge dcbw/ModemManager:netlink-getlink into main

Will be used by Quectel ECM support to get MAC address and transform into a link-local via EUI-48.

NetworkManager 1.47 and earlier will only do SLAAC if the IPv6 config has a link-local address set; it will not do SLAAC if the IPv6 config is just type=DHCP and the rest is empty. This was fixed in NM 1.48 and later by NetworkManager/NetworkManager!1918 (merged) (released May 31, 2024). But older NM's will fail v6 without this kind of functionality on the MM side, so maybe we have to carry it for a bit.

Signed-off-by: Dan Williams

Edited by Dan Williams

Merge request reports
