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freedreno/a6xx: gl4

Rob Clark requested to merge robclark/mesa:fd/misc into main

Update stale features.txt, enable remaining 64b lowering, and turn on glsl400. One small mesa/st fix so that we can expose ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 without ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit

Still a few remaining CI regressions:

  • deqp: KHR-GL33.transform_feedback.draw_xfb_stream_instanced_test - need to rebuild deqp w/ gl tests, so haven't had a chance to look at yet
  • piglit: 14 tests which mostly don't look directly related to this MR but more to do with exposing features we've supported already with GLES to GL.. not sure if that should block things, since desktop GL has mostly been on a best/reasonable effort basis.. but they should be fixable. I've fixed a few unrelated things and at least root caused most of the remaining regressions (at least some are related to pre-existing piglit fails) and filed #7518 (closed) and #7516 .. end result is more fail->pass than skip->fail, so I'm going to call the current state a net improvement.

After this, GL_ARB_viewport_array (should be easy) and GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit (probably annoying) gets us gl4.1 and gl4.2 (since gl4.2 is otherwise done) and one extension away from gl4.3. Haven't really looked at what is needed beyond that, but there isn't really all that much remaining.

(First patch is from !19080 (merged))

Edited by Rob Clark

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