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Labels 178

  • Backported into 0.12
    GStreamer / gst-plugins-rs
    Merge Requests that were successfully backported to the stable 0.12 branch
  • Backported into 0.13
    GStreamer / gst-plugins-rs
    Merge Requests that were successfully backported to the stable 0.13 branch
  • Merge Requests that were successfully backported to the stable 1.14 branch
  • Merge Requests that were successfully backported to the stable 1.16 branch
  • Merge Requests that were successfully backported to the stable 1.18 branch
  • Merge Requests that were successfully backported to the stable 1.20 branch
  • Merge Requests that were successfully backported to the stable 1.22 branch
  • Merge Requests that were successfully backported to the stable 1.24 branch
  • Label to tag Merge Requests where the backport needs manual intervention or review, e.g. because some of the commits should be removed from the backport MR. The backport script will not assign backport MRs for automatic merging then.
  • Bad
    Issues and merge requests related to the GStreamer Bad plugins module and libraries
  • Base
    Issues and merge requests related to GStreamer Base plugins and libraries
  • Bindings
    Issues and merge requests related to language bindings and GObject Introspection
  • Blocker
    Issue blocks release
  • Breaking Change
    For issues or MRs that relate to actual or possible breaking changes, such as API/ABI changes or more subtle behavioural changes
  • Bug
    For issues that describe a bug that needs fixing
  • Bugzilla
    Issue migrated from Bugzilla
  • Build
    Build issues such as build failures or compiler warnings
  • C#
    Issues and merge requests related to the C# language bindings
  • Capture
    Issues and MRs related to audio/video capture
  • CI
    Issues and merge requests related to Continuous Integration on Gitlab