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Prioritized labels

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Other labels

  • 0.12
    GStreamer / gst-plugins-rs
    Issues and merge requests reported against or relating to a 0.12 version or branch. Also use in combination with the "Needs backport" label to mark MRs for backporting to the 0.12 branch
  • 0.13
    GStreamer / gst-plugins-rs
    Issues and merge requests reported against or relating to a 0.13 version or branch. Also use in combination with the "Needs backport" label to mark MRs for backporting to the 0.13 branch
  • 1.14
    Issues and merge requests reported against a 1.14 version or branch
  • 1.16
    Issues and merge requests reported against a 1.16 version or branch
  • 1.18
    Issues and merge requests reported against or relating to a 1.18 version or branch
  • 1.20
    Issues and merge requests reported against or relating to a 1.20 version or branch
  • 1.22
    Issues and merge requests reported against or relating to a 1.22 version or branch
  • 1.24
    Issues and merge requests reported against or relating to a 1.24 version or branch
  • AAC
    For issues or MRs that relate to the AAC family of audio codecs
  • Aggregator
    For issues or MRs that relate to the GstAggregator base class and GstAudioAggregator and GstVideoAggregator subclasses
  • ALSA
    For issues or MRs that relate to the ALSA audio system
  • Ancillary data
    For issues and merge requests related to ancillary data
  • Android
    Issues relating to the Android operating system
  • API
    Merge Requests or Issues that add new API
  • ASF
    For issues or MRs that relate to the ASF / Windows Media container format
  • Audio
    Audio related issues and Merge Requests
  • AV1
    For issues or MRs that relate to the AV1 video codec
  • Awaiting feedback
    Issues that are blocked until more feedback is received from the reporter
  • Backported into 0.12
    GStreamer / gst-plugins-rs
    Merge Requests that were successfully backported to the stable 0.12 branch
  • Backported into 0.13
    GStreamer / gst-plugins-rs
    Merge Requests that were successfully backported to the stable 0.13 branch