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We don't typically fork 3rd party plugins to make them part of GStreamer. Because there is nothing wrong about them. The logic is that the code is not useful without the knowledge and the maintainers. If on the other hand the maintainers came by and offered to merge and maintain it that way, then perhaps it make sense.
Oh, the linked project is not a GStreamer project afaict, but could be used as a dependency to create GStreamer source and sink, which I'm offering to have a look at :).
Tomasz Andrzejakchanged title from IETF QUIC protocol elements to Add IETF QUIC protocol elements
changed title from IETF QUIC protocol elements to Add IETF QUIC protocol elements
I guess a source and sink in the style of udpsrc / udpsink that you can use to send/receive data via QUIC. Can be as minimal as possible for a first version :)
QUIC support streams and UDP style datagrams as well. Would support for streams be enough? Not that it would be complex to add both but just checking if that would be good to have.
Yes, was going to do the same. Have a basic sink working which I test with a separate test code. Need to add src and datagram support. Using quinn library for this.