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Need to complete the ports so that they build correctly inside Cerbero on all platforms, enable + test optimizations, and port the recipes to use them.
Other than UWP, this will also make our Windows builds faster, and will enable debugging those plugins with Visual Studio.
I would like to add a requirement that if our meson port of ffmpeg is going to be our only integrated build option, I'd like that port to be updated and updatable. I've tried updating recently, and the instructions didn't work so well, the port is complicated and does not work as well as the original. Cross-compilation also didn't work.
Yes, I agree that we need to be able to update FFmpeg more easily.
Also a short note: at least opus is needed to be able to use GStreamer WebRTC on UWP, so that should be done first. ffmpeg is not needed for video decoding/encoding because libvpx and openh264 are already present.
Nirbheek Chauhanchanged title from Complete meson ports for opus, x264, ffmpeg and add to cerbero to Complete meson ports for x264, ffmpeg and add to cerbero
changed title from Complete meson ports for opus, x264, ffmpeg and add to cerbero to Complete meson ports for x264, ffmpeg and add to cerbero
@nirbheek yes, we know about d3d11 and mediafoundation, that's a great job, thanks. We think it's a good idea to support as many codecs as possible, of course, if this is possible.
@roman.x149x Please file a new issue if you know Intel Media SDK APIs are supported on UWP as well. btw, I saw the possibility while working on gstreamer!1408 (merged)
@seungha.yang Actually I do not know about support Intel Media SDK APIs on UWP, but when I worked with incorrect build system for UWP (cerebro or gst-build) I saw the building of MSDK for UWP. Now I can't remember exactly it was successful building or not :)