Labels can be applied to issues and merge requests. Group labels are available for any project within the group.
Labels 164
Merge requests that should be backported to the latest stable branch. Ideally also add the appropriate stable branch label, e.g. 1.16
Tag for everything related to the next GStreamer API/ABI version (aka GStreamer 2.0)
Use this label to tag Merge Requests that are not release relevant and should not be milestoned (e.g. "back to dev" type commits or commits that have subsequently been reverted). This is used by release scripts.
Issues and merge requests that relate to the gst_parse_launch() pipeline syntax parser
For issues that contain patches (mostly old tickets migrated from bugzilla)
Performance-related issues (mostly CPU performance, for memory usage use the Memory tag)
Playback related issues and Merge Requests (playbin, playbin3, uridecodebin, uridecodebin3, decodebin, decodebin3, GstPlay etc.)
Issues relating to plugins and libraries that are to be moved from one GStreamer module to another
For issues and Merge Requests where elements are plugins are being removed.
Issues or Merge Requests that should be revisited after the next major release