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Prefer COLRv1 table

Marek Kasik requested to merge mkasik/cairo:prefer-colrv1-table into master

I am proposing to prefer COLRv1 table over SVG table if it is present in current font due to performance reasons.

This reduces the time required for rendering of the font "Noto Color Emoji" 12 times in gnome-font-viewer compared to SVG table. However, some fonts are rendered equally fast, e.g. "Bungee Color" probably due to using simpler elements.

The SVG version is still the gold standard but e.g. rendering of the "Noto Color Emoji" is very slow according to my local testing with gnome-font-viewer and the COLRv1 is much closer to SVG than the COLRv0 is from quality point of view.

See freetype/freetype#1229 (comment 1909469) for some details about COLR vs SVG in FreeType.

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