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Draft: ci: add macOS arm64

Tim-Philipp Müller requested to merge tpm/cairo:ci-macos-arm64 into master

New Apple M2 runners are being set up, and the old intel mac minis will go away at some point, so this is an experiment to see how things go on the new machines.


425 Passed, 142 Failed [0 crashed, 115 expected], 27 Skipped

128 expected failure due to special request via environment variables!

quartz (argb32): 23 failed - bug-51910 bug-seams coverage-column-triangles dash-caps-joins dash-state filter-bilinear-extents line-width-large-overlap-dashed line-width-overlap-dashed mask mask-alpha operator-clear operator-source random-clip recording-surface-over recording-surface-source recording-surface-extend-none recording-surface-extend-repeat surface-pattern-operator text-pattern tighten-bounds trap-clip unbounded-operator pthread-same-source

quartz (rgb24): 14 failed - bug-51910 bug-seams coverage-column-triangles dash-caps-joins dash-state dash-zero-length extended-blend-alpha extended-blend-solid-alpha filter-bilinear-extents line-width-large-overlap-dashed line-width-overlap-dashed random-clip surface-pattern pthread-same-source

which is not dissimilar from what happened when bumping the intel runner image to Ventura.

Merge request reports