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  • Thomas Haller's avatar
    dhcp: don't load IPv4 client-id from lease file · 5b9bc174
    Thomas Haller authored
    The client-id is something that we want to determine top-down.
    Meaning, if the user specifies it via ipv4.dhcp-client-id, then it
    should be used. If the user leaves it unspecified, we choose a
    default stable client-id. For the internal DHCP plugin, this is
    a node specific client-id based on
      - the predictable interface name
      - and /etc/machine-id
    It's not clear, why we should allow specifying the client-id in
    the lease file as a third source of configuration. It really pushes
    the configuration first down (when we do DHCP without lease file),
    to store an additional bit of configuration for future DHCP attempts.
    If the machine-id or the interface-name changes, then so does the
    default client-id. In this case, also "ipv4.dhcp-client-id=stable"
    changes. It's fair to require that the user keeps the machine-id
    stable, if the machine identity doesn't change.
    Also, the lease files are stored in /var/lib/NetworkManager, which
    is more volatile than /etc/machine-id. So, if we think that machine-id
    and interface-name is not stable, why would we assume that we have
    a suitable lease file?
    Also, if you do:
       nmcli connection add con-name "$PROFILE" ... ipv4.dhcp-client-id ''
       nmcli connection up $PROFILE
       nmcli connection modify "$PROFILE" ipv4.dhcp-client-id mac
       nmcli connection up $PROFILE
       nmcli connection modify "$PROFILE" ipv4.dhcp-client-id ''
       nmcli connection up $PROFILE
    wouldn't you expect that the original (default) client-id is used again?
    Also, this works badly with global connection defaults in
    NetworkManager.conf. If you configure a connection default, previously
    already this would always force the client-id and overrule the lease.
    That is reasonable, but in which case would you ever want to use
    the client-id from the lease?