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  • Erik Kurzinger's avatar
    xwayland: add support for wp_linux_drm_syncobj_v1 · 87bf2caf
    Erik Kurzinger authored and Olivier Fourdan's avatar Olivier Fourdan committed
    This protocol allows for explicit synchronization of GPU operations by
    Wayland clients and the compositor. Xwayland can make use of this to
    ensure any rendering it initiates has completed before the target image
    is accessed by the compositor, without having to rely on kernel-level
    implicit synchronization.
    Furthermore, for X11 clients that also support explicit synchronization
    using the mechanisms exposed in the DRI3 and Present extensions, this
    Wayland protocol allows us to simply forward the timeline, acquire, and
    release points directly to the compositor, ideally avoiding any
    premature stalls in the presentation pipeline.
    Signed-off-by: Erik Kurzinger's avatarErik Kurzinger <>
    Part-of: <!967>