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dix: initialize the XTest sendEventsProc for all devices

Peter Hutterer requested to merge whot/xserver:wip/always-xtest into master

XTest requests lets the client specify a device ID, only if none is specified do we fall back to the XTEST special device. As of commit aa407425 input: Add new hook DeviceSendEventsProc for XTEST regular devices are no longer able to send XTest events because they have no sendEventsProc set.

This caused issue #1574 (closed) and the crash was fixed with commit e820030d xtest: Check whether there is a sendEventsProc to call but we still cannot send XTest events through a specific device.

Fix this by defaulting every device to the XTest send function and punting it to the DDX (i.e. Xwayland) to override the devices as necessary.

Fixes e820030d Fixes aa407425

cc @ofourdan, @jexposit

Edited by Peter Hutterer

Merge request reports