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nls: slightly clean up compose sequences for mathematical operators

jmcwilliams403 requested to merge jmcwilliams403/libx11:mathtidy into master
  • approximate is ambiguous and most xkb implementations avoid this macro, so it is replaced with its Unnnn name in the sequence for U2247.
  • includedin and leftshoe both resolve to U2282 in the sequences for U2284.
  • includes and rightshoe both resolve to U2283 in the sequences for U2285.
  • righttack is replaced with its Unnnn name to match its implementation in APL sequences.
  • The sequences for therefore and because in the APL block are moved to ascending Unicode order.
  • The comments for the sequences for U2299 is corrected to more accurately reflect its sequence nodes and its real name in Unicode.

Merge request reports