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Toggle caps/digits on the digits row for keyboards with digits on level2

The AZERTY layouts, specifically fr and be, require holding the shift key to access numbers.

This is not ergonomic for laptop keyboards without a numeric keypad, particularly when entering large quantities of numbers, such as in spreadsheets.

Note: The following is an updated desciption; most of the discussion of this MR is based on the original description, see hereinafter.

Add caps:digits_row_independent_lock option:

  • Shift + Caps locks the digits on the digits row, Caps Lock alone behaves as usual (Azerty layouts).
  • The Shift + Caps Lock combination inverts the first two levels only. This allows users to have direct access to digits while keeping usual capitalization via Caps Lock.
  • Also add the FOUR_LEVEL_LOCKABLE_LEVEL2 key type, a variant of FOUR_LEVEL_MIXED_KEYPAD that uses LevelFive instead of NumLock, to avoid interaction with the keypad.

(original description)

This merge request proposes adding the ability to quickly toggle the capslock/shiftlock behavior for the number row on AZERTY keyboards.

I have been testing the ergonomics of using the shift+capslock combination to switch the number row behavior on my laptop keyboard (without a numeric keypad) for several days. This approach is quite pleasant and intuitive, potentially offering a very good compromise with minimal drawbacks.

This change does not alter the default behavior, we might even consider its default integration in some variants in the future (see example enhancement/fr_symbols).

While the excellent caps:digits_row option introduced by the commit Add caps:digits_row option for Azerty layouts permanently changes this behavior, it may not be suitable for everyone.

Edited by Wismill

Merge request reports