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symbols/ee: improve the basic Estonian layout

Ghost User requested to merge (removed):estonian into master

This brings the layout closer to the one that Windows has, and puts some mildly useful characters in the place of duplicates.

  • Replace two copies of the useless ¬ with and ·.
  • Replace the duplicate ½ with the that Windows has.
  • Replace the duplicate ' with a dead cedilla, so that four characters from the neighbour Latvia can be typed.
  • Replace the useless ſ with the German ß, and the duplicate § with Σ (because it resembles a W).
  • Replace the duplicate dead caron with a dead circumflex.
  • Replace the duplicate > with the missing «.
  • Replace the useless ˙ with a dead abovedot that can be used to type the Polish ż.

The duplicate @, , $, and dead_acute are left in place, as there are no compelling alternatives.

This addresses and closes issue #340 (closed).

Signed-off-by: Benno Schulenberg

Merge request reports