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rules: list the codes of Indonesian languages with over 1 million speakers

Ghost User requested to merge (removed):languages into master

According to, the following languages in Indonesia (that can be written with the Latin script and can thus use the default Indonesian layout) are spoken natively by the listed number of people:

  Indonesian  (ind) : 210 million
  Javanese    (jav) :  84 million
  Sundanese   (sun) :  42 million
  Madurese    (mad) :  13 million
  Minangkabau (min) :   5.5 million
  Buginese    (bug) :   5.0 million
  Palembang   (mui) :   3.9 million
  Banjarese   (bjn) :   3.5 million
  Acehnese    (ace) :   3.5 million
  Balinese    (ban) :   3.3 million
  Betawi      (bew) :   2.7 million
  Sasak       (sas) :   2.1 million
  Makassarese (mak) :   2.1 million
  Toba Batak  (bbc) :   1.6 million
  Simalungun  (bts) :   1.2 million
  Mandailing  (btm) :   1.1 million
  Jambi Malay (jax) :   1.0 million
  Gorontalo   (gor) :   1.0 million

In the <languageList> the codes are listed in alphabetical order, except for the code for the national language (ind).

Edited by Ghost User

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