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Accommodate uppercase/lowercase ß, long s, §; deduplicate Ł

The latin/basic layout currently lacks uppercase ẞ (German double s/sz ligature; the uppercase form was made official only in the 2010s and thus after the ISO 9995-3:2002, on which the Latin layout is based).

Apart from the eszett ligature, there are two more forms of S to be accommodated:

  • § (signum sectionis), needed for legal texts
  • ſ (long s), historical glyph

That is a total of four glyphs, which requires two keys to fit them all in layers 3 and 4. Elsewhere this overflow is handled by using adjacent keys (e.g. D has ð/Ð, đ is on F). Fortunately, layer 3/4 of W (just above) currently has ł/Ł, which is also found on the same layers of L. Hence we can use W as an “overflow area”.


  • AC02 (S)
    • Layer 3: ß (unchanged)
    • Layer 4: ẞ (new)
  • AD02 (W)
    • Layer 3: ſ (new)
    • Layer 4: § (moved from AC02 L4)

Draft: As it stands, ca/multix loses the section sign in favor of uppercase ß. That is up for discussion, and input from someone familiar with that layout would be appreciated. If the section sign is needed, we’d have to find a new home for it.

Edited by Michael von Glasow

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