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Prioritized labels

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Other labels

  • Bug
    xkbdesc / xkeyboard-config
  • bugbot::too-exotic
    xkbdesc / xkeyboard-config
  • bugzilla
    xkbdesc / xkeyboard-config
  • Doc
    xkbdesc / xkeyboard-config
  • Feature request
    xkbdesc / xkeyboard-config
  • Needs code update
    xkbdesc / xkeyboard-config
  • Needs Information
    xkbdesc / xkeyboard-config
  • Please file MR
    xkbdesc / xkeyboard-config
  • prerelease check
    xkbdesc / xkeyboard-config
    To be checked before release
  • Spam
    xkbdesc / xkeyboard-config