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  • Benno Schulenberg's avatar
    symbols: replace most <LatK> key names with the stabler <AXnn> names · ad678802
    Benno Schulenberg authored
    Key names of the form <AXnn> always refer to the same keys, whereas
    names like <LatA>, <LatM>, and <LatZ> can refer to different keys,
    depending on whether the first group is Qwerty, Azerty, or Qwertz.
    For <LatA>, <LatQ>, <LatW>, <LatY>, and <LatZ> this is fine as they
    get aliased always to other _letter_ keys.  But for <LatM> this is
    troublesome as for Azerty layouts it gets aliased to <AC10>, which
    in most layouts is a punctuation key, which means that either the
    punctuation sign or the phonetic equivalent of the letter M is lost
    when a "phonetic" layout is used together with the Azerty aliases.
    Resolve this by using almost always the <AXnn> key names -- keeping
    only the five non-troublesome aliases, where appropriate, in order to
    not change anything for people who use a second-group phonetic layout
    together with a first-group Qwertz layout.
    This fixes issue #401
    Signed-off-by: default avatarBenno Schulenberg <>