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  • Wismill's avatar
    Add caps:digits_row option for Azerty layouts · 90acac43
    Wismill authored and Sergey Udaltsov's avatar Sergey Udaltsov committed
    The Azerty keyboards used in France and Belgium have the digits on the
    shift level instead of on the base level of the top row. In Windows
    the corresponding layouts have the curious characteristic that CapsLock
    locks also the digits, meaning that some users have acquired the habit
    of engaging CapsLock when they need to type some digits.
    Fix this by adding a new option `caps:digits_row` that applies only to
    the `$azerty` layouts group (currently `fr` and `be`). This option
    changes the key type of the digits keys to `FOUR_LEVEL_SEMIALPHABETIC`.
    There are two drawbacks with this solution:
    - It is not possible to type the uppercase À, È, É and Ç. Without the
      option, one gets those by the internal transformation rules, done
      either by the X server or xkbcommon.
    - It changes the behavior of the US variants from `fr`. But we do not
      expect anyone to use at the same time e.g. `fr` and `fr(us-alt)` with
      the new option `caps:number_row`. Instead we expect e....