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xdg-icon-resource: add support for SVG icons

Ben Blank requested to merge benblank/xdg-utils:svg-support into master

This change fixes #82 by adding support for SVG icons to xdg-icon-resource.

There is an existing, stale merge request (!41) for this fix, but it has issues which would need addressed before merging. The original author hasn't been active on this site in nearly three years, so I figured it was unlikely to get the attention it needs and just created a new, up-to-date fix.

With this change:

  • The extension .svg is allowed when installing icons and removed when uninstalling icons.
  • The --size option may now be set to scalable instead of a number, but is not accepted for PNG or XPM files.
  • A basic smoke test for installing SVG icons was added to autotests/ (Also a test for XPM files, which I didn't see being tested anywhere else.)
  • The description file for xdg-icon-resource was updated to mention SVG files.

Merge request reports