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seat: allow clients to bind to seat multiple times

Dominique Martinet requested to merge github/fork/martinetd/multibind-seat into master

This lets clients bind to a seat multiple times by re-using the existing wlr_seat_client whenever a duplicate request happens. Previously, an independant wlr_seat_client would be created and only events from one would be processed.

Fixes #1023 (closed).

FWIW I'm not 100% happy with the style (new_seat_client bool and the need for a new function in the API, and that function's name), but at least it seems to work. Cc @Ongy @Timidger as API changes, even if I didn't need to change anything to rootston/sway, it's just a new helper function change in the wlr_seat_client struct

Merge request reports