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  • Jonathan Marler's avatar
    launcher: fix socket message race condition · f153c494
    Jonathan Marler authored and Daniel Stone's avatar Daniel Stone committed
    fixes issue #484 (race condition with message to/from weston launch)
    The race condition occurs after weston sends the WESTON_LAUNCHER_OPEN
    message to weston-launch.  The race is between when weston-launch replies
    with the fd handle versus weston-launch sending an activation message.  If
    weston-launch sends an activation message before sending the fd handle,
    then weston will be in an invalid state.
    To fix this, I modified the fd handle reply that weston-launch sends to
    include a message id at the beginning, which I called
    WESTON_LAUNCHER_OPEN_REPLY.  Along with this, weston now inspects the
    first part of any reply to determine whether it is an activation message
    or a reply to the OPEN message.  In the newly handled case that it's an
    activation message, it tracks whether the latest result is a deactivate
    message and stores it in a flag to be handled once the open function has
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJonathan Marler <>