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kiosk-shell: Force a surface geometry change for xwayland surfaces

Marius Vlad requested to merge mvlad/weston:wip/mvlad/kiosk-shell-fix-geom into main

This would allow re-building of the surfaces state list to make sure that the mapping of the xwayland surface would actually trigger a surface transform signal, and with it, signal the correct positioning of a xwayland surface, with the help of signal handler installed for that transform_signal event.

For some xwayland surfaces, not doing an explicit surface geometry change, would result in a incorrect positioning of the xwayland surface when it is started as fullscreen, on a another output. As such this would only be noticeable in a multiple outputs case.

The issue is only seen on kiosk-shell due to the fact as on other shells, the desktop one, a transition to other states (maximized, to fullscreen, to a normal one) would actually involve a surface geometry change.

Signed-off-by: Marius Vlad

Merge request reports