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  • Scott Anderson's avatar
    protocol: Add content-protection protocol · 06aeb0ea
    Scott Anderson authored and Ankit Nautiyal's avatar Ankit Nautiyal committed
    This protocol allows a client to ask the compositor to only allow it to
    be displayed on a "secure" output. This initial version of the protocol
    supports HDCP.
    This is loosely based on the chromium secure-output protocol [1].
    This protocol is mostly useful for closed system, where the client can
    trust the compositor, such as set-top boxes. This is not a way to
    implement any kind of Digital Rights Management on desktops. The
    compositor would be free to lie to the client, anyway.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarScott Anderson <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAnkit Nautiyal <>