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  • Pekka Paalanen's avatar
    color-lcms: print profile id instead of pointer · b0224c47
    Pekka Paalanen authored and Pekka Paalanen's avatar Pekka Paalanen committed
    Pointer values are hard to track for humans, being long numbers. Now
    that we have unique id for each color profile, print that instead of the
    pointer. It is a small number easy to track for humans.
    Profile id numbers do get re-used aggressively, so you have to keep
    track of what is being destroyed and created over time when reading
    logs. Pointers had the same caveat, just a lot more random.
    The prefix 'p' indicates "profile", just in case we use another id space
    for some other thing similarly.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPekka Paalanen <>