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  • Loïc Molinari's avatar
    gl-renderer: Store clipped vertices directly into the vertex buffer · 49053a2a
    Loïc Molinari authored and Pekka Paalanen's avatar Pekka Paalanen committed
    Move vertex clipper back to single-precision floating point
    intermediates. Since positions are sent down the graphics hardware as
    single-precision values, this prevents useless conversions between
    single and double precision values and lets compilers fit twice as
    much data into vector registers. It also removes a copy by letting the
    clipper store vertices directly into the vertex buffer.
    This is mostly reverting the conversion to double-precision that
    happened along with the switch to the weston_coord struct for vertex
    coordinates (commit 10e70bf2).
    Signed-off-by: default avatarLoïc Molinari <>