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  • Olivier Crete's avatar
    gst/rtpmanager/gstrtpbin.c: Ref caps when inserting into the cache. · 4be1b4a3
    Olivier Crete authored and Wim Taymans's avatar Wim Taymans committed
    Original commit message from CVS:
    Patch by: Olivier Crete <tester at tester dot ca>
    * gst/rtpmanager/gstrtpbin.c: (create_session), (get_pt_map),
    Ref caps when inserting into the cache.
    Don't leak pads.
    * gst/rtpmanager/gstrtpjitterbuffer.c:
    Avoid a caps leak.
    Don't leak refcount in query.
    * gst/rtpmanager/gstrtpptdemux.c: (gst_rtp_pt_demux_get_caps),
    Avoid caps leaks.
    * gst/rtpmanager/gstrtpsession.c: (source_get_sdes_structure),
    (gst_rtp_session_init), (return_true),
    (gst_rtp_session_clear_pt_map), (gst_rtp_session_cache_caps),
    Ref caps when inserting into the cache.
    Fix some more caps leaks. Fixes #528245.
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