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Add a CI to virglrenderer that can run piglit and dEQP in certain contexts

Gert Wollny requested to merge gerddie/virglrenderer:ci-vtest into master

This work is based on Tomeus work in MR !13 (closed).

The CI creates a docker image compiling pre-defined versions of some libraries an tools like mesa, libdrm, piglit, and VK-GL_CTS and, depending on the available host, it runs the unit tests, the dEQP, and piglit tests.

If the host provides a render device /dev/dri/render128D then this device is forwarded to the docker instance and is uses as host device, and the dEQP GLES 2, 3, and 3.1 test suites as well as piglit are run by using vtest on a GL and a GLES host context.

If this device is not available the llvmpipe driver is used as host device and only dQEP GLES 2 with the GL and GLES host contexts is run.

The results are filtered for some unstable results, and since currently some dEQP2 tests fail on the llvmpipe host, the according failures are expected.

The CI file is placed under ci/ in order to avoid that this CI is automatically enabled. A run in gitlab takes about 9 min.

Edited by Gert Wollny

Merge request reports