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Add virtio-intel native context

Dmitry Osipenko requested to merge digetx/virglrenderer:native-context-iris into main

Add initial version of virtio-intel DRM native context.

The work on virtio-intel was started out of ChromeOS needs for a faster and more reliable alternative to virgl and venus contexts. In the future virtio-intel may be superseded by SR-IOV for modern GPUs, but then will continue to be relevant for older hardware generations that don't support SR-IOV.

Main TODOs:

  • Virtio-intel has been tested with TigerLake, RaptorLake and DG2 GPUs. Depending on a GPU generation it will either just work or will require further protocol extensions covering required UAPIs. IOW, more testing TBD.

  • Only i915 driver UAPI is supported. Xe support might come later.

Due to these TODOs, virtio-intel is marked as experimental.

Compile virglrenderer with -Ddrm-intel-experimental=true to enable virtio-intel support.

@robclark @pepp @llandwerlin @zehortigoza @gurchetansingh @ryanneph @zzyiwei

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