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Handle conditionally ignored dynamic arrays

Juston Li requested to merge justonli/venus-protocol:ignore-queue-family into main

Previously, the protocol simply checks if a pointer is non-NULL before encoding dynamic arrays. In certain cases when the pointer should be ignored, venus will incorrectly read and encode from the non-NULL pointer.

Conditions for which/when an arg should be ignored isn't readily found in the xml so hardcode a list of possibly ignored variables along with the condition that they should be ignored and replace the check before encoding dynamic arrays.

Currently, that includes the conditionally ignored arg pQueueFamilyIndices found in the 3 structs VkImageCreateInfo, VkBufferCreateInfo, VkPhysicalDeviceImageDrmFormatModifierInfoEXT along with VkFramebufferCreateInfo->pAttachments.

See mesa/mesa!29661 (merged)

Edited by Juston Li

Merge request reports
