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(the platform_profile one also automatically switches back to power-saver even though I set it to performance. but afaik it has no effect anyway on my device since platform_profile isn't supported on intel)
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Ah - yes, I reverted a previous fix that broke things on the T490 so now PSC mode is available on Intel. I had a long discussion with the FW team on a recent trip to Japan and it should work...but it looks like L13 G2 is going to give us extra headaches
Two tests for you to run please, as I don't have a L13.
Test 1: With the same set of patches that I reverted the fix, I also introduced a debug override in case things like this happened. You should be able to do:
rmmod thinkpad_acpi
modprobe thinkpad_acpi profile_force=1
That should force the driver back to MMC mode (you can also do profile_force=0 to just disable it).
I will have to follow up with the L13 team why the profiles aren't working correctly.
Test 2: With PSC mode enabled (don't do the profile_force above) try running thermald in adaptive mode. As a quick test do 'thermald --adaptive --ignore-cpuid-check' and see how that works. I've been playing with it on my systems and it works quite nicely so it would be useful to get a result. It shouldn't change profiles...let me know if it does.
Strange - I unload and load thinkpad_acpi all the time...
You should be able to add thinkpad_acpi.profile_force=1 to the kernel bootargs as an alternative to test that.
For the 2nd test - just check how your system behaves. Recommend keeping a close eye on the thermals (use 'sensors' from lm_sensors package) but make sure it stays in the same profile and that everything is at the same level of performance as you experienced before. You may find that it's slightly improved under heavy load as in my experience on the X1 Carbon the fans go higher in performance mode allowing for a bit more power and higher frequencies for longer.
with test 2 it seems like it takes longer but still switches profiles automatically back. however I don't notice anything different in terms of performance between these profiles while on platform_profile. is there a command to check voltage or cpu speed?
for test 1 doing thinkpad_acpi profile_force=-1 worked now and I can force intel_pstate:
for the fans yes they work correctly there is no physical issues (also tested this before with maintenance menu in bios to control fans)
my bios output of sudo dmidecode -t bios:
# dmidecode 3.4Getting SMBIOS data from sysfs.SMBIOS 3.2.0 present.Handle 0x0010, DMI type 0, 26 bytesBIOS Information Vendor: LENOVO Version: R1FET50W (1.24 ) Release Date: 02/07/2023 Address: 0xE0000 Runtime Size: 128 kB ROM Size: 32 MB Characteristics: PCI is supported PNP is supported BIOS is upgradeable BIOS shadowing is allowed Boot from CD is supported Selectable boot is supported EDD is supported 3.5"/720 kB floppy services are supported (int 13h) Print screen service is supported (int 5h) 8042 keyboard services are supported (int 9h) Serial services are supported (int 14h) Printer services are supported (int 17h) CGA/mono video services are supported (int 10h) ACPI is supported USB legacy is supported BIOS boot specification is supported Targeted content distribution is supported UEFI is supported BIOS Revision: 1.24 Firmware Revision: 1.16Handle 0x0019, DMI type 13, 22 bytesBIOS Language Information Language Description Format: Abbreviated Installable Languages: 1 en-US Currently Installed Language: en-US
I've nudged the FW team - I have an internal ticket open (for my reference: LO-2513) but hadn't had any updates. I've raised the priority of the ticket so it shows up on my weekly bug scrub.
In that other thread - X1 Carbon G9 shouldn't be impacted by this but I'll reply there as a follow up
I have the same issue on ThinkPad T490 with Manjaro.
When using kernel 5.10, the Driver for the power profile is intel_pstate. When I use a newer kernel (I tried 5.15, 6.1, and 6.4) then the driver is platform_profile, and switching the power profile doesn't have any effect and after some time, it goes from performance back to balance.