Spice Javascript client Instructions and status as of August, 2016. Requirements: 1. Modern Firefox or Chrome (IE will work, but badly) 2. A WebSocket proxy websockify: https://github.com/kanaka/websockify works great. Note that a patch to remove this requirement has been submitted to the Spice project but not yet been accepted. Refer to this email: https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/spice-devel/2016-June/030552.html 3. A spice server Optional: 1. A web server With firefox, you can just open file:///your-path-to-spice.html-here With Chrome, you have to set a secret config flag to do that, or serve the files from a web server. Steps: 1. Start the spice server 2. Start websockify; my command line looks like this: ./websockify 5959 localhost:5900 3. Fire up spice.html, set host + port + password, and click start Status: The TODO file should be a fairly comprehensive list of tasks required to make this client more fully functional.
Cédric Bosdonnat
We don't want the users to rely on anything else than main.js. All the
helper functions from the other files are thus imported in main and
exported there too.
This way all the user needs to import is:
import * as SpiceHtml5 from './main.js';
Jeremy White <jwhite@codeweavers.com>