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  • Jon Leech's avatar
    Change log for August 17, 2019 Vulkan 1.1.120 spec update: · 521e9840
    Jon Leech authored
      * Update release number to 120.
    Github Issues:
      * Add slink:VkAccelerationStructureTypeNV explicitly to extension XML for
        `<<VK_NV_ray_tracing>>` (public issue 848).
      * Add missing valid usage statements for feature flags in
        slink:VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo (public pull request 1017).
    Internal Issues:
      * Clarify behavior of non-premultiplied destination colors for
        `<<VK_EXT_blend_operation_advanced>>` prior to the definition of
        slink:VkBlendOverlapEXT (internal issue 1766).
      * Fix the confusing phrasing "`no other queue must: be (doing something)`"
        for flink:vkQueuePresentKHR, flink:vkQueueSubmit, and
        flink:vkQueueBindSparse (internal issue 1774).
      * Add `<<VK_EXT_validation_features>>` flag to enable best practices
        checks, which will soon be available in the validation layer (internal
        issue 1779).
      * Specify allowed characters for VUID tag name components in the style
        guide (internal issue 1788).
      * Update links to SPIR-V extension specifications, and parameterize their
        markup in case the URLs change in the future (internal issue 1797).
      * Fix an off-by-one error in the valid usage statement for
        slink:VkPipelineExecutableInfoKHR (internal merge request 3303).
      * Clean up markup indentation not matching the style guide (internal merge
        request 3314).
      * Minor script updates to allow refpage aliases, generate a dynamic TOC
        for refpages, generate Apache rewrite rules for aliases, open external
        links from refpages in a new window, and synchronize with the OpenCL
        scripts. This will shortly enable a paned navigation setup for refpages,
        similar to the OpenCL 2.2 refpages (internal merge request 3322).
      * Script updates to add tests to the checker, refactor and reformat code,
        generate better text for some valid usage statements, use more Pythonic
        idioms, and synchronize with the OpenXR scripts (internal merge request
      * Script updates and minor fixes in spec language to not raise checker
        errors for refpage markup of pages not existing in the API, such as
        VKAPI_NO_STDINT_H. Remove corresponding suppression of some tests from .gitlab-ci.yml and 'allchecks' target
        (internal merge request 3315).