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  • Thomas Freitag's avatar
    Overprint implementation in postscript and splash device · 59946e0c
    Thomas Freitag authored and Albert Astals Cid's avatar Albert Astals Cid committed
    It is an enhancement patch, a
    merge fix and a bug fix in one: an enhancement, because it now completes
    the implementation overprint mode and devicen in postscript, a merge
    fix, because it fixes some bugs in the overprint implementation in
    splash of xpdf 3.0.3 and has now the complete functionality (and more!)
    of my implementation back again and a bug fix, because it fixes the use
    of splash cmyk in postscript which never had worked.
    1. Overprint implementation in postscript
    To have a complete overprint implementation in the (pure) postscript
    device there were just two things missing: overprint mode and the
    implementation of the DeviceN colorspace in PostScript. I double checked
    my implementation with the Ghent Test Suite with GhostScript (device
    pdfwrite) and Acrobat X distiller, and all the tests now succeeds,
    either in Acrobat X distiller or in GhostScript. As overprint is a
    device dependent feature, it is up to the output device if it supports