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Future design/ feature evolution

Robin Tafel requested to merge robin_t/malcontent:patch-1 into master

Visual language styling for parental controls touch points

There was a suggestion by @allan during a design discussion on 02/18 to create a visual language that can help designate and clarify to the users the parental controls touch points throughout the system. This can leverage the app icon and/ or a color theme. One suggestion was to do something similar to Dev mode apps which skin the title bar with a color theme to indicate that you are in a different mode.

There has been a quick round of preliminary design exploration based on the MVP parental controls app and feature set to see how we can simply evolve what we have now to apply a visual language.

One primary goal for doing this is to make it very clear to the user when they are in a space that the parent or guardian needs to step in, and to avoid confusion about which user/ password is being referred to . ("child" or guardian)

Attached are the early explorations to jump start this effort. We can develop this further as the parental controls feature set evolves.



Edited by Robin Tafel

Merge request reports