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  • Hui Wang's avatar
    alsa-sink/source: set volume to hw immediately if ucm_port changing · 36fcfeb2
    Hui Wang authored and Tanu Kaskinen's avatar Tanu Kaskinen committed
    Recently we found an issue of output volume on speaker and headphone,
    they should have their own volume but in practice they share one
    output volume.
    This issue happens on the laptops which use the ucm2 sof-hda-dsp,
    originally the speaker has output volume A while the headphone has the
    output volume B, suppose the speaker is the active port at the moment
    and the output volume is A, users plug a headphone to the jack and the
    headphone becomes the active port, in this process, ucm_set_port()
    calls _disdev/_enadev which triggers the io_mixer_callback(), in the
    meanwhile, the module_device_restore will restore the headphone's
    volume to B, it will call set_volume_cb() to set the volume to B, but
    this value is not written to hw immediately, during the time of
    waiting for the B to be written to the hw, the io_mixer_callback()
    calls get_volume_cb(), it reads hw volume and gets the volume A, then
    it overrides the output volume to A, this results in the headphone
    gets the volume A instead of B.
    If a machine doesn't use the ucm, this issue will not happen since the
    set_port_cb() will not trigger the io_mixer_callback(). If the ports
    don't belong to the same sink/source, this issue also doesn't happen.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarHui Wang <>
    Part-of: <!577>