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New fonts and images for unit-tests

Georgiy Sgibnev requested to merge georgiy/test:master into master

New images:

  1. malformed.png begins with 89 50 4e 47, but it's not actually a PNG image.
  2. malformed.jpg begins with ff d8 ff, but it's not actually a JPEG image.

These two were created by me.

New fonts:

  1. RobotoCondensed-Regular.ttf from Google's Roboto fonts.

    These fonts are licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You can use them freely in your products & projects - print or digital, commercial or otherwise.

  2. FreeSans.otf from GNU FreeFont. Wiki says

    GPL-3.0-or-later with Font-exception-2.0

Merge request reports