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WIP: >2GiB SplashBitmap patchset

Martin requested to merge bz2/poppler:patchset into master

This is branch containing the full large image support for Splash, in an endeavour to resolve the Catch 22 posed in !622 (comment 636751) review of the initial patches.

Using this branch, it is possible to create large output images:

$ /usr/bin/time branches/poppler/build/utils/pdftoppm -scale-to 32768 -png ~/ > /tmp/out.png
34.69user 1.23system 0:35.93elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 4429224maxresident)k
0inputs+10976outputs (0major+1135986minor)pagefaults 0swaps
$ branches/ImageMagick/utilities/magick identify /tmp/out.png 
/tmp/out.png PNG 32768x32768 32768x32768+0+0 8-bit sRGB 5.3559MiB 0.000u 0:00.000 

Note, applying splash: Allow creation of bitmaps >2GiB to master and not the preceding patches segfaults in various places in Splash, which should hopefully demonstrate why the previous changes are required.

The code here is somewhat tidied up from my first pass, but has not been completely regression tested, and it would make more sense to land in smaller chunks.

Merge request reports