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Accessor for form fields subfields

I am currently working on an application that fills pdf forms automatically by means of YAML files.

In order to do so i would like to locate all the form fields by name. That means that in order to handle non-terminal fields i have to be able to enumerate children fields. Until now i was hacking out the protected status of children and numchildren by doing this ugly hack:

    FormField has no api to access children fields.
    This is a kludge to access protected fields of
    FormField throught static methods of a derived
class FormFieldHack : public FormField
    static int getNumChildrenFields(FormField * field)
        FormFieldHack * hack = static_cast<FormFieldHack*>(field);
        if (hack->terminal) return 0; // numChildren are widgets
        return hack->numChildren;
    static FormField * getChildField(FormField * field, int i)
        FormFieldHack * hack = static_cast<FormFieldHack*>(field);
        return hack->children[i];

But that was, as i said, a dirty hack. I would rather prefer to include those two methods I add in the PR to the FormField interface. Unless there is a sensible reason to keep that not accessible.

I called them subfields instead of children to avoid missunderstanding with children widgets.


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