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Use FcPatternGetCharSet to fast skip fonts in findSystemFontFileForUChar

HorizontalTextLayouter checks fallback font for every character that newFontNeeded is true. It finally calls GlobalParams::findSystemFontFileForUChar to list available fonts and find the first font satisfying the uChar. However, this is slow as supportedFontForEmbedding() needs to load and parse all fonts file until it finds the appropriate one. To make things worse, poppler has to do this for every single character that default font could not render.

I added std::chrono::system_clock inside drawMultiLineText. On my laptop this following sentences (341 chars) requires 1.1s to render, with default font set as Noto Sans (tested with Okular "inline note" mode):


This is slow as findSystemFontFileForUChar needs to load and parse 24 fonts for every character every time, thus it needs about 3ms to render a single character. Setting default font to something like Source Han Sans workarounds this bug, but:

  • Distro/Software default font settings might set to a Latin font even when users work with their own languages.
  • The Latin part of these fonts may be worse, and then users might not prefer to set them as default.

To avoid loading and parsing lots of fonts manually, this patch utilizes fontconfig API: it uses FcCharSetHasChar() to make sure current font could handle current uChar, and then call supportedFontForEmbedding() to check if it supports unicode bmp cmaps.

This is faster (though still have a lot of room for improvement) -- it takes 0.47s, a 2.3x performance improvement. And also this helps add caching for supportedFontForEmbedding later as it only needs to check fonts that could really render characters that we want.

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