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cmake exported targets, fixes issue #24

Pedro López-Cabanillas requested to merge cmake-export-targets into master

The minimum required cmake version is raised to 3.1, because the exported targets started at that version.

The build system creates the exported targets:

  • The executable uchardet::uchardet
  • The shared library uchardet::libuchardet
  • The static library uchardet::libuchardet_static

A downstream project using CMake can find and link the library target directly with cmake (without needing pkg-config) this way:

project(sample LANGUAGES C)
find_package ( uchardet )
if (uchardet_FOUND)
  add_executable( sample sample.c )
  target_link_libraries ( sample PRIVATE uchardet::libuchardet )
endif ()

After installing uchardet in a prefix like "$HOME/uchardet/":

cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$HOME/uchardet/;..."

Instead installing, the build directory can be used directly, for instance:

cmake -Duchardet_DIR="$HOME/uchardet-0.1.0/build/" ...

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