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module-standard-event-source: trigger a further rescan when we get a...

module-standard-event-source: trigger a further rescan when we get a rescan-for- call during a running rescan

When we get a further call for rescan when a rescan is still running and we do not handle the reason for this further call in the current running rescan we will miss the reason for the further rescan.

e.g. You add two new session-items. You will get a 'rescan-for-linking' event for the first SI and a second one for the other. When the second event is pushed when the first rescan is still running this event is still ignored. But when the second new SI is not handled during the first rescan you will miss the second new SI and this SI will never be linked until a new event triggers a rescan.

With this fix we are shure that we push a further 'rescan-for-linking' event when we get a event during a running rescan so that we do not miss something.

Merge request reports