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pulse-server: send server change events when default nodes change

P V requested to merge pvir/pipewire:pulse-default-change into master

Send server change events to subscribers, when default nodes change due to some nodes being added/removed/changed, also if there is no metadata change. Make sure the event is consistent with the result from find_device at the time.

Previously, these were not necessarily sent, or information from find_device immediately after the event might not reflect the change yet.

Repro for #555 (closed):

  1. Restart pipewire-pulse.
  2. Open pavucenter, turn all card profiles to off except for two (say A and B), so that you have two sinks (A & B).
  3. Select sink A as default.
  4. Turn card A profile to off. (-> default moves automatically to sink B)
  5. Turn card A profile back to on. (-> default moves automatically back to sink A)
  6. Check current default with pactl info in terminal. It should be A.
  7. But Gnome volume keys still adjust device B. Pavucenter is now also confused and shows B as default.

This MR fixes this. (Whether there are other problems that could cause #555 (closed) by some other mechanism, I don't know.)

Edited by P V

Merge request reports