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impl-client: fix client property update access check

P V requested to merge pvir/pipewire:fix-client-sec-props into master

The pipewire.* properties may be set by clients but not changed by them. However, how the checks are done now this allows e.g. connecting clients to set pipewire.access themselves, which is not intended.

Fix the client property update check to not allow clients to set pipewire.protocol/access, object.serial/id, pipewire.sec.* which are supposed to be set by the server.

Namely, update_properties runs before pw_context_emit_check_access.

This probably doesn't matter too much currently as the default configuration is unrestricted, and doesn't influence portal clients since portal makes the connections and is trusted.

The portal sets some pipewire.access.portal.* keys, so if we'd like to instead reserve all pipewire.* to the server then those would need to be excluded for backward compat.

Edited by P V

Merge request reports